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More Long Beach images, explosion footage August 28th, 2008

We knew that bet­ter footage of the explo­sion would be com­ing, and here it is, com­ing from fmd805 are three videos, the first shows the explo­sion from side on, the sec­ond shows the film­ing of the after­math and the third is more of the auto­bot fleet:

The next video is by the ever reli­able Get­todeath, via TLAMB, it warms up with some shots of Opti­mus Prime and down the road shots show­ing cars pulling away. It then cuts to a side angle which pre­cedes an almighty blast:

These next images come via Slash Film’s Ricky C and TLAMB’s Get­todeath again — show­ing the fleet of auto­bots and some close­ups of the explo­sion aftermath.

Second picture set from Long Beach filming August 28th, 2008

fq9 and Flickr user djlak­itu have posted new images from the Long Beach Trans­form­ers set, this time show­ing more Chi­nese sym­bols, ori­en­tal police cars, dirty auto­mo­biles with fur­ni­ture atop the roof, a crunched up taxi, the pre­vi­ously men­tioned flatbeds (set report), assorted auto­bots (albeit under­cover) and a tanker with two wholes cut out of the front and rear.

Videos from Long Beach August 27th, 2008

EDIT: A much bet­ter video of the Auto­bots “rolling out” has been pro­vided thanks to R. over at TLAMB, this video shows Bum­ble­bee, Opti­mus, the sil­ver Corvette, Iron­hide, the Chevy Beat and Chevy Trax all dri­ving in formation:

Here is our first video of the explo­sions down on the Queensway in Long Beach, sadly it was cap­tured on a phone cam­era and you need to tilt your head or rotate your screen to enjoy this one… . How­ever, it does get the money shot — show­ing the explo­sion right at the beginning.

First pictures from Long Beach Set, Optimus Prime August 27th, 2008

Flickr user mylordsin­uhe was on hand at the Queensway bridge in Long Beach last night to cap­ture a shot of Opti­mus Prime:

Whilst fq9 vis­ited the park­ing lot to grab images of Opti­mus cov­ered up, also note the vehi­cle in the lorry on the right, click the image for a larger version:

The area is cov­ered with E7 boards, the code­name for Revenge of the Fallen, whilst Chi­nese sign posts have been put up in prepa­ra­tion for the movie shoot:

Thanks again to Brux­hina

Shia is bruised and burnt again for RoF August 26th, 2008

INF Daily have posted shots of Shia LaBoeuf all bruised and bat­tered again, this time partly clothed, although the t-shirt looks a lit­tle worse for wear this time. If you’d like to see Shia top­less but burnt and scarred, check out the first set.

Thanks very much to R. from TLAMB for send­ing this over.

Shia LaBoeuf Topless and Burnt August 26th, 2008

Just Jared caught Shia LaBoeuf in LA last Fri­day film­ing on the Trans­form­ers Revenge of The Fallen set again — this time all donned up in black and red make up to give the impres­sion of severe burns, that cer­tainly look painful. All the makeup is on his left hand side, which sug­gests this could be the talked about inte­gra­tion of Shia’s hand injury.

More of Megan Fox caught on Set August 26th, 2008

Megan​-Fox​.net have posted a num­ber of large images show­ing Megan Fox on set in LA, once again with co-star Shia La Boeuf but also show­ing Ramon Rodriguez and Michael Bay.

Ice Cream truck, Optimus Prime at Air Base August 26th, 2008

nbetwo at Stop Sec­tor Seven has posted images of the Ice Cream Truck, Opti­mus Prime and oth­ers at an unknown Cal­i­forn­ian Air Base. This gives us one of the best Ice Cream truck images so far, it’s in focus at least:

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