Movie Chronicles » Transformers 3

Novelization spoilers — entire Transformers 2 plot revealed May 17th, 2009

Want to know the entire Trans­form­ers 2 plot? Obvi­ously — MASSIVE SPOILERS BELOW. Main details hid­den behind the ‘read more’ link.

Mon­tage of ‘Rise of the Decep­ti­con’ book

Plot sum­maries below pro­vided via Trans­form­ers Live and TFW2005, as a form of self-preservation I have not read through all of these, I’d like the movie to retain some surprise!

Junior Nov­el­iza­tion Spoilers

— The Allspark cre­ated the first 13 Trans­form­ers called the Primes. Need­ing energy, they cre­ated the Matrix of Lead­er­ship which pow­ers the Sun Har­vester. This in turn takes energy from the sun so the Primes vowed not to take that energy from a sun that pro­vides life to its worlds after find­ing life on Earth via early man.

— One of the Primes, The Fallen, wanted the power to him­self so the other Twelve hid them­selves and the Matrix from him.

— NEST (Non­bi­o­log­i­cal Extrater­res­trial Species Treaty) searches for Demol­isher and Side­ways in Shang­hai. The team of Iron­hide, Side­swipe, the Twins, Lennox, and Epps find them. Side­swipe stops Side­ways. Demol­isher (with explo­sions), defeated, says The Fallen pro­vid­ing the Auto­bots with some­thing they didn’t know before.

— US, explained the Mis­sion City fight blamed on a robot­ics com­pany. Mean­while Sam packs for col­lege and Mikaela is uneasy about a long dis­tance rela­tion­ship. While pack­ing the Allspark shard falls, burns through the floor and acti­vates six appli­ances, which Bum­ble­bee destroys by destroy­ing the kitchen. The shard is given to Mikeala who stores it in her father’s shop, which Wheelie sees.

— At Nest HQ, dis­cus­sion of Shang­hai and other tops leads to Sound­wave dis­cov­er­ing loca­tion of Mega­tron. Rav­age and the Doc­tor are sent to retrieve the shard from NEST HQ (not sure how got form Mikeala to there).

— Sam, not at col­lege meets Leo who is a con­spir­acy nut that runs www​.the​re​al​eff​in​gdeal​.com whose com­peti­tor is Robo War­rior. Sam meets Alice, they go to a party and Sam starts see­ing sym­bols. Bumblebee’s car alarm goes off, two leave in him. BB got Sam to take him to meet Opti­mus at a ceme­tery so stops the car and douses her with antifreeze. Sam told shard has been stolen and they still need his help.

— Rav­age and Doc­tor take shard and use it to reboot Mega­tron (trailer indi­cates this is com­pletely changed).

— While in Prof. Coulon’s class (Rainn Wil­son), Sam starts speed read­ing, rant­ing Ein­stein being wrong and so forth. Gets kicked out of class, goes to the library and find a book on his grandfather.

— Mega­tron, once revived goes to Mars and meets Starscream and the Decep­ti­cons wait­ing there with the Neme­sis (Decep­ti­con ship, counter to the Ark from the G1 days). The two talk to the Fallen about re-creating the AllSpark using the Sun Har­vester and Matrix which Sam now has the loca­tion of. Megs and Starscream leave with 15 addi­tional Decep­ti­cons for Earth to find Sam.

— Back to Mikaela who find Wheelie spy­ing, befriends him, find out why he wants the shard and goes off to find Sam. She walks in just as Alice mak­ing a move to kiss Sam. Alice reveals her pre­tender sta­tus and starts chas­ing after Leo, Sam and Mikaela (the Frenzy-like robot, all the car footage from Prince­ton). A chase ensues and they stop Alice by smash­ing her between the car and a pole.

— Drive off, now get­ting by a heli­copter (Black­out) and then cor­nered by Mega­tron and Starscream in a fac­tory. The Doc­tor is about to tor­ture Sam for info when Opti­mus and Bum­ble­bee comes to the res­cue. The fight between Mega­tron and Prime moves to the for­est area out­side the fac­tory where Starscream and Black­out join the fight. Prime takes on all three, the fight ends after Mega­tron severely wounds Prime with a spike from behind just before being chased off by Iron­hide, Ratchet and the Twins.

