Movie Chronicles » Transformers 3


Kitchen Bots Transformers 2 scene in full June 22nd, 2009

The full “Kitchen Bots attack” scene has been posted online, here’s a high qual­ity HD ver­sion of the clip:

Transformers 2 clip “We’re going to die” with sound June 17th, 2009

We recently posted the third exclu­sive BD Live clip, “We’re going to die”, but it had no sound, instead replaced by an atro­cious high pitched squeal. Here’s a quick update with proper audio via Trailer Addict. We’ll refrain from com­ment­ing on the irony of the title in com­bi­na­tion with the three sur­viv­ing (and com­ing out seem­ingly unharmed) what would ordi­nar­ily be a fatal crash.

Transformers 2 clip — Grindor captures Sam and Co. June 16th, 2009

The exclu­sive BD live Revenge of the Fallen footage is now online. Two of the three clips are those we’ve seen recently; Wheelie being attacked by Mikaela and Sergeant Epps clos­ing in on Demol­isher with NEST. The third is new and shows more of the Sat­urn chase seen wherein the car hold­ing Shia, Megan and Ramon is cap­tured by Grindor and dropped at the feet of Starscream.

BD live clip

The video must be muted because the sound is not cor­rect, and is instead incred­i­bly ear pierc­ing! TURN OFF SPEAKERS BEFORE WATCHING!

Wheelie clip

The Wheelie clip is also avail­able in HD, with no subtitles:

Scavenger Transformers 2 footage now in English June 14th, 2009

The Ger­man NEST video that shows the army swoop­ing in on Scavenger’s (or Demol­ishor) posi­tion at Beth­le­hem Steel is now avail­able in it’s orig­i­nal Eng­lish form, for all to enjoy (although this time there are Japan­ese subtitles):

Thanks Kyle and Rumah!

‘New Divide’ music video online, featuring new clips from Transformers 2 June 12th, 2009

The music video for Linkin Park’s sin­gle, “New Divide” is now online on MySpace, fea­tur­ing some new clips from Revenge of the Fallen.


Scor­pio has cap­tured some screen­shots of the new footage:

New Transformers 2 Wheelie and Constructicon clips June 10th, 2009

Two Ger­man dubbed clips have sur­faced online, trans­la­tions are wel­comed. The first of these fea­tures Wheelie sneak­ing about, before being caught on a mouse trap and alert­ing Mikaela’s atten­tion who comes to deal with him. Thanks Randy.

The sec­ond shows footage prior to Scavenger’s trans­for­ma­tion, once again in Ger­man — heli­copter flight in to Beth­le­hem Steel, sol­diers prepar­ing for bat­tle, before the robot emerges and the action commences.