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Set Reports

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Boneyard Set Report October 15th, 2008

An Anony­mous source has sent Seib­ertron a set report from the Bone­yard along with a few images of the vehi­cles in stor­age show­ing the Chevy Volt and Chevy Centennial.

Dear Seib​ertron​.com,

Me again — I have some follow-up infor­ma­tion con­cern­ing the “Bum­ble­bee Sighted” arti­cle that you pre­vi­ously posted. I vis­ited the 309th AMARG again today for their last day of film­ing; and let me tell you, it was busy. Lots of new pho­tos, includ­ing a bumper shot of ‘Side­swipe’ and a lit­tle snip­pet of a pic­ture of what I believe to be the blue Chevy Volt (how­ever, dur­ing the time I was present this vehi­cle was never actu­ally taken off the trailer; nei­ther was Side­swipe to my knowl­edge). No pic­tures of Shia or Megan; but, as I was informed by plenty of sol­diers (con­cern­ing Fox, any­ways); the two were def­i­nitely on set. I apol­o­gize for some of the pic­tures that came out some­what small and rounded; I actu­ally had to snap those cer­tain shots through a pair of binoc­u­lars. Iron­i­cally enough, the pic­tures I took of Bum­ble­bee (yel­low 2009 con­cept Camaro) and the red and green Chevy Trax & Beat (the ‘Twins’, I think?) were actu­ally on my way off the set. Lucky me!

Some­thing else I don’t know if you would be inter­ested in or not — but I’ll add it on here any­ways, just in case. The scene that I wit­nessed them film­ing con­sisted of a long, large sheet of metal (maybe a cover up for some­thing of some sort?) being stood up by the side of one of the planes in The Bone­yard, and lots of loud gib­ber­ish shout­ing com­ing from what I believe to be one of the trans­form­ers. Keep in mind this scene was watched from about 200 meters away — but why I think its impor­tant is because of the loud, boom­ing voice we heard from over 200 meters away. We couldn’t make out what he was say­ing; but what we could iden­tify was that it was male, and very Decep­ti­con sound­ing — mean­ing a very deep, bari­tone sort of sound to it but with a sharp, man­i­festly evil edge. In my own opin­ion (and those of all of the sol­diers that accom­pa­nied me on the “tour”) this was the voice of Mega­tron — def­i­nitely evil, def­i­nitely loud. Then again, it could have been that ‘Jet­fire’ char­ac­ter that I’ve heard a lit­tle bit about — the plane where the sound orig­i­nated from wasn’t the exact air­craft he’s been described as, but then again I wasn’t up close and per­sonal with it so it’s a tough one to call. Alas, I wouldn’t be sur­prised if this mys­te­ri­ous voice did belong to Mega­tron — had a sort of, feel to it, you know?
Some­thing like, “Damn, that guy is pissed.“
Mega­tron or not, whoever’s voice that belonged to def­i­nitely wanted some sort of Revenge

Well, that’s all the news I have so far. If I hear or (hope­fully) see any­thing else con­cern­ing Trans­form­ers: Revenge of the Fallen; I’ll be sure to update you guys!


Bumblebee, Optimus Prime, Ratchet and Ironhide at White Sands September 25th, 2008

TLAMB’s Anony­mous source that pro­vided a set report has returned with the promised pic­tures of Bum­ble­bee, Ratchet, Opti­mus Prime and Iron­hide. None of the new auto­bots were on show however.

The set report:
– The core cast is at the loca­tion, Shia LaBeouf, Megan Fox, Josh Duhamel and Tyrese Gib­son
– Today they shot a fight scene at a desert set sim­i­lar to one from the first movie.
– Extras on set com­prised of var­i­ous needs includ­ing a “Strike Force” and Jor­dan­ian sol­diers.
– Heard rumor that Julie White and Kevin Dunn (Sam’s par­ents) where also on the White Sands set.
– Addi­tion­ally heard that TF2 may film in Rui­doso which is about 30 min­utes from Alam­ogordo. Rui­doso is in the moun­tains sur­rounded by a dense forest.

