Movie Chronicles » Transformers 3

Friday 13th Full Trailer Description February 8th, 2009

Conebone69 at the SHH forums has a friend at a local the­ater that has seen the newest Trans­form­ers trailer, he gives this description:

I talked to my friend that works at a local the­ater over here and he told me the new T2 trailer was with an early screen­ing of the upcom­ing movie Fri­day the 13th! He said it went by very fast but he man­aged to catch a few things. Sup­pos­edly it starts out with Sam talk­ing to Mikaela about how they cant give up. He said it starts out slow but as it pro­gresses it gets alot faster. Then towards the mid­dle a series of clips are shown: a bunch of auto­bots jump­ing all over this huge decep­ti­con but he just picks them up and throws them off, Bum­ble­bee bat­tling with rav­age (im guess­ing it was rav­age because he said it looked like a lion), some trans­form­ers crash­ing out of a high build­ing and trans­form­ing in mid air. Then it ended with opti­mus prime talk­ing to another auto­bot. He said it didnt show much more then what was shown in the super­bowl spot but it was still epic. I cant wait for this trailer!