Speaking at the Hollywood and Game summit keynote, Thomas Tull (Legendary Pictures Chairman) provided some rest-bite, ensuring us that the movie will be dealt with as necessary. He begins,
“We’re doing World of Warcraft, and making it into a movie. I have very strong feelings — from the movie side — that making movies based on games just because they sold well is a really bad idea. There’ve been some like that that weren’t up to snuff just out of the gate. It doesn’t matter to us if it’s based on a graphic novel like [Frank Miller’s] 300, or a TV show – if there’s a great universe and story, that’s what’s interesting to us.”
In the following Question and Answer session Tull stated that Legendary and Blizzard are working very closely together to get the storyline perfect by pinpointing what makes up the essence of the Warcraft universe:
“I think some of the stuff that makes a game translate well into a movie is a good story. If there’s a lore, if there’s a road and story and a world that’s been created, and characters that are interesting in a way that’s more than just point and shoot. You have to look at it and not make a novelty out of it. Not just look at sales records. Blizzard plays a very important role in this process. If you’ve created a game, be it Halo, Gears Of War, or Warcraft [each being transformed into a movie] — you came up with something that’s compelling enough to resonate with a huge number of people. There has to be a trust, and you have to at some point hand over the baton to people who know how to make films.”
“We are working very closely with the designers and writers, and they’re very involved. I think on the bigger [films] you have to have that. They’re sitting right there at the table with us as we develop the story and the script, and I think we’re nailing the story and what’s compelling about it.”
Via Gamasutra where you can find more news from the Hollywood and Game summit.
Comments 45 Responses to “Thomas Tull discusses film’s progress”
Making a real life Warcraft will be a failure. And you know it will. So why not take up a computer animated full length movie like the cinematics. Not only would it be in sync with original cinematics that fans have already seen, but it’ll be a break through in movie animation. Beowulf tried to do something with it, and it looked really good in my opinion. They just chose the wrong story.
I agree with Kyle. Beowulf was good-wrong story however. They should to that with Wacraft because if real-life actors are used fans will think, ‘What the heel?’ This isn’t Warcraft-its shit. Thats my opinion.
i agree w/ kyle
I thiink this would be an amazing film.…my whole family plays the game and we were saying they should make a movie.…so i looked it up and found this it made me so excited.…it is a great idea.…i give the idea 10 gold stars=)
I totally agree with Kyle. World of Warcrat is simply NOT real life. It is fantasy, a completely different world. I suggest putting up a poll on this website where people can vote wether or not the movie shall be “real life” or “computer animated”. I’d most definitely vote for computer animated, just like the cinematics that comes with the game. They are brilliant..
In case my last comment did not get registered. To sum it all up. I totally agree with Kyle. Make this movie using comuter graphics like the cinematics..
Personally, i think they should use the graphics from the movies that WoW has. hmmm.…thats the wrong way to say it… The cinematics from the intro movies would probably be good. As well as the cutscenes in the original game.
I have to agree with Kyle. I love the cinematic form Blizz uses to introduce the WoW games..why not use that in the movie.
I want to be an extra!!
ok so ppl are sayin the computer graphics should be used but u cant really judge on how the movie will turn out if made into real life u have never seen a real life wow cutscenes so none of us is at a real standpoint 2 judge
Look, as many have said the movie will either be remarkably amazing or a discrace to the Wacraft name. I believe that Blizzard will NOT fail us in making this movie all that we could imagine it to be. Unfortunately on the real life side of the film making I believe that people will be dissapointed if they see plastic suits like in dungeons and dragons… no offence. I think that people like the cinematic trailers and cutscenes because of the graphics. I actually believe that if the movie can be made with the same level of real life, as an animation then why not. Either way I am looking foward to the movie.
Well I dont agree with Kyle.
I think that beowulf sucked both graphic style and story-wise.
I love cinematics from Blizzard too, but those could ( and problably would) be applied in a real movie as especial effects.
I think that , though a movie with real people is really risky, if done done with the perfection we always expect from blizzard, could be a great movie. Maybe a “Gladiator” or “Braveheart” kinda of movie set in the World of Warcraft! Thats what i’m expecting.
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You shoud be the journalist with your nice talent
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I agree with Scott and JUlianboxe on this one. If you want everything to look real life why dont you actualy do it in real life. The special effects you can tell are going to be great from just looking at the cinematics on the world of warcraft but they should try using real actors. The highly animated movies intended for adults all suck pretty bad. I must say that if they used the same type of filming as 300 it will be amazing. WOW just would look so much better with slow-mo camera on.
I agree with both sides. But it would be really kick ass if real actors played the roles, i say this because i mean lord of the rings wasnt bad, pshh even Narnia. You can say what you want, but my opinion would be making the movie with actors/actresses. Either way the movie needs to come out i wanna watch it now lol. ( If you need any chicks to play a role count me in :].)
I hope they dont mess this up, that would be the end of warcraft for sure
I see one person say that it would not be good because its not real life, it’s fantasy. I totally agree with you that it is fantasy. But let us take a look at one of the most epic fantasy movies Lord Of The Rings. Pure fantasy but looked very realistic. Almost everyone walked away from that movie wanting more. That’s how WoW is, everyone walks away from it wanting more and thats how the movie needs to be. If they have the right team they can make this movie bigger then LOTR. Only the best directors can bring this movie to life. If they make it computer based, (like 300), or cartoonish that would be a huge mistake. This is an epic game, it deserves better then that. We will see, it will be interesting.
