Movie Chronicles » Transformers 3


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Bumblebee at Cannes May 14th, 2009

Trans­form­ers 2 have arrived at the Cannes film fes­ti­val, with their much loved Bumblebee.

Online trailer launch delayed April 30th, 2009

The Trans­form­ers 2 offi­cial HD online release was meant to occur at 12:00pm PST today, it looks like this time has slightly slipped to 4:30pm PST — maybe to coin­cide with that Enter­tain­ment Tonight fea­ture. ET have also pro­vided a video inter­view with Shia, Michael Bay and Tyrese at the first show­ing of the new trailer. Videos included after the break
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New Transformers 2 Trailer leaks early! April 29th, 2009

UPDATE: Final Trans­form­ers 2 Trailer released in HD
See also our in depth analy­sis of the trailer with high qual­ity screen­shots of all the key scenes, robots and Megan Fox.

A grainy in-theater ver­sion has leaked early, given the qual­ity of these things, this one is pretty watch­able. Lots of new footage and a lot more of the sto­ry­line in this trailer. Includ­ing a shot of Dev­as­ta­tor climb­ing up a pyra­mid.

Down­load the trailer

UPDATE: Chang­ing video source to one that works, though sound is out of sync:

or alter­na­tively:

Trailer descrip­tion

- Opens with Sam telling Bum­ble­bee he’s not com­ing to col­lege
– “Look at this place, I feel smarter already”, Sam’s par­ents at col­lege
– Sexy pan­ning shot of Megan Fox strad­dling a bike
– Sam has a ‘men­tal melt­down’ in the mid­dle of his class (as reported from the Prince­ton film­ing), see­ing sym­bols, mark­ing them into the ground
– Sam meets Opti­mus in a ceme­tery (cemetary film­ing set report)
– More of Bum­ble­bee and the Twins in the dessert, some of that GM promo footage too
– Find­ing the sym­bols on some­thing ancient, pre­sum­ably behind that paint­ing
– Mega­tron returns! We see him ris­ing from the depths of the ocean and ris­ing up behind Mega nFox
– “Mega­tron wants what’s in my mind“
– “Fate rarely calls on us at a moment of our choos­ing“
– We see Sam and Mikaela jump­ing rooftops
– Bum­ble­bee ducks a swing­ing arm from Demol­isher
– Explo­sions in a library
– Sil­ver Sat­urn Astra (as seen at Prince­ton) fly­ing through the air with pre­sum­ably Shia falling out and Megan Fox call­ing after him
– Opti­mus Prime attack­ing the char­ac­ter with rotor blades on his back, pos­si­bly Black­out
– Prime fly­ing through the air after Mega­tron attacks him
– Bricks float­ing in cir­cles around one of the pyra­mids, F-16s fly past, Dev­as­ta­tor climbs up the side of the pyra­mid (same angle on the pyra­mid as seen in the offi­cial shots)
– Jet­fire stoops down
– Dev­as­ta­tor crushes a vehi­cle before he starts suck­ing up sand with his giant vor­tex mouth
– We see a robot, pos­si­bly Mud­flaps being sucked towards the vortex

Transformers 2 World Première on June 8th in Tokyo April 26th, 2009

A Japan­ese blog, Eiga, has posted details sug­gest­ing that the World Pre­mière of Trans­form­ers Revenge of the Fallen may be in Tokyo on June 8th, four days prior to the US, at TOHO Cin­e­mas, Rop­pongi Hills. Michael Bay, Shia LaBeouf and Megan Fox will all be in attendance.

The rather jum­bled translation:

[Eiga​.com Movie News] 07 to the hit record pub­lished in the SF block­buster, “Trans­form­ers” sequel, and four days ear­lier than the United States will be pub­lished June 20 in Japan, the world’s fastest “Trans­form­ers / Revenge” . The world pre­mière will be at the unveil­ing of the world’s first film, in Tokyo June 8 TOHO was decided at the Rop­pongi Hills SHINEMAZU. Accord­ing to this, direc­tor Michael Bay, Shire of RABUFU star, Megan Fox, who plans to visit Japan.

