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The Transforming Aircraft Carrier — Concept Pics July 8th, 2008

Tim Flat­tery (IMDB), con­cept designer for the orig­i­nal Trans­form­ers movie adap­ta­tion, has updated his online port­fo­lio to include some new Trans­form­ers con­cept art, most impor­tantly includ­ing a first look at what might have been a huge, tow­er­ing, trans­form­ing air­craft car­rier — set to wreak havoc on all that stands in its path.

Check out Tim’s port­fo­lio for more con­cepts that didn’t make it into the first movie.

Possible Revenge of the Fallen poster June 30th, 2008

EDIT: This has been con­firmed a fake.

Seib­ertron have posted a cam­era phone shot of what looks like a Revenge of the Fallen poster, though it is blurry and hard to make out. It is most likely a fake, but on the small off chance that it is not, I have posted it here:

The text at the top seems to read “… begins”. The auto­bot in the fore­front is quite clearly one that we have not seen before, yet it is also dif­fi­cult to identify.

Via /Film

A host of Transformers 2 spoilers June 26th, 2008

The Movie Blog got the scoop on one of the key indoor scenes involv­ing Shia La Boeuf and Rainn Wil­son as a pro­fes­sor. This pas­sage of text does give away spoil­ers — involv­ing mys­ti­cal pow­ers and Ein­stein. Josh Duhamel has also revealed a key plot detail in an inter­view with Empire:

“I guess who he’s work­ing with is prob­a­bly the biggest change,” said Duhamel, before adding once more, pre­sum­ably for empha­sis. “Who he’s work­ing with.”

Imply­ing that the Auto­bots and Decep­ti­cons may be forced to work together to over­come a greater evil, per­haps the all pow­er­ful Fallen.

Movie Blog Spoiler

On the first day of class, Sam goes crazy just before get­ting to class for some rea­son. It seems there is some object that he was exposed to that affected him, our guess is the splin­ter from the cube. Any­ways, Rainn Wil­son asks the class to turn to the first page of the text book (which, appar­ently, Rainn Wilson’s char­ac­ter is the pro­fes­sor of the class AND the writer of the Astron­omy text book that they are using in class). Wilson’s character’s name is Pro­fes­sor Colon (pro­nounced: koh — lawn). Every­one except Sam turns to the first page. Sam, instead, read the entire book in 5 sec­onds by just flip­ping through it, then starts telling Wilson’s char­ac­ter about what parts of his book are wrong. He also starts talk­ing about how Ein­stein was wrong. Sam gets up from his seat and goes up to the chalk board and starts writ­ing a lot of weird sym­bols on the chalk board (prob­a­bly Cryp­ton­ian). Then he starts ask­ing why nobody under­stands and then he leaves class. On the sec­ond day of class, he appar­ently returns, but acts less crazy.

The rea­son we sus­pect that it is an object he touches that makes him crazy is because there was a scene shot ear­lier where he was on the phone Fox’s char­ac­ter Mikaela, and he was ask­ing her if she had “it” and then told her to make sure she doesn’t touch “it”. Our guess is the “splin­ter” (left over piece of the Allspark Cube), but it could be some­thing else, of course.

Oh, and the last scene that was filmed on Wednes­day evening was of Sam arriv­ing to class while rid­ing the red motor­cy­cle that peo­ple have seen in pic­tures. I don’t think that proves whether or not it is a Trans­former or just a motor­cy­cle, but it could be worth­while infor­ma­tion in the future.

Talk­ing with the New Jer­sey Times, Michael Bay has revealed a lit­tle about Sam Witwicky’s char­ac­ter development:

The uni­ver­sity angle to the plot “is all about Sam grow­ing up and going to col­lege … a teenager grow­ing into a man,” Bay said.


With Witwicky enrolled at a fic­tional East Coast school with an Ivy League feel, Banes comes from Los Ange­les as a vis­i­tor to her friend’s new cam­pus, Bay said.

Cam­pus scenes were shot at both Prince­ton and, ear­lier this month, at the Uni­ver­sity of Penn­syl­va­nia in Philadelphia.

Con­tribut­ing sources: /Film, TLAMB

Hummer H3 in TF2? June 26th, 2008

TFW2005 have pro­vided a small report from the Cin­ema Expo Inter­na­tional 2008 in Ams­ter­dam that sug­gests Gen­eral Motors will be pro­vid­ing “Trans­form­ers: Revenge of the Fallen” with a new Hum­mer H3.

