Movie Chronicles » Transformers 3

Shooting Locations

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Transformers 2 On the US Navy carrier Stennis November 7th, 2008

Seib­ertron are report­ing, despite the state­ment on Michael Bay’s blog that film­ing had wrapped, that TF2 has been film­ing aboard the USS John C. Sten­nis air­craft car­rier over Novem­ber 1st and 2nd.

Pic­tures from the set

These images show Shia LaBoeuf with ‘bat­tle dam­age’, Michael Bay film­ing shoot­ing a cat­a­pult launch, Josh Duhamel and Tyrese.

Set Report

Skalor’s Post­card
Greet­ings from San Diego! Just got back today from deploy­ment at sea on board the U.S. Navy car­rier Sten­nis and thought I’d fill every­one in on what I expe­ri­enced this past week with the ROTF cast and crew. It’s true, film­ing did take place this past week, all shoot­ing was com­pleted in a two day span, Sat­ur­day the 1st with the IMAX folks film­ing flight oper­a­tions, and Sun­day the 2nd with Michael Bay in action around the ship. Rumors flew around for weeks about what exactly was going to hap­pen with the movie so it was really cool to see it all go down.

Sat­ur­day after­noon two trans­port planes arrived, the first car­ry­ing Shia Labeouf on the first and on the sec­ond were Michael Bay, Tyrese Gib­son, Megan Fox and Josh Duhamel. They arrived in cos­tume (at least Tyrese and Josh did) and began work­ing almost imme­di­ately. From what I saw, all of the film­ing with the cast was done in “closed” sets. The rest of the film­ing on the flight deck seemed to be flight oper­a­tions, of which I was there and will hope­fully make the final cut. We were told to just act nat­ural and con­tinue our jobs as nor­mal, which is easy to do when you’ve actu­ally got work to do. I did how­ever try really hard to get into one shot in which I just walked back and forth for about 20 min­utes. :P

The whole expe­ri­ence was a lot of fun and every­one in the cast and crew were really cool. Shia Labeouf and Megan Fox were really hard to find on the ship, I think they were work­ing just about their whole time there. I’m not sure which part of the movie was filmed there but it is prob­a­bly some­where toward the end, (Shia had “beat-up” make up on, and Duhamel and Tyrese were in dress uni­forms). Over­all it was an awe­some time.

Sorry if I didn’t give you any good spoil­ers or any­thing like that, but I think the sus­pense is more fun any­way. By the way, the crew work­ing on this movie have been bust­ing their asses to make a good film, that much I can attest to.

This should put to rest any of the rumors that they’ve com­pleted film­ing for now, although this may have been the last of the film­ing (I didn’t ask). […]

Bay filmed briefly in France? November 7th, 2008

A mem­ber at the Michael Bay forums claims to have seen Michael Bay in and around L’Arc de tri­om­phe in Paris around the end of Octo­ber. This could be fake, but if not, is likely padding or filler footage to build on the French set­ting we ear­lier saw, involv­ing Sam Witwicky’s parents.

For­get the Mid­dle East, he’s in France right now…

… in Paris, more specifically.

And this is what he was shoot­ing: L’Arc de triomphe.

Now that was weird… I was walk­ing home from work, and just hap­pen to see a small group of peo­ple around a cam­era… When I got closer, I saw that Bay was rid­ing it (lit­er­ally). The last thing I would have expected is to see Bay shoot­ing in my neighbor.

The scene was about a news anchor from CNN doing a report… It feels like main pho­tog­ra­phy is get­ting closer to the end.

Pro­ducer Ian Bryce was here as well.

Filming at the Pyramids in Egypt October 27th, 2008

On the week­end end­ing 23rd Octo­ber Trans­form­ers 2 was spot­ted film­ing around the pyra­mids in Egypt, as reported by Wax­word and TLAMB scooper Dan:

Set report from Wax­Word:

A major mile­stone qui­etly passed last week­end: the first major Hol­ly­wood film in decades filmed in the heart of the Mid­dle East. “Trans­form­ers II” turned its cam­eras at the Pyra­mids in Egypt, and again in the upper Egypt­ian town of Luxor, near the famed Val­ley of the Kings. This is sig­nif­i­cant for many rea­sons but mainly because it rep­re­sents a rare move by two Hol­ly­wood stu­dios, Para­mount and Dream­Works, to con­nect to a coun­try and cul­ture that is per­ceived to be hos­tile the United States.

I say ‘per­ceived’ because my guess is you’d prob­a­bly find no more avid fans else­where in the world than those clus­tered around Shia LeBeouf, the star of the film, in this part of the world. But after years of anti-American images in the Mid­dle East, and years of entrenched mis­trust, this is the kind of inter­ac­tion – and pub­lic­ity — that makes a dif­fer­ence. I hear from sources within the stu­dio that Dream­Works was “pet­ri­fied” when pro­duc­ers got clear­ance to shoot at the pyra­mids and in Luxor, and that LeBeouf was hes­i­tant but decided to take the leap. (I agreed to hold this news until pro­duc­tion had been safely completed.)

In the end, “Trans­form­ers II” shot for sev­eral days, bring­ing together a crew of 150 Amer­i­cans and sev­eral dozen local Egyp­tians for an effort that pro­ducer Lorenzo di Bonaven­tura, who called from a cell­phone while stand­ing beside the pyra­mids, told me was “remark­ably smooth.”

