Movie Chronicles » World of Warcraft Movie

Sam Raimi will direct World of Warcraft Movie July 22nd, 2009

The World of War­craft movie is offi­cially on the move, after many months of stag­na­tion we thought the project may have died a quiet death. How­ever, behind the scenes it seems there were some excit­ing dis­cus­sions and today, two years since the ini­tial announce­ment, Bliz­zard and Leg­endary pic­tures have named their direc­tor, one Sam Raimi.

Raimi has directed both the Spider-man and Evil Dead series, and may be a per­fect choice, as some­one that can take a huge wealth of core mate­r­ial (with a strong fan fol­low­ing) and deliver some­thing phenomenal.

Raimi is cur­rently set to direct Spider-man 4 which is due for release in 2011, pro­duc­tion hasn’t yet started on the fourth movie, which gives the World of War­craft movie a release date, at the ear­li­est, some­time in 2012. (Assum­ing Spider-man 4 begins early next year, takes one year to com­plete and meets its release date, and that the WOW movie has a sim­i­lar schedule).

Press release

LOS ANGELES, Calif. – July 22, 2009 — Bliz­zard Enter­tain­ment, Inc. and Leg­endary Pic­tures announced today that Sam Raimi has signed on to direct the eagerly-anticipated major motion pic­ture based on Bliz­zard Entertainment®’s award-winning War­craft® uni­verse. Raimi has, in the course of his career, clearly demon­strated a genius for devel­op­ing and adapt­ing exist­ing fic­tional uni­verses for main­stream audi­ences while stay­ing true to the spirit of the orig­i­nal con­tent.
Raimi directed the Spider-Man tril­ogy, which has bro­ken box-office records around the world and gar­nered five Acad­emy Award® nom­i­na­tions. Known for his imag­i­na­tive film­mak­ing style, richly drawn char­ac­ters and off­beat humor, Raimi wrote and directed the cult clas­sic, The Evil Dead and pro­duced 30 Days Of Night. He most recently wrote and directed the super­nat­ural thriller, Drag Me To Hell.

“At its core, War­craft is a fan­tas­tic, action-packed story,” said Raimi. “I am thrilled to work with such a dyna­mite pro­duc­tion team to bring this project to the big screen.”

Charles Roven’s pro­duc­ing tal­ents were recently seen with last summer’s block­buster The Dark Knight, which grossed in excess of $1 bil­lion, was nom­i­nated for eight Acad­emy Awards® and won two. His body of work also includes the widely acclaimed Bat­man Begins and the sci-fi clas­sic 12 Mon­keys. Roven, with Atlas pro­duc­ing part­ner Alex Gart­ner, will be pro­duc­ing with Leg­endary Pic­tures CEO Thomas Tull, Legendary’s Chief Cre­ative Offi­cer Jon Jashni, Raimi and Raimi’s pro­duc­ing part­ner Joshua Donen. Raimi’s part­ner, Robert Tapert, will be an Exec­u­tive Pro­ducer and Bliz­zard Entertainment’s Senior Vice Pres­i­dent of Cre­ative Devel­op­ment, Chris Met­zen, a Co-Producer.

“Part­ner­ing with Sam Raimi exem­pli­fies Legendary’s man­date of mar­ry­ing the high­est qual­ity intel­lec­tual prop­erty to world-class film­mak­ers” said Legendary’s Tull. “Sam’s pas­sion for ‘War­craft’ is unde­ni­able and we know that he will cre­ate an incred­i­ble film wor­thy of Blizzard’s phe­nom­e­nal fran­chise. We look for­ward to col­lab­o­rat­ing with our part­ners at Warner Bros. and con­tin­u­ing our suc­cess­ful rela­tion­ship with Chuck in bring­ing this rich new world to the screen.”

“Bliz­zard Enter­tain­ment and Leg­endary Pic­tures have a shared vision for this film and we searched at length to find the very best direc­tor to bring that vision to life,” said Paul Sams, chief oper­at­ing offi­cer of Bliz­zard Enter­tain­ment. “From our first con­ver­sa­tion with Sam, we could tell he was the per­fect choice. Sam knows how to simul­ta­ne­ously sat­isfy the enthu­si­asts and the main­stream audi­ence that might be expe­ri­enc­ing that con­tent for the first time. We’re look­ing for­ward to work­ing with him to achieve that here.”

Comments 29 Responses to “Sam Raimi will direct World of Warcraft Movie”

Chucky July 22nd, 2009

I can’t remem­ber Peter Park­ing being such a huge fag in the comics, yet in all movies it seems as thought the direc­tor wants to make butt­sex with tobey mcguire…

If he fucks up this movie, let’s kill him?