— Unable to find the hid­den Sam, Sound­wave broad­casts a mes­sage from Mega­tron say­ing either give up Sam or cities start get­ting destroyed. Sam’s par­ents on vaca­tion in France, see the mes­sage (and later attacked).

— Try­ing to learn more from the Sam’s sym­bols, they con­tact Robo War­rior who turns out to be Sim­mons work­ing at his mom’s deli. Sam, some­how, knows that Mega­tron wants a new power source already on earth that the Auto­bots don’t know about because it pre-dates them. Mikaela still has Wheelie so the ques­tion him and learn that 10 Seek­ers are on Earth and he helps them find Jetfire.

— Jet­fire trans­lates the sym­bols and uses his abil­ity of worm­hole trans­porta­tion to bring every­one to Egypt and gives them the back­ground on the Sun Har­vester and Matrix and that a Prime can only defeat a Prime (the Fallen). Prime is still wounded but the Matrix could heal him.

— While Prime is being brought to Egypt by Lennox, Sam and co think the Matrix is in a tomb (Petra). It is found behind a wall after a whole is acci­dently put into it (by the Twins). The Matrix, now dust, is col­lected into Sam’s sock.

— Auto­bots attacked as they try to get back to Prime’s loca­tion, Fallen appears on the scene, Con­struc­ti­cons form Dev­as­ta­tor and Mega­tron deter­mines the loca­tion of the Har­vester (the Pyramid).

— Mean­while, Sam gets nearly blown up and knocked out. He dreams of the 12 Primes, they give him a speech about des­tiny and he comes to with a reformed Matrix which he plunges into Prime, both repair­ing Prime and pass­ing on his knowledge.

— Fallen tele­ports in, grabs the Matrix, tele­ports to the Pyra­mid and pow­ers up the Har­vester. Jet­fire sac­ri­fices him­self to pro­vide the parts Prime needs to get back to fight­ing shape which Ratchet helps facilitate.

— Sim­mons pro­vides the Navy with Dev­as­ta­tors coor­di­nates, essen­tially destroy­ing him. The Har­vester fires towards the sun, Prime deflects the blast, hit­ting Mega­tron and Starscream who later escape. Opti­mus fights Fallen, using the parts of the har­vester as a blud­geon. The Fallen tele­ports to escape but Opti­mus uses the Matrix to stop him and toss him into a new worm­hole, defeat­ing him.

Offi­cial Nov­el­iza­tion spoilers

- The Arcee bikes have indi­vid­ual robot forms and do have the abil­ity to form one robot.

- Two web­sites that will par­tic­i­pate in the ARG pro­mo­tion this year, one is www​.the​re​al​eff​in​gdeal​.com that is run by Leo Spitz, Sam’s room­mate. The other is www​.giant​eff​in​gro​bots​.com run by RoboWar­rior, i.e. Sim­mons. Cur­rently the pass­words to log into either site are not known.

- Sam’s mother has a close encounter with brown­ies with a lit­tle some­thing extra so that should be a hilar­i­ous scene.

- Rav­age has a re-enter mode because he breaks off of Sound­wave, a satel­lite in Earth orbit. He steals “the shard” (two pieces of the AllSpark? Still con­fused on how Mikaela has one and NEST has one) from NEST.

- The Doc­tor, three Con­struc­ti­cons and one other descend to revive Mega­tron. The “red shirt” Decep­ti­con is sac­ri­ficed for parts so the Doc­tor can re-assemble Mega­tron and revive him with the shard.

- The fight with Mega­tron, Starscream and Black­out ends with Opti­mus Prime going into “sta­tus lock.” This is another Beast Wars con­cept that indi­cates heavy dam­age or low energy. Think of it as the Trans­former ver­sion of a coma.

- The scene in the trailer of Sam draw­ing the “lan­guage of the Primes” on the ground is him talk­ing to Jet­fire to get more info on The Fallen.

- Ran­sack is in the novel, appar­ently one of the Seek­ers cre­ated by the Primes (cre­ated to find appro­pri­ate suns for the Sun Harvester).

- In this ver­sion, The Fallen kills all the the Primes but one escaped with the Matrix and sealed him­self and his broth­ers in an unknown tomb. Opti­mus, the last decen­dent of the Primes, is the only one that can stop The Fallen.

