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Quick video of Saturn in Philadelphia August 26th, 2008

Philly­Film­Girl is back with a new video from the Philadel­phia film­ing ear­lier this year., show­ing the Sat­urn speed­ing past with some­body hand­ing out the right hand pas­sen­ger window:

Pictures show Shia and Megan Fox return to set August 20th, 2008

X17Online have sniped some pho­tos of Shia LaBoeuf and Megan Fox on set, clearly show­ing Shia’s ban­daged left hand. Under the inglo­ri­ous ban­ner “Megan Fox adjusts her boobs”, this unhelp­ful arti­cle pro­vides no men­tion of a loca­tion or date.

Megan Fox and Shia LaBoeuf on Transformers 2 Set

Ice Cream Truck Video from San Pedro August 20th, 2008

Get­todeath, the fel­low that posted the pic­tures from San Pedro, has sent a video of the mys­te­ri­ous Ice Cream truck in action to TLAMB, which I have included below:

Audi R8 at Long Beach docks July 30th, 2008

An anony­mous source has sent in pic­tures from the lat­est film shoot at the Long Beach docks in Cal­i­for­nia to Seib­ertron. Once again, the set and deco match those seen in the Beth­le­hem shoot — imply­ing that these scenes will all be merged together somehow.

The images show us Opti­mus Prime in action, the new Audi R8 and what looks like the rumored Chevy Stingray. Mil­i­tary trucks and the ice cream truck are also on-hand and it all ends with a tasty explo­sion amongst some bar­rels — cue CG.

Revenge of the Fallen at San Pedro July 29th, 2008

Opti­mus Prime, Iron­hide, the NEST vehi­cles and the Ice Cream truck have been spot­ted film­ing in San Pedro CA. The set very much resem­bles the Beth­le­hem Steel locale whilst Chi­nese sym­bols can also been seen dot­ted about the place — strongly sug­gest­ing that these scenes will link up some­how with the Beth­le­hem Steel shoot.

Source: TLAMB

Shia flips car with Isabel Lucas, arrested for a DUI July 29th, 2008

Shia LaBoeuf is an idiot. Any­one that dri­ves drunk deserves to be called an idiot and made a pub­lic mock­ery of. Below is the best tele­vi­sion report I can find on YouTube that cov­ers the inci­dent — well, the least sen­sa­tion­al­ist and the most infor­ma­tive. It con­cludes that Shia expects to return to work within the month. Shia man­aged to flip his green Ford when he made a left-turn too fast, crush­ing his left hand in the process and requir­ing exten­sive surgery. Celebri­ty­Fix reports that the female pas­sen­ger involved in the acci­dent was none other than Isabel Lucas, unin­jured she has returned to the set for filming.

Transformers Fleet and Chevy Stingray? July 21st, 2008

The fel­low at the Don Mur­phy forums have pro­vided some new shots of the Trans­form­ers fleet in prepa­ra­tion for trans­port — the Chevy Beat, Chevy Trax, Opti­mus Prime, Ratchet, Iron­hide and most impor­tantly cap­tur­ing our first clear shots of the slick sil­ver car we saw at Fair­mount, thought to be a Chevy Corvette ZR1 or C7, though the rear pan­els on both of those do not fit with this model. The lat­est rumor puts it as a rein­tro­duc­tion of the pop­u­lar Chevy Stingray, with the styles and aura of pre­vi­ous incar­na­tions. What­ever it is, it’s very sexy.

Con­tribut­ing Source: TLAMB

Eastern State Penitentiary Blog July 21st, 2008

After the recent film­ing at the East­ern State Pen, the site’s offi­cial blog has updated with some details and images of the shoot.

We were thrilled to wel­come the cast and crew of Trans­form­ers 2 to East­ern State Penitentiary!

The sequel to last summer’s block­buster recently filmed scenes in East­ern State’s Cell­block 7 as well as out­side in the Indus­trial Build­ing Court­yard. You can see in the top photo the mas­sive helium-filled bal­loon light that was used to sim­u­late moon­light. The next photo shows the cast and crew on the set cre­ated at East­ern State. The final photo shows the car cast as “Bum­ble­bee” exit­ing East­ern State dur­ing filming.

While on site, Shia LaBoeuf, Megan Fox and Michael Bay enjoyed a tour of East­ern State includ­ing some areas used dur­ing Ter­ror Behind the Walls, includ­ing Cell­block 12, the home of Lock Down.

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