Jam July 22nd, 2009

yeah lets kill him, we’ll need 2 tanks 3 heal­ers and 20 dps.

how much HP does he have?

daz July 22nd, 2009

How close to the game will they make it I won­der? How many tries will it take them to get inside an instance “Addi­tional instances can­not be launched..” ROFL

Brain July 22nd, 2009

If he fucks up this movie i WILL kick his ass. I totally agree with Chucky tho. So if he makes thrall a fag in this movie, hes dead for sure.

I won­der what part of the lore they will be doing in this movie.

grim July 22nd, 2009

ya he bet­ter not fuck this up i agree with u all. also some one should start a pull to see what peo­ple think witch side they will per­ferd by blizz in the movie.

beeurd July 23rd, 2009

Bliz­zard are not the kind of peo­ple to let oth­ers tram­ple all over their vision; I’m sure they will have their own peo­ple on the pro­duc­tion team too.

How­ever, if any­one can pull this off it would be Sam Raimi. Def­i­nitely worth the 2 year wait from the orig­i­nal announce­ment that they were look­ing for a director.

war­rlord July 26th, 2009

if they choose to do the sto­ry­line of Arthas first it will be one hell of a movie

Morten­Moul­der July 27th, 2009

I will absolutely be look­ing for­ward to this.
Sam Raimi is a great instructor!

War­craft Sucks July 27th, 2009

This movies gonna be gay. Almost as gay as com­ment num­ber two.

Marithas(BloodFurnace) July 27th, 2009

is it a WoW movie or is it just Warcraft?

Kick Ass Toothpick July 28th, 2009

com­ment num­ber nine if u don’t like WoW just leave it alone,
’I’ think it will be promising…Blizzard IS gonna keep a close eye on this one and the ppl will scream and clap at the end of the movie in the the­ater they will be beg­ging for the next movie and lots more ppl will play WoW (which is kinda sad) all the servers will be full and we all will be grind­ing the lich king ^-^
(when ever he comes back to his castle.…)!!!!

Moore July 31st, 2009

I hope it’s not based on the World of War­craft game, but the War­craft story. How bor­ing would that be? Imag­ine what it would look like if it went like your typ­i­cal raid these days…

“Can we get this going now?”

” Yeah man, Naxx invites started going out like an hour ago. AFK while the main healer is tak­ing care of her kid again”

“WTF! I just missed ANOTHER WG… SUX!”

“we still need another tank for this?”

“IDK, teh drood can OT I think… Murp­pie you have a tank­ing set?”

“Um, I’m what do I need for defense again?”

“BRB, Food.”

“That mage we pugged just DC’d again… this going to be fun.”

Oh yeah, a movie based on the World of War­carft” would be a great idea… NOT!.”

JT August 5th, 2009

I hear a lot of talk that this movie is going to be like “Wow” in some way. I don’t see them really start­ing this movie in the mid­dle of every­thing, which in my opin­ion is where Wow kind of is. I think a lot of the hard­core war­craft fans are for­get­ting the root of the game when it started with the crappy graph­ics and basic strat­egy game func­tions (left and right click­ing). The true story starts with Gul­dan and Lothar, the lead­ers of both sides wag­ing war on each other. This is the root of the story, and so as time goes on it branches out into mul­ti­ple sto­ries based on upcom­ing heroes being intro­duced into the game.

I’m not a hard­core war­craft fan that knows every detail of the story, but I did grow up with the game as a lit­tle kid and it has always been my favorite game of all time. No other game can take its place.

I see a lot of poten­tial in this movie to expand into great sto­ries based on each hero and their con­flicts. I def­i­nitely sup­port the movies mak­ing, and along­side all your posts I too hope this movie fol­lows the actual story lines that we all played and know.

Ronin­son August 8th, 2009

I think most of the movies Raimi and Roven were ok if not great. This is my opin­ion: the movie mak­ing buiss­ness is about mak­ing movies that the pub­lic want to see, which is up to date spe­cial FX, a good story line, indepth char­ac­ters and a good pro­duc­tion to behind the movie. Its also about mak­ing money, and I think to make that money they’ll try to make a sec­ond and third movie which will leave an open­ing for more indepth sto­ry­line and char­ac­ters. For example…the first movie might focus on more of one side then the other, then the sec­ond one will focus on the other side, and finally in the third one they might smoosh them together. I really have no idea but I think the movie(s) will be great and can’t wait to see it!

