Movie Chronicles » Transformers 3

Universal Transformers Ride October 27th, 2008

ENI have recently reported a Trans­form­ers themed ride may be mak­ing an appear­ance at Uni­ver­sal Stu­dios parks around the world, with the Sin­ga­pore ride set to hit first in 2010, LA fol­low­ing in 2011.

The attrac­tion will fuse 3D-HD media, mega spe­cial effects and stun­ning robot­ics with a ride sys­tem that will trans­form per­cep­tions of theme park expe­ri­ences. The rides are sched­uled to make their debuts in early 2011, first at Uni­ver­sal Stu­dios Sin­ga­pore and then at Uni­ver­sal Stu­dios Hol­ly­wood. In “Trans­form­ers,” Earth’s humans are caught in the mid­dle of an inter­galac­tic war between the friendly Auto­bots and the evil Decep­ti­cons, which are able to change into a vari­ety of objects, includ­ing cars, trucks, planes and other tech­no­log­i­cal creations.

In the media cir­cu­la­tion some sup­port­ive quotes from Michael Bay have been uttered, it seems these are a fal­lacy as Bay him­self has recently come out to rebuke them:

The shoot­ing in the Mid­dle East is ground break­ing — an awe­some time had by all the crew.

The Trans­former Ride at Uni­ver­sal mak­ing all the press rounds — not sure yet — they had me in a press release say­ing I sup­ported it — but Uni­ver­sal has a long way to go in my mind. I don’t sup­port it — I’m not involved and not sure the story of the ride works, and I know Opti­mus is not going to just show up to be directed by some new peo­ple that have never worked with him. I hate when peo­ple bull­shit a quote from me that I never said.

I’ll keep you informed. Maybe the guy mak­ing the rides at Uni­ver­sal will direct Trans­form­ers 3????
