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Shooting Locations

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Welcome to Paris, PA — aka City Hall June 19th, 2008

Viva La France. As reported, the area sur­round­ing City Hall has been donned up to look like a sub­urb of Paris, com­plete with signs point­ing towards “La Tour Eif­fel” and French flags bil­low­ing (not that the French actu­ally put up flags all over the place, unlike the patri­otic Amer­i­cans). The Philly­ChitChat blog has cap­tured pic­tures of the set up and the newly added French flavour. Other signs state “Ecole Mil­i­taire”, which means Mil­i­tary Acad­emy and is a Paris Metro sta­tion. There is also a sec­ond report about the French café set.

Whilst at East­ern State Pen­i­ten­tiary, Cheese­burger, via TLAMB, reports that Cell Block 7 is being pre­pared for film­ing on Friday.

Fol­low­ing the reports of Bum­ble­bee being spot­ted at Rich­mond Power Sta­tion yes­ter­day, Ener­gonkid has pro­vided a shot of two Bum­ble­bees (Hero and Stunt), sit­ting side by site:

Richmond Power Plant and Philadelphia City Hall June 18th, 2008

Just a quick update for you folks.

There have been reports, as expected, that film­ing is tak­ing place at the Rich­mond Power Plant today, where there have been cit­ings of Bum­ble­bee. The crew have also been spot­ted film­ing at the Philadel­phia City Hall.

More filming locations revealed June 17th, 2008

Philly​.com have revealed that today’s film­ing is focus­ing around the East­ern State Pen­i­ten­tiary and later in the week Rit­ten­house Square will be made up to look like Paris. Then, next week, it’s off to Princeton.

Trans­form­ers 2 cam­eras and crew have been all over (Fair­mount Park, Uni­ver­sity of Penn­syl­va­nia) and today are due inside East­ern State Pen­i­ten­tiary, while Rit­ten­house Square will dou­ble as Paris later this week. Sat­ur­day is the sched­uled Philly wrap; next stop: Princeton.

Pics from Laurel Cemetery shoot June 11th, 2008

John Von reports that a video shoot took place yes­ter­day at the Lau­rel Hill Ceme­tery near to Fair­mount Park, PA — he return with videos and pic­tures of the film­ing as well as the base camp. The green Chevy Beat con­cept car is vis­i­ble at the base camp, whilst the video shows the heli­copter used to cap­ture the scenes.


Optimus Prime, Bumblebee at Fairmount Basecamp June 11th, 2008

Trans­form­ers 2 pro­duc­tion cur­rently resides at The Dairy Fields in Fair­mount Park, which are reserved for film­ing. Braden has been on loca­tion, scout­ing for us fans, to find what­ever scoops he can. He has noted that the actor trail­ers and cam­era equip­ment can be found off North 33rd street, close to the UPENN cam­pus. The vehi­cles how­ever are being kept in a sec­ond loca­tion, close to Walt Whit­man Bridge.

On his stum­blings he came across Opti­mus Prime, Iron­hide, Bum­ble­bee, an uniden­ti­fied grey con­cept car — prob­a­bly a Chevro­let (ZR1, C7?). You can find pic­tures below.


UPENN filming details June 10th, 2008

Emails have been sent out to employ­ees at the Uni­ver­sity of Penn­syl­va­nia, warn­ing of film­ing that will be tak­ing place next week,

To the Penn Community:

Dream­Works Pro­duc­tions will be film­ing scenes for the upcom­ing movie “Trans­form­ers 2″ on Penn’s cam­pus this week. The film­ing will take place in the Quad and both inside and out­side the Psi Upsilon (Cas­tle) fra­ter­nity on Locust Walk. Both Penn and Dream­Works staff will be on hand to help guide peo­ple around the area dur­ing film­ing in an effort to min­i­mize any inconvenience.

Setup, film­ing, and set decon­struc­tion are sched­uled for the Quad from June 10 through June 12 and for the Cas­tle fra­ter­nity from June 10 through June 15.

Via /Film

Plans to film in New Mexico June 10th, 2008

KVIA are report­ing that the Trans­form­ers pro­duc­tion team will return to Alam­ogordo, New Mex­ico where pro­duc­tion has been prepar­ing since April, with plans to shoot in the fall.

Michael Bay will return to New Mex­ico to film major sequences for Trans­form­ers: Revenge of the Fallen, Gov­er­nor Richard­son announced Mon­day. The next install­ment of the box office hit Trans­form­ers is expected to hit the­aters next summer.

Production moves to Philly June 9th, 2008

Philly​.com have pointed out that the Trans­form­ers II pro­duc­tion team will very soon be start­ing their work in and around Philadelphia,

Keep an eye out for Shia LaBeouf, Josh Duhamel, Megan Fox and John Tur­turro over the next two weeks as Michael Bay puts Trans­form­ers 2: Revenge of the Fallen before the cam­eras in Philly, start­ing tomor­row. Among loca­tions: Peco [Philadel­phia Elec­tric Com­pany] plants along the Delaware, the Uni­ver­sity of Penn­syl­va­nia (because LaBeouf plays a col­lege stu­dent), and East­ern State Pen­i­ten­tiary. Last week’s shoot­ing in Beth­le­hem, Pa., was a blast, as the old U.S. Steel plant hosted explo­sions and whirring Black Hawk helicopters.

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