Rumi August 8th, 2009

My dad tells me that Sam is a good direc­tor but I dont know how they’d start the story with­out chop­ping it up too much to try to fit 4 games worth of stuff in or hav­ing a gay to be con­tin­ued thing at the end. Ill go see it just because I like war­craft and WoW but I hope I wont be wast­ing my money.

Razor August 12th, 2009

You all know you will be going to see this movie either way, whether its good or not. So in the end, bliz­zard will make its goal of hav­ing another cash cow. And for you peo­ple who are talk­ing crap…you obvi­ously care enough to take the time to look up info on it and to write comments.…we all know you will be in the the­atres watch­ing this as well, so eat it.

Yanayaya August 13th, 2009

Sam Raimi?? Of Drag me to Hell fame??
Oh great, dont need to see the War­craft movie when it comes out then, it will be crap if DMTH is any­thing to go by, even Spi­der­man wasnt that great. :( It’s a shame, i was hop­ing for a bet­ter director.

Han­nah August 19th, 2009

I’m going to keep my eye on this, i hope they don’t make it too short or dumb it down for the “kids”

danny November 5th, 2009

any­one know when its com­ing out?

GIGA December 27th, 2009

uul peter jack­son bsan bol bogjnii ezen shig laitai yum hiihgui yu olon angitai

Some Guy From Singapore January 9th, 2010

I have a really good sug­ges­tion, not sure whether most of you will agree with me on this. If the movie would to fol­low the orig­i­nal sto­ry­line, it would be really really bor­ing. Who would spend money to watch some­thing you have already seen? It’s vis­it­ing the cin­ema the sec­ond time to watch a cer­tain movie. What i sug­gest they do is to set another char­ac­ter as the main. Some­thing to do with defense of the ancients. The title could be some­thing like War­craft: Defense of the Ancients. Maybe the main char­ac­ter could be rogue knight, who was born as an orphan and furion brought him up in the for­est. And of course we must add arthas in, but i think arthas should already be on the cor­rupted side, or should be pos­sessed by frost­mourne, and the part where he goes on the jour­ney should be the flash­back. That what’s make the story inter­est­ing! Rogue knight, sven, as a boy, grows up in a world of chaos, thus he has to go on an adven­ture to deal with this, blah blah blah. Isn’t that more inter­est­ing then watch it as arthas fight the hordes and then get pos­sessed. In the end, you just say WOW, nice ani­ma­tion! Instead, WOW, that was a great sto­ry­line, the ani­ma­tion is so good and i want to watch it the sec­ond time, and intro­duce to my war­craft friends, who have never thought this was not going to be a story like war­craft: the lich king. That is possible!

Lol­con­nor January 12th, 2010

Some Guy From Sin­ga­pore, are you men­tal? Id rather it stuck to the nor­mal lore instead of your bat­shit crazy idea, as it works. It never gets bor­ing, but you want a Rogue Knight whose an Orphan brought up to avenge the wronged and all that cliché bull­shit? Why do you think War­craft lore is great? It isnt cliché.

Bryan January 24th, 2010

i think that this movie will encour­age more ppl to join the wow play­ing addic­tion lol :P but mabey might have more peo­ple atleast try the damn game but not be all so addicted also leroy jenk­ins is the god­fa­ther of wow Peace Niggie

Fulga January 27th, 2010

Omg, now i pray to GOD, to live healthy and catch this movie. i can’t wait to see the huge army of orcs going to war. May GOD give strength and wis­dom and health to Sam Raimi, for mak­ing the great­est tril­ogy saga of all time. I just heard that first sub­ti­tle will be “The Rise of the Lich King : Arthas”

fag­got­fro­maze­roth February 13th, 2010

Omg why the fuck does bliz­zard pick sam raimi? 300’s direc­tor or peter jack­son would do best for this kinda movie. And the main charac doesn’t have to be the one in the game. Why not cre­ate a new human war­rior on ajour­ney for sumthin then meets all the major war­craft char­ac­ters along the storyline.

Vampize May 10th, 2010

Hope the alliance and the horde ban together and like /pwn the lichk­ing like, a epic 30 min fight against the lich kings forces lead­ing up to him with the king of Stromwind and Thrall like mak­ing Arthas their bi%ch.

fr0zent0wn May 19th, 2010

I have been wait­ing for this movie for years!. WOW! WOW! WOW!. there is no thing more i can say..@.@

man on the moon June 20th, 2010

why not peter jack­son of LOTR? he han­dled the very same fan­tasy world of elves, orcs, human, undead, pretty well.

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