Set Report from Alamogordo September 23rd, 2008

This anony­mous set report from Alam­ogordo comes via TLAMB and reveals details of the film­ing and details of the scenes shot.

Don’t know if you are con­cerned, but they are in fact film­ing here in Alam­ogordo, NM. They’ve been here for some­time now.

Sep­tem­ber 12th — They were film­ing on base from 12:00pm — 10:30pm. They used a large mil­i­tary plane, like a C17. It was parked and they had many of the mil­i­tary extras walk­ing to and from the plane. Some­times load­ing onto the back of the plane and then deplan­ing afterwards.

Josh and Tyrese were there as well. I saw them stand­ing at the end of the stair­well, the land­ing of the C-17. The mil­i­tary extras were walk­ing and in some takes they were running.

Tyrese was try­ing to keep the mood light as I wit­nessed him doing some kind of “chicken dance”. I hear through the grapevine that he was pretty silly that day. I hon­estly think it’s to pre­vent him­self from going crazy from bore­dom. As you prob­a­bly know, there are many, many, many takes just for one shot! And then they want to do the same shot from another angle. So you’re talk­ing, 10 takes each at least! Need­less to say, that could take all night, and some­times it does! There were a few times while every­one waited as they set up the shots, Tyrese would say out loud, “Are we ready yet? What’s the hold up? C’mon lets go!” They were out­side doing this scene all night! The walk­ing scene was done at least 20 times. Rid­ing humvees around the plane was shot in the day and later in the night.

The humvees had gun­ners on top, about 4 of those rid­ing around and around the plane. They were def­i­nitely film­ing a fight scene.

I really don’t want to go into too much detail for fear some­one I know that is work­ing with Dream­Works will get into a lot of trou­ble. I would love to tell you the story line of which I’m sure you’d be sur­prise, but I truly do not want to spoil it for any true Trans­former fan.

They start shoot­ing tomor­row (22nd Sept) at White Sands for the entire week. Unfor­tu­nately I won’t be able to watch any film­ing while they are out there. Only the extras and crew are allowed. I hear they will be shoot­ing here in Alam­ogordo, whether it be on base or at White Sands, they will be here till early October.

Here is what I’ve observed so far at Hol­lo­man. They had men and women and very few chil­dren dressed in Mus­lim cos­tumes. The peo­ple looked very authen­tic I saw them early one morn­ing walk­ing to the trail­ers. Bum­ble­bee was on base; how­ever he was shielded from pry­ing eyes as they cov­ered him up with a car cover. Not a great job because his rear and sides were pok­ing out of the cover and one could tell it was Bumblebee.

Some of the extras are Air Force guys por­tray­ing Army guys and some extra Army guys are por­tray­ing Air Force guys. I hear “some” of the Air Force guys were look­ing “tighter” in dress and hair­cut. The cast­ing dept. thought they looked more of what some­one in Army would look like? I know some Army guys won’t like to hear that, but it’s true.

Some where on base in a hangar, holds Iron­hide, Opti­mus Prime, some of the “pimped” out humvees the pri­mary cast will be dri­ving. (Most likely Tyrese and Josh) The Corvette was there as well, it is sil­ver in color. The peo­ple who were there at the time didn’t want any pho­tos taken of the Corvette, they were adamant about that. Appar­ently GM would have a cow if that photo got out. Now I hear they are going to let [us] take pho­tos of these vehi­cles tomorrow.

Also, the Can Am Spy­der will be in the film too, but they’ve got it all decked out with a more futur­is­tic look to it.

