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Transformers 2 TV Spot #5 May 28th, 2009

Not yet in high def­i­n­i­tion or stan­dard qual­ity, but here is a clear TV-recorded ver­sion boot­leg that shows off all the best bits of the fifth Trans­form­ers 2 TV spot.

Transformers 2 Final trailer, alternate cut, bootlegged May 28th, 2009

The alter­nate trailer cut air­ing before Ter­mi­na­tor Sal­va­tion and Night at the Museum 2 has appeared on YouTube. Included are an extended Bum­ble­bee cry­ing scene, Skids and Mud­flaps ‘not doing much read­ing’, more shots of the motor­cy­cles and Opti­mus Prime trans­form­ing in the aircraft.

Jetfire & Power-up Optimus Prime, Long Haul video reviews May 28th, 2009

From the most excel­lent Peaugh again, more video reviews of the new Trans­form­ers 2 toys — this time with the much antic­i­pated Jet­fire and Opti­mus Prime com­bined form. All very cool toys!

Jet­fire leader class

Jet­fire com­bined with Opti­mus Prime to cre­ate Power-up Opti­mus Prime

Long Haul

New Trailer cut with Museum 2 and Terminator 4 May 28th, 2009

As pre­vi­ously rumored, a slightly dif­fer­ent cut of the lat­est Trans­form­ers 2 trailer is air­ing with Night at the Museum 2 and Ter­mi­na­tor Sal­va­tion. A cou­ple of descrip­tions have come through about this alter­nate cut:

The trailer con­tains: a longer cut of BB in the garage (shorter than show­est though), side­swipe doing his thing, a new shot of Arcee, both of the twins talk­ing (some­thing about not being able to read), extended shot in the school library, and more that I can’t remem­ber. Just a heads up for you to be look­ing around for it!

- Trent

At my local the­ater, I had the oppor­tu­nity to pre­screeen a copy of Night at the Museum 2 and the new cut trailer was on there. Some of the footage was old, but more than half was new. Here’s what I remem­ber see­ing that was of note:

–Bum­ble­bee cry­ing (Show­est footage)
–Twins actu­ally speak­ing (Sam shows them a tat­too on his arm and they say they can’t read. If you lis­ten VERY closely, one of them sounds like Sponge­bob. XD )
–Gal­loway and Epps hav­ing a con­ver­sa­tion that goes like this
“It looks like a nor­mal truck“
*Opti­mus trans­forms* (this is a bet­ter, fuller ver­sion than the T.V. spot)
Epps: “Freaky, right?“
–Bet­ter images of Arcee, but I didn’t see her fully combined.

Don’t remem­ber if there was any­thing else note­wor­thy, but I’ll make a sec­ond look just in case. Please remem­ber that trail­ers are only selec­tive to cer­tain the­aters and it may or may not be on the Night At the Musuem 2 that you watch.

Transformers 2 toy ads begin May 28th, 2009

The Trans­form­ers 2 toy ads will begin doing their rounds very shortly, here is a video of one of them:

First Three Transformers 2 TV Spots May 18th, 2009

Three new Trans­form­ers 2 TV Spots fea­tur­ing Skids, Side­swipe, The Fallen, Jet­fire and Devastator:

TV Spot 1

“It’s upgrade time”, Side­swipe looks great again.

TV Spot 2

The Fallen now tele­ports in amongst a group of auto­bots — Opti­mus Prime, Iron­hide, Ratchet, Bum­ble­bee, Sideswipe.

TV Spot 3

Par­tial look at Jet­fire trans­form­ing, thou­sands of lit­tle robots and part of Devastator’s trans­for­ma­tion (Mix­mas­ter), “BUMBLEBEE!”

Deluxe Wheelie Video Review May 14th, 2009

Peaugh reviews Wheelie:

Transformers 2 Video Game Trailer May 7th, 2009

A new Trans­form­ers video game trailer has been released, split into two halves, Auto­bot and Decep­ti­con respec­tively, we get our first glimpse of Dev­as­ta­tor, Ram­page, Black­out and more.

This also seems like an apt moment to fill you in on some fur­ther video game details. Gamestop recently updated their pre-orders page an in-turn the video game cover:

And IGN UK the Nin­tendo DS cover:

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