Dan’s report:

Hi there, I’m not a fan of Trans­form­ers but I can con­firm after vis­it­ing the Pyra­mids sec­tion in Cairo last Fri­day (17th oct) that there was indeed a film crew film­ing on the third pyra­mid in the Giza area (can’t remem­ber the name, but for those of you that know, its the Pyra­mid with half of one side that looks like it’s been dug out. They were film­ing some scene late in the after­noon before sun­set (when the heat was less intense) and it was quite amaz­ing because my girl­friend and I sat on some rocks 20 metres away from it all and man­aged not to get sussed out by the secu­rity crew (who were all wear­ing T2 badges…one of the crew was tying up his shoelace behind me and con­firmed to me it was T2)about 40 peo­ple on site, the locals were try­ing to get their camels and don­keys in the scenes, which involved one of the cast climb­ing part of the pyramid.….

Bumblebee sightings October 9th, 2008

Film­ing is cur­rently based at the Aero­space Main­te­nance and Regen­er­a­tion Group, Tuc­son, Arizona.  It is basi­cally a stor­age facil­ity for out of ser­vice mil­i­tary air­craft and is being used as the set for — the bone­yard.

There are reports of the bum­ble­bee being spot­ted, check out the pic­tures posted on Seib­ertron and Super­hero­hype.


Holloman Base & White Sands Missile Range in Alamogordo, NM September 8th, 2008

The next rumored stop for the Trans­form­ers 2 film­ing crew is the Hol­lo­man Air Force Base and White Sands Mis­sile Range in Alam­ogordo, New Mex­ico. These rumors have been rein­forced atfter Opti­mus Prime and a hum­mer were spot­ted near to White Sands.

One report states:

” I did see Opti­mus Prime and that Hum­mer this after­noon around 12:15 pm going past White Sands Mis­sile Range, NM head­ing towards Hol­lo­man AFB. I didnt get any pics I was dri­ving in the oppo­site direction.”

Whilst these pic­tures were taken in Arizona:

News comes via TLAMB

TF2 filming in Downtown Long Beach 8/26, 8/27 August 26th, 2008

Andy has informed us that there is a film­ing notice detail­ing the clo­sure of the Queensway Bridge for the film­ing of Revenge of The Fallen on 8/26 and 8/27 in down­town Long Beach, including:

“pre­ci­sion driving..with car stunts and EXPLOSIONS…”

There are also park­ing lots set up around Pacific and 4th streets down­town which could be the loca­tions for keep­ing the vehi­cles.

View Larger Map

Thanks Andy!

Flickr user brux­hina also reports that Chi­nese signs have gone up around the area:

Day 6 (8/26): Sud­denly Long Beach has been trans­formed into lit­tle China, with street signs in Chi­nese. No wor­ries, it’s all Hollywood.

Princeton images and video June 23rd, 2008

Yes­ter­day film­ing began at Prince­ton. Scott has pro­vided this set report:

I work in Prince­ton and just watched the TF2 crew crash a sil­ver Sat­urn Astra into the installed lamp­post on the cor­ner of Wash­ing­ton Road and William Street around 2 p.m. today. Before the crash itself they ran a few “test crashes,” where the stunt dri­ver screeched to a halt a foot or two before hit­ting the post, with the cam­era (on a boom) fol­low­ing the action from above. The actual crash knocked the ground-level cover off the post and ripped off the car’s front bumper. After the crash the dri­ver backed up slightly, then drove for­ward again for a few feet with the bumper under the front wheels, then stopped, opened the driver’s side door, and fell to the ground. After the shot was over, the dri­ver put the bumper in the car’s back­seat and drove the car down Wash­ing­ton Road (headed south), and as it passed me I could see that the front wind­shield had a hole the size of a base­ball in it (with the appro­pri­ate spi­der web­bing pat­tern in the sur­round­ing glass). I’m not sure if that was there before the crash or not (I was about two blocks away from the crash itself). Accord­ing to one of the PA’s the next shot won’t hap­pen until tonight, though she didn’t say where.

Shia Film­ing at Princeton:

A bar­rage of images have also been unloaded onto the inter­net by BP, JD, JFuller, Cheese­burger and Mike:

Scott’s images:

Con­tribut­ing source: TLAMB

Pictures from Eastern State Penitentiary June 21st, 2008

Looks like Shia LaBoeuf, Megan Fox, Bum­ble­bee, the Chevy Beat and the Chevy Trax turned up for film­ing at the East­ern State Penitentiary.

VDG was on hand to get images of the crew and auto­mo­biles turn­ing up, even get­ting close enough to cap­ture a shot of the rims on the Chevy Trax — show­ing a very nice Auto­bot logo in the cen­ter of the hub cap!

Faded Sil­ver Screen were also on loca­tion to cap­ture the vehi­cles com­ing and going on Fair­mount Avenue:

has also given an account of the prepa­ra­tions for film­ing which include large blast shields:

I couldn’t get inside the prison, or get any decent pic­tures but I watched them unload trucks for a while. They were tak­ing in lexan blast shields they put cam­eras behind when there is an explo­sion or sparks nearby. It seemed like an awful lot of sup­port trucks. Tons of light­ing and rig­ging. I would bet there will be some effect/pyrotechnics tak­ing place, con­sid­er­ing they’ve been prep­ping this for three days and the scope of the stuff they are tak­ing in.

Loren­z­tom has also got a cou­ple more shots of the Paris set at City Hall:

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