Transformers 3 production returned to downtown Chicago and the Michigan Street Bridge. This time the destruction sets and props went up a notch. Scenes included Sam and Carly running to escape in Bumblebee and more running, this time across the bridge with some soldiers.
On Set
Day 3, Chicago — Utter destruction July 25th, 2010
Filming at the Milwaukee Art Museum July 25th, 2010
A short break in the Chicago filming saw the crews head to Milwaukee, Wisconsin to film scenes at the Milwaukee Art Museum. Spotted on set were Shia LaBeouf and Rosie Huntington, along with newcomer Patrick Dempsey in an Aston Martin. There’s also a 1972 yellow Datsun, which breaks down.
Below is a set of videos from the shoot:
And Matt Schilder (flickr) has posted some shots of the Datsun, Shia and Rosie from the art museum:
And a further shot of the Datsun broken down via TFW2005:
Day 2 in Chicago — Stunticons and autobots July 25th, 2010
First up, some videos of Optimus Prime and the auto bots avoiding explosions and large piles of rubble at intersections:
Seibertron have posted 20 or so videos and a huge set of pictures from the day’s action, including close-ups of the autobots and “stunticons” (Nascar vehicles).
Image Gallery
Stunticons and Autobots
Stunticons in action
Destruction on Chicago’s streets
Wacker drive

Day 1 in Chicago — Skydiving stunt July 25th, 2010
A collection of videos from the wing-suit skydive, with some excellent angles on the action showing five parachuters landing in East Shore Lake Park.
Day 1 in Chicago — Weaponized Nascar, Ferrari, Craters July 25th, 2010
The first set pictures came from AICN, showing a crater next to an office building. Then on July 10th we had our first real look at some Transformers 3 action — Prime with trailer, Bumblebee, the Ferrari, Ironhide, Ratchet and weaponized Nascar vehicles.
Optimus Prime and Trailer
Weaponized Nascars, and the Autobots
Chicago Day 1 set videos
A playlist of 13 videos from the first day of shooting. Including an overhead angle from zztopeurope depicting a chase scene involving the Nascar vehicles, a Mercedes Benz and the Chevy Volt.
More on set images
Rosie-Huntington as “Carly”, in for Megan Fox July 24th, 2010
The reasons for Megan Fox being shunned from the third movie are unknown, but it probably revolves around a falling out with Michael Bay. For a while her replacement was rumored, before Nelson confirmed Rosie Huntington’s casting on the official MB site, and much more recently, he character name — not Mikaela, instead, “Carly”, known to fans as Spike Witwicky’s wife in Generation One Transformers.
Nelson here…
I would like for all you S4TE fans to welcome Rosie Huntington Whitely to the world of Transformers. As some of you might know, she’s the new female lead in Transformers 3. She’s worked with Michael before in his Victoria’s Secret “A Thousand Fantasies” ad.
Huntington was first spotted on set with Shia at the end of June, first reported by Just Jared. A video is also available on MSN.
Then, on set again, Rosie was seen with Michael Bay and Shia in LA, this time by Coming Soon.
Tons of images (Skids, Ice Cream Truck, Jolt) and Set report from White Sands February 3rd, 2009
EDIT: Images removed at the request of Paramount Pictures
In a post to the LS2 forums, member -=boM=- spoke about his experiences as an extra at White Sands, New Mexico in Transformers 2. To prove he was there he has also provided a large collection of set images that show Sideswipe, Skids, Bumblebee, Ironhide, Optimus, Jolt, Ratchet, Shia and Megan Fox on set, tanks, soldiers, building ruins, a camel, anti aircraft missile vehicles, etc. — I have included these after the break and they come via TFormers, the report comes via TLAMB.
The following report contains spoilers, be warned:
“Can’t wait…i’m in it as an extra. I am a Navy Seal doing a battle scene against the Decepticons. I filmed out at White Sands and on Hollomans flight line. Filmed for 4 days and had a blast. Tons of pics on my Facebook.”
I had to chase a bunch of villagers out of the area because the Decepticons were attacking, then had to protect Optimus Prime’s body. There were a shitload of us out there.
The food and catering was awesome. A lot of downtime. Just like a deployment.
I did an interview for the DVD. We will see if that is on it too. The asked me a bunch of questions about the military. The autobots are behind me on top of a sand dune. I did a GM plug. They liked that.
Micheal Bay loves the military. I got to speak with him very briefly. He gets so angry on set at the actors but doesn’t dare yell or demean the military. It was a trip. He said something to me like do you want a job as a DA (Directors Assistant), I said hell yeah. He was getting pissed at his DA. His DA was like trust me you dont want this job.
I have two closeup shots if they do decide to put them in the movie. One was walking with the camera on the tracks going along with me but at a slower pace. The camera was right on the side of my face following me but at a slower rate. There were two others behind me. The other close up was while I was defending from a corner of a building on one knee. The boom camera went from the ground to over head of us all. I was up front in the scene. The camera came up to my face then began to ascend over the area. It was pretty cool.
Another scene was Optimus getting dropped off by a chinook. I had to run up to the area then stop as Optimus was getting dropped.
Another was with Josh and Tyrese when they argue with The President on the flightline. I am in the background.
As much time as I spent filming (9–10 hours a day for 4 days) I hope I am seen at least once. Hell I’ll be happy to be on teh DVD.
One of the images also reveals Megan Fox and possibly Josh Duhamel sitting next to a fallen man in a pool of blood, he’s not in military dress and in other images looks like Shia.
TLAMB entertain the idea that Revenge of ‘The Fallen’ may pertain to the fallen Optimus Prime, Re: ‘protect Optimus Prime’s body’, although they conclude that this is unlikely, ‘Revenge’ is not very Optimus like.
More candid TF2 footage — parents running January 27th, 2009
Our first clips of this came earlier in the year from Philadelphia’s Chancellor Street (though it’s meant to be Paris), with footage of Sam’s parents running down a narrow street away from some invisible but deadly threat later to be CG’d in. This video provides an excellent new angle of that scene, starting with Michael Bay and ending with Julie White and Kevin Dunn running towards us: