Movie Chronicles » Transformers 3

Filming at Air Force boneyard in Arizona June 6th, 2008

SHH are report­ing via “Space Duck”, that one of the next film­ing loca­tions, now that the four day Beth­le­hem shoot has com­pleted, may be at the Air Force bone­yard in Ari­zona, stat­ing that prepa­ra­tion for the shoot has begun as the Tus­con facility.

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Comments One Response to “Filming at Air Force boneyard in Arizona” June 19th, 2008

They told us Tuc­so­nans that the film­ing will take place mid-July. but it would make sense if a Decep­ti­con landed and scanned an A-10 or an F-14 (which is most of whats out there). Other than that its just huge trans­port planes and stuff that the RAF retired, but no self respect­ing Decep­ti­con would want THAT! Any­way, it’ll be really cool to see hey they use the bone­yard, whether its just to blow stuff up or a main part of the plot.