ха-ха смешно
здесь видел ет gamebulletin.ru
As long as the movie dont lag , lock up , glitch out , randomly boot you then i say the movie will rock , its a must watch
Okay first of all i think it will be a complete failure if made in real life. The actors i think wont be able to take the rolls of the people in warcraft like their attitudes and and spells things of that sort. Also what will they use as the props plastic suits of armor? and if the movie is rin real life almost the whole movie will be in special effects because of how many magical things that happen in the stories and games. Now if they do animation i think they will easily be able to shape the characters and the fantasy in the game that a real life movie wouldn’t be able to shape
The movie will be perfect.As you know Blizard and WB(Worner Broders) are good in all!!! And I think the movie World of Warcraft will be the greatest fillm ever made and it will be the fillm of the year !!![..]
I agree with Kyle too real life warcraft will suck!!!
it would be better if they will do it animated like many other new movies! i cant imagine undead or tauren playing in real life movie
by http://alexrageaholic.blogspot.com
Hey, came in from Google. I’m bookmarking, aloha.
i was starting to suppose i may perhaps be the only young woman whom thought about this, at least at this point i learn i’m not ridiculous
i am going to be sure to take a look at a number different articles when i get a little caffeine in me, it’s not easy to read without having my coffee, I was until the wee hours of the morning last evening grinding myspace poker and after downing a few brewskies i ended up giving up all my facebook poker chips take care
My parents and I been playing World of Warcraft since its release and have been playing ever since. It brings people raid together and the positive social atmosphere is what makes this so popular.
I am untterly addicted wow.
I can’t wait for the new toy story 3 movie… do you guys know when it’s realeased ?
Ha ha ha ha… Very funny. I liked it a lot.
awesome blog
I found this really interesting, I hope you make more posts like this!
i think they should have a go with using real actors for the movie but also make a amine out of it using the compute cinematic that they use to promo the game
When you’re a real estate agent, you are your own brand. It’s your own reputation, your own name, on the line. And it’s sad that some people don’t seem to care.
I was actually diagnosed for a gaming habit because of World of Warcraft. I started 2 years back, and even bought things like a horde guide to help me to level up in WoW. It slowly took over my complete life, and to chop an extended story short, my friends needed to bring me to the doctor. It is now 4 months since my therapy began, and I really feel completely weaned off the game. World of Warcraft is fun, but I really advise against it in case you’re somebody with weak will-power like myself. Just thought I’d share.
I used to be actually diagnosed for a gaming dependancy because of World of Warcraft. I started 2 years back, and even purchased things like a horde guide to assist me to level up in WoW. It slowly took over my full life, and to cut an extended story short, my family had to bring me to the doctor. It is now 4 months since my treatment began, and I feel completely weaned off the game. World of Warcraft is fun, however I highly advise against it when you’re somebody with weak will-power like myself. Just thought I’d share.
Well written article. Waiting patiently for more.
Hello, I like the Shrek movies, awesome film!
I stopped by on ur great Site. Good Work sir.
Hmmm… I’m mighty ticked off by Blizzard’s removal of the Zul’Gurub mounts on the upcoming patch, now here’s an idea that blizz should use to keep the mounts ingame, even after zulgurub has gone: How about having a quest every day pretty much like that one for the polar bear?
There could be an NPC (it would be STV or one of the newer areas) giving us a quest and then the reward would be to let me chose between two bags: “Razzashi bag of spoils” and “Zulian bag of spoils”. As the name suggests, the Razzashi one has a chance to drop the raptor, and the Zulian might be able to drop the tiger. You can pick only 1 of the bags a day. But that allows you to pick whichever is more convenient, to avoid receiving the mount you already possess.
Now we would still have access to the mounts, but without cheapening them.
Anyhoo, I think I’d best continue with my quests.
Hmm.. I’ve been looking to find out if having Alts in our guild will be detrimental to the Ranking system or not. If so, I know I will be pulling mine out of the guild and creating an alternate character guild for our alts until they’re at the level appropriate to bring to the guild without hurting the score for the mains. All of the alts are at rank 1 status, so I’ve bene attempting to find out if Guild ranks will be taken to consideration regarding the overall guild score to avoid this.
Well, I suppose I’d best return to my quests.
WOW! Keep it up man! you rock
Agree!Stacks of sobering, tough to acquire information here. This was a excellent piece of writing. Do go on as you are. Thank you for you hard work.
This post is great. Thank you for this post. I like this type of people who share knowledge with others.
I feel that making the movie in a Cinematic type of way would please the fans the most but most likely not reach out to the mass majority of the world who would go and see the movie. Of course nearly all of the world of warcraft players will go and see the movie; but you must think of the none player’s who go to see it they might not agree with a animation movie. Think of lord of the rings, that was an epic film that touched the hearths of millions! If World of Warcraft could be brought into that kind of newer light i feel that movie would be down right amazing! Its risky either way, as long as the story line is truly a good one im sure that the movie will be a big hit either way. it truly depends on what the director and film creators see as a better idea and will appeal to the mass majority of the people who watch the film.