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Mixmaster, Fallen, Megatron toys and Hyper Hobby scans April 9th, 2009

Pic­tures of the new ROTF toys are pop­ping up all over the place now, here are but a few:


Gen­Zhao has posted shots of the new Deluxe Mix­mas­ter toy in it’s alt mode.

Hyper Hobby Scans

A Japan­ese mag­a­zine that com­pares the new ROTF toy mod­els with their first movie counterparts:

The Fallen

This toy is on eBay from seller yayabee (view the auc­tion).


You can also get a look at the leader class Mega­tron toy at Cybertron​.ca:

Toy shots and video review of Scalpel (The Doctor), on sale on eBay April 6th, 2009

eBay seller yayabeee has listed Scalpel on the auc­tion site with a host of new images detail­ing every aspect of the toy. Mean­while a video review of the toy has been posted by Peaugh detail­ing the trans­for­ma­tion from micro­scope to robot bug.

Visit the Scalpel auction


Video Review

Devastator, Barricade, Jetfire, Mixmaster toy images April 6th, 2009

A batch of pro­duc­tion con­cepts have been leaked via TF08, reveal­ing some details about the Dev­as­ta­tor robot mode and toy. Also included are robot and alt mode shots of Jet­fire, Deluxe Mix­mas­ter and Deluxe Bar­ri­cade, a con­cept of how the Sam Witwicky fig­ure inter­acts with Human Alliance Bum­ble­bee and a Mega­tron Power Bot thrown in for good measure:



Bum­ble­bee and Sam Witwicky

Mega­tron Power Bot

More toys on Ebay April 3rd, 2009

FAB Side­swipe

eBay Auc­tion

FAB Ratchet

eBay Auc­tion

FAB Mega­tron

eBay Auc­tion

FAB Starscream

eBay Auc­tion

Voyager class Megatron Toy April 2nd, 2009

TF08 have posted some shots of the Voy­ager class Mega­tron toy:

Dune Runner and Scalpel Transformers 2 toys April 2nd, 2009

Folks over at The Arker have posted images of two pre­vi­ously unseen Revenge of the Fallen toys in their pack­ages, Dune Run­ner and Scalpel (deluxe class).


A very small Decep­ti­con ‘medic’ with a micro­scope alt mode

Scalpel has a mas­sive data­base of anatom­i­cal data for mil­lions of crea­tures across the uni­verse. He can unassem­ble any­thing that doesn’t strug­gle to much in a mat­ter of min­utes, and usu­ally puts it back together with only a few parts in the wrong place. He serves as medic to the Decep­ti­con army, but most Decep­ti­cons pre­fer to suf­fer in silence rather than allow Scalpel to work on them.

Dune Run­ner

An auto­bot that roams the deserts and mountains

Back on Cybertron, most rolling sur­faces are flat, lightly tex­tured roads — per­fect for speed and trac­tion. It wasn’t until he got to Earth that Dune Run­ner expe­ri­enced any­thing like […]. He can’t say he enjoyed the new vehi­cle mode, but he appre­ci­ates that it lets him patrol the deserts and moun­tains where many Decep­ti­cons have taken to hiding.

Video review of large autobot aircraft April 2nd, 2009

A video review of the cur­rently unknown auto­bot jet that car­ries a minia­ture Opti­mus Prime, read full details.

Revenge of the Fallen ‘Brawl’ repaint spotted March 31st, 2009

‘Chi­naseller’ over at TFW2005 has posted a pre­vi­ously unseen Revenge of the Fallen repaint of the first movie’s Brawl toy, here be some pics, more in the orig­i­nal post:

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