Anony­mous in Alamogordo

ET Video Blogs from Transformers 2 set September 23rd, 2008

ET’s Mark Steines and The Insider’s Vic­to­ria Recano are on set in White Sands, New Mex­ico and Hol­lo­man air force base — to cap­ture an exclu­sive sneak pre­view of Trans­form­ers 2 “with real live F16s” — six of them. Below is a snip­pet video before we get the real thing tomorrow…

More action! More excite­ment! More Trans­form­ers! ‘Trans­form­ers: Revenge of the Fallen’ explodes into the­aters June 26 ’09, and only ET’s Mark Steines is blog­ging exclu­sively from his pri­vate jet ride to direc­tor Michael Bay’s top-secret set in New Mex­ico — where he’ll give you an unprece­dented first look behind the scenes of the upcom­ing sum­mer blockbuster!

Shia LaBeouf, Megan Fox and Josh Duhamel are reunited once again with the cast of the orig­i­nal block­buster, which saw mankind caught in the mid­dle of bat­tling Auto­bots and Decep­ti­cons from another galaxy. Up until now, the ‘Trans­form­ers’ sequel set has been off-limits, but only ET got com­plete access to the closed set on Hol­lo­man Air Force Base and White Sands Mis­sile Range in New Mexico.

Stay tuned to ET for our all-‘Transformers’ Tuesday!

Long Beach set report — Explosions August 27th, 2008

Explo­sions were promised, and Ranger565 (via TLAMB) has come back with his report which you can find below. Now all we need are some pic­tures and video…

OK Well I work in the area and they have the whole area set up to be China, as you guys know. Now I did see Prime, Bum­ble­bee, the sil­ver corvette, 2 blue cars (small) and Iron­hide. All were parked on the back lot behind Catalina Landing!

The scene I wit­nessed was a traf­fic scene where they were dri­ving down Shore­line Drive and then 2 flatbed Trucks merge into traf­fic. THEN BOOOM!!! One of the two trucks blew in half.

NOTE: The Auto­bots were not in the blow up scene. That’s it the stunt guys got out the cars and the Heli­copter flew off. But man that truck blue the trailer hitch right off. Then I heard that it may not have gone accord­ing to plan. Both trucks were [sup­posed] to blow up.

Got pic­tures? Send them in!

Eastern State Penitentiary Blog July 21st, 2008

After the recent film­ing at the East­ern State Pen, the site’s offi­cial blog has updated with some details and images of the shoot.

We were thrilled to wel­come the cast and crew of Trans­form­ers 2 to East­ern State Penitentiary!

The sequel to last summer’s block­buster recently filmed scenes in East­ern State’s Cell­block 7 as well as out­side in the Indus­trial Build­ing Court­yard. You can see in the top photo the mas­sive helium-filled bal­loon light that was used to sim­u­late moon­light. The next photo shows the cast and crew on the set cre­ated at East­ern State. The final photo shows the car cast as “Bum­ble­bee” exit­ing East­ern State dur­ing filming.

While on site, Shia LaBoeuf, Megan Fox and Michael Bay enjoyed a tour of East­ern State includ­ing some areas used dur­ing Ter­ror Behind the Walls, includ­ing Cell­block 12, the home of Lock Down.

A host of Transformers 2 spoilers June 26th, 2008

The Movie Blog got the scoop on one of the key indoor scenes involv­ing Shia La Boeuf and Rainn Wil­son as a pro­fes­sor. This pas­sage of text does give away spoil­ers — involv­ing mys­ti­cal pow­ers and Ein­stein. Josh Duhamel has also revealed a key plot detail in an inter­view with Empire:

“I guess who he’s work­ing with is prob­a­bly the biggest change,” said Duhamel, before adding once more, pre­sum­ably for empha­sis. “Who he’s work­ing with.”

Imply­ing that the Auto­bots and Decep­ti­cons may be forced to work together to over­come a greater evil, per­haps the all pow­er­ful Fallen.