- In Petra, the room “found” by the fight­ing Twins is the fused bod­ies of the 12 ancients, one with an out­stretched hand hol­ing a pile of black sand.

- Scene from trailer with the Insec­ti­con is part of Sam and Mikaela’s attempt to get to Prime with the Matrix. Rip­ping him aparts alerts the Decep­ti­cons to their loca­tion and the chase begins.

- Dev­as­ta­tor forms from 7 Con­struc­ti­cons, not six, in the novel.

- A ‘Con, car­ry­ing Sam’s par­ents cap­tured in Paris, threat­ens to harm them if he doesn’t turn over the Matrix. Bum­ble­bee attacks the Con as Sam and co escape. This is prob­a­bly the seen between BB and Ram­page or Scrap­per in the trailer.

- Skids is sucked into Devastator’s mouth but bursts through his right eye. Like a video game boss bat­tle, do to size and slow­ness, stay­ing under­neath the mon­stros­ity keeps every­one safe.

- “A pogo­stick­ing ‘Con is bounc­ing around destroy­ing every­thing in sight.” (A new char­ac­ter I guess.)

- The Fallen tele­ports into the bat­tle while Dev­as­ta­tor moves toward and onto the Pyra­mid con­tain­ing the Sun Har­vester. Fallen also seems to have tele­ki­netic abil­i­ties to go with his tele­por­ta­tion skills.

- Sim­mons pro­vides Devastator’s coor­di­nates to the Navy so they can fire a new Rail Gun. Yep at some point Lennox says/writes “Bring the Rain”.

- Jet­fire destroys a ‘Con, Sko­r­ponok attacks Jet­fire wound­ing him with a blow through the chest and gets his head removed for the effort.

- Mega­tron, in tank mode, is the one that blasts Sam into uncon­science where he speaks to the Primes. Matrix reforms, used on Prime to revive him, Jet­fire sac­ri­fices self to Prime can merge with his parts and fly, and Fallen acti­vates the Harvester.

- Dev­as­ta­tor hit point blank by rail gun and bro­ken into com­po­nent parts, Prime breaks the Sun Har­vester and con­fronts Fallen, Mega­tron and Starscream. Prime pre­cedes to own him, asks for Megatron’s help who ignores him. Fallen opens a por­tal to escape, Prime yanks him back but Starscream and Megs use it to escape.

- Spire from Har­vester rammed by Prime (with jet­packed assis­tance) into the Fallen, killing him. Matrix retrieved from device. Bat­tle won.

- Opti­mus: “I know one thing. What­ever it may hold, it is a future we’ll meet together. Our Plan­ets, our races, united by a his­tory long for­got­ten, yet to be dis­cov­ered.” Tilt­ing back his head, he peered up at the sky and through it, to the stars beyond.”

- Epi­logue: Back on the Neme­sis Mega­tron waits for him­self to repair. He goes back to the cargo bay as the lights flicker on. Mega­tron peers at the numer­ous sar­cophagi, hold proto­forms all Loyal to Him! “Arise”

Comments 8 Responses to “Novelization spoilers — entire Transformers 2 plot revealed”

matt w June 2nd, 2009

I believe its called sta­sis lock

steve June 6th, 2009

No Uni­cron lead-in? How sad.

Nicholas June 11th, 2009

yeah, sad there’s no Uni­cron, but they’re rather cer­tain that Uni­cron will b in the 3rd 1 “for scale’s sake”. in my opin­ion, that was a wise move, as TF3 may very well b the last TF movie, and it makes sense 2 save the biggest vil­lain 4 last.

aaaaa June 23rd, 2009

Uni­cron is as big as a planet right? at least on 1 trans­form­ers. It would be fun to see Opti­mus fight a planet sized enemy I mean HOLY SHIT!

simon June 26th, 2009

the real shame here is the lack of Omega Supreme, the ulti­mate enemy of the con­struc­ti­cons, if you know the story then great.…this guys would be the best auto­bot to bring in for TF3, along with a few others.….

george July 6th, 2009

Mega­tron and starscream will be back and recharge their best guy unicron…

Gary Arc­tic February 24th, 2010

Your next arti­cle should be a top 10 group with the pluses and minuses of every one

Lore Brown­son April 8th, 2010

I always play with my friends when­ever we logon wow.