Gen­eral Motors (GM) has put up a plat­form that is adorned with the Trans­form­ers movie logo and Auto­bot and Decep­ti­con insignias. On top and around the plat­form are black Hum­mer H3’s. This dis­play at the con­ven­tion seems to sug­gest that this vehi­cle will be fea­tured in Trans­form­ers: Revenge of the Fallen in some fash­ion. Whether this will be the vehi­cle mode for a Trans­form or a civil­ian vehi­cle is unknown. A mod­i­fied Hum­mer H2 was used for the vehi­cle mode for Ratchet in the first Trans­form­ers movie.

Hummer H3 with Transformers banner

The six custom built Arcee motorcycles June 17th, 2008

The prob­lem with Arcee is quite sim­ply — how do you cre­ate a believ­able Trans­former that fits into the space of a fully func­tion­ing motor­cy­cle. The answer is to get 6 cus­tom built bikes from Ret­roSBK, after Dream­works con­tacted owner Will Kenefick, so Ven­tura County Star report.

Kenefick has since worked ridicu­lous man hours to get these six bikes (the turn­around for one usu­ally being 6 months), ready in time for film­ing. The 3 “hero” bikes and 3 “stunt” bikes were ready in time and some were in action at the start of June in Penn­syl­va­nia — Kenefick was on hand to fix and main­tain the vehi­cles, some­times get­ting only 2 hours of sleep. My guess is that the bikes we have seen were the 3 stunt bikes (this fits in with the call sheet), the 3 hero bikes being used for close up non-action shots, which is prob­a­bly where most of the paint has gone!

He esti­mates that 1273 hours were put in and that each bike cost $40,000, with $10,000 on paint alone (which added a fur­ther 1036 hours of work). Because the bikes are small it is expected that they will be show­cased at the movie’s première.

One of RetroSBK’s awe­some cus­tom built bike’s:

Arcee Predecessor

The Jonah Hill story June 17th, 2008

IESB have posted some back­story to the attach­ment and unat­tach­ment of Super­bad star, Jonah Hill:

You know how Jonah Hill was attached to TRANSFORMERS 2, and then was sud­denly and with­out expla­na­tion un-attached? Appar­ently, Jonah was more or less offered the part in the room, but then had to go into Bay’s office to read the script — because it’s so super top secret and the plot is so extra-specially com­plex, you know.

Jonah sits down, opens the script. The char­ac­ter of the chubby side­kick is named “Jonah.” How per­fect. Jonah reads 20 pages of the script, puts it down, and silently walks out of the room. Wants no part of it. Next thing you know, his reps call Bay, he’s off the project.

I’m think­ing this may be because the chubby side­kick char­ac­ter was just too stereo­typ­i­cal with a whole host of ter­ri­ble one lin­ers and very lit­tle depth. Last thing you want to do is get typecast.

Transformers 2 Video Game details June 17th, 2008

Trans­former Toys got the scoop on a small descrip­tion of the Trans­form­ers 2 game adap­ta­tion, “Trans­form­ers 2: The Ulti­mate Bat­tle” — not sure if that is a work­ing title or not. The arti­cle sug­gests that Starscream is the ulti­mate bad­die, whilst giv­ing some weight to the rumors of Trans­form­ers that can trans­form into weapons:

“Make every sec­ond count Trans­form­ers 2: The Ulti­mate Bat­tle, as you choose to seek revenge as the Decep­ti­cons or defend Earth as the Auto­bots. Go beyond the movie and drop into pressure-packed mis­sions where sec­onds can make the dif­fer­ence between sur­vival and destruc­tion. Play as a vari­ety of Trans­form­ers, such as the evil Starscream or heroic Opti­mus Prime, to either demol­ish or pro­tect fully destruc­tible envi­ron­ments around the globe. A new Trans­for­ma­tion sys­tem gives you more detailed con­trol as you instantly switch between Robot, Weapon, and Vehi­cle modes at any time to drive, fly, fight and shoot your way through grip­ping lev­els. Then make your choice online as you go head to head against friends in mul­ti­player bat­tle zones. Your alliance will decide whether Earth’s great­est cities stand or fall in ruin as you expe­ri­ence the ulti­mate level of inten­sity in this race against time.”

Transforming weapons in sequel? June 16th, 2008

On his forums, Roberto Orci has con­firmed that there will be Trans­form­ers that turn into Weapons in Trans­form­ers 2:

Roberto, will there be Trans­form­ers that trans­form into Weapons in TF2?


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