Movie Blog Spoiler

On the first day of class, Sam goes crazy just before get­ting to class for some rea­son. It seems there is some object that he was exposed to that affected him, our guess is the splin­ter from the cube. Any­ways, Rainn Wil­son asks the class to turn to the first page of the text book (which, appar­ently, Rainn Wilson’s char­ac­ter is the pro­fes­sor of the class AND the writer of the Astron­omy text book that they are using in class). Wilson’s character’s name is Pro­fes­sor Colon (pro­nounced: koh — lawn). Every­one except Sam turns to the first page. Sam, instead, read the entire book in 5 sec­onds by just flip­ping through it, then starts telling Wilson’s char­ac­ter about what parts of his book are wrong. He also starts talk­ing about how Ein­stein was wrong. Sam gets up from his seat and goes up to the chalk board and starts writ­ing a lot of weird sym­bols on the chalk board (prob­a­bly Cryp­ton­ian). Then he starts ask­ing why nobody under­stands and then he leaves class. On the sec­ond day of class, he appar­ently returns, but acts less crazy.

The rea­son we sus­pect that it is an object he touches that makes him crazy is because there was a scene shot ear­lier where he was on the phone Fox’s char­ac­ter Mikaela, and he was ask­ing her if she had “it” and then told her to make sure she doesn’t touch “it”. Our guess is the “splin­ter” (left over piece of the Allspark Cube), but it could be some­thing else, of course.

Oh, and the last scene that was filmed on Wednes­day evening was of Sam arriv­ing to class while rid­ing the red motor­cy­cle that peo­ple have seen in pic­tures. I don’t think that proves whether or not it is a Trans­former or just a motor­cy­cle, but it could be worth­while infor­ma­tion in the future.

Talk­ing with the New Jer­sey Times, Michael Bay has revealed a lit­tle about Sam Witwicky’s char­ac­ter development:

The uni­ver­sity angle to the plot “is all about Sam grow­ing up and going to col­lege … a teenager grow­ing into a man,” Bay said.


With Witwicky enrolled at a fic­tional East Coast school with an Ivy League feel, Banes comes from Los Ange­les as a vis­i­tor to her friend’s new cam­pus, Bay said.

Cam­pus scenes were shot at both Prince­ton and, ear­lier this month, at the Uni­ver­sity of Penn­syl­va­nia in Philadelphia.

Con­tribut­ing sources: /Film, TLAMB

Posing with Megan Fox June 26th, 2008

Movie Insider reader Cameron Busacca got a chance to catch up on the action and hang out with the girls this week, top­ping it with a nice set report for us.

Megan Fox kindly poses for a photo

Shia LaBeouf came on set around 8 a.m. to film what appeared to be a “move-in” day scene right next to the Prince­ton Uni­ver­sity Chapel. After sev­eral takes, the crew moved out onto the street to shoot a few stunt scenes on Wash­ing­ton Street. Most of the cars looked brand new (there was no futur­is­tic Chevy Camaro in sight, which was a bum­mer) but after a few takes, one of the cars had bul­let holes and a smashed wind­shield, which led me to believe they were film­ing a chase scene. Shia’s stunt dou­ble nearly got hit sev­eral times by another car, and the crew shot the scene from dif­fer­ent angles up and down Wash­ing­ton as if all of the shots were going to be pieced together later. And even though the stunt dri­vers went really fast, you could tell that they speed it up even more in the edit­ing process.

After the first stunt was over, we saw our first sight­ing of Megan Fox. They were get­ting a shot of her dri­ving from inside the car but she lost con­trol and slammed it into a curb. Don’t worry, she’s per­fectly fine. She got out of the car smil­ing and laugh­ing and walked it off. Shia, on the other hand, hadn’t stopped chain smok­ing since the end of the first scene and every time they broke from film­ing he seemed to have a really bad attitude.


Shia had turned us down when we asked for a pic­ture ear­lier, but after see­ing Megan take a pic­ture with another for­tu­nate group of guys, we walked up to her. Her peo­ple imme­di­ately shot down the request, but she very gra­ciously and kindly agreed to take one more. We took a pic­ture with her and pro­ceeded to ask her a few ques­tions about the movie. Shia was also there but added noth­ing to the conversation.

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