July 3 is the orig­i­nal 1907 open­ing date is in 1900 North Amer­ica 300 mil­lion dol­lars, all in world record 700,000,000 grossed 800 mil­lion dol­lars. In the same year in Japan was pub­lished in the August 4 date, fun rev­enue and 41 bil­lion yen was a big hit, DVD has sold 64 mil­lion copies.

“Trans­form­ers”, was released TAKARATOMI 85 years, the orig­i­nal toy robot that trans­forms into var­i­ous vehi­cles, such as. The lat­est “Trans­form­ers / revenge” of the Trans­form­ers toys come from TAKARATOMI May 30 will be released on Sunday.

Steven Spielberg’s and accom­plished, fol­low­ing the orig­i­nal recently, and coach bay is said to have seen a rush of peo­ple in this film, in doing so, to fur­ther scale-up from the orig­i­nal con­tent, “if this SUGO it! “divulging that excla­ma­tion. The pre­vi­ous total of 12 trans­form­ers of the body appeared in the film is more than five times over 60 new and orig­i­nal from 5000 and cost 100 mil­lion dol­lars, twice the num­ber reported three bil­lion dollars.

The block­buster that sort of “place of birth” will be unveiled the first in Japan, but is likely to receive atten­tion from around the world.

Transformers re-release and new trailer RSVP April 26th, 2009

Para­mount Pic­tures have released the RSVP details for the the­aters show­ing the Trans­form­ers re-release and brand new accom­pa­ny­ing Trans­form­ers 2 trailer. The flier pro­vides a list of RSVP email addresses and sug­gests that by email­ing them you can reserve a seat. This is not the case. To grab a ticket you must turn up at the the­ater as early as pos­si­ble, to guar­an­tee a seat — the addresses are used to deter­mine pop­u­lar­ity, as TLAMB discovered.

There shall also be a cos­tume com­pe­ti­tion — the best dressed Auto­bot or Decep­ti­con shall win a trip to the pre­mière in Los Angeles.

Thanks for the RSVP for the spe­cial screen­ing of TRANSFORMERS. The screen­ing is FIRST COME, FIRST SERVE. PLEASE ARRIVE EARLY, as this RSVP is to estab­lish an accu­rate head count and does not guar­an­tee seat­ing. No one will be admit­ted once the screen­ing begins.

Come to the screen­ing dressed as the coolest/most creative/awesome Trans­former ever and be entered to win a trip to the Pre­mière in Los Angeles!!!!

Trans­form­ers re-release locations

Los Ange­les: 7pm at The Bridge Cin­ema De Lux, in IMAX
New York: 8pm at AMC Loews Lin­coln Square in IMAX
San Fran­cisco: 7pm at AMC Metreon in IMAX
Chicago: 8pm at Navy Pier in IMAX
Toronto: 7pm at Sco­tia­bank in IMAX
Philadel­phia: 7pm at UA King of Prus­sia in DIGITAL
Wash­ing­ton DC: 7pm at AMC George­town in DIGITAL
Dal­las: 7pm at Stu­dio Movie Grill Royal Lane in 35MM
Boston: 7pm at AMC Boston Com­mon in 35MM
Phoenix: 7pm at Harkins Tempe Mar­ket­place in Tempe in DIGITAL
Seat­tle: 7pm at Cin­erama in 35MM
Atlanta: 7pm at Regal Atlantic Sta­tion in 35MM
Miami: 7pm at AMC Sun­set in South Miami in 35MM
Detroit: 7pm ar Emag­ine Novi in Novi, MI in DIGITAL
San Diego: 7pm at Regal Edwards Mira Mesa in 35MM
Den­ver: 7pm at UA Col­orado Cen­ter in 35MM
Sacra­mento: 7pm at UA Mar­ket Square in 35MM
Orlando: 7pm at Pre­mière Fash­ion Sq Mall in DIGITAL
Min­neapo­lis: 7pm at AMC South­dale in Edina in 35MM
Bal­ti­more: 7pm at AMC White Marsh in 35MM

Steve Jablonsky and Linkin Park April 26th, 2009

Michael Bay recently noted that Steve Jablon­sky and Linkin Park were work­ing on the Trans­form­ers 2 score. Jablon­sky scored the first movie and Linkin Park also appeared on that film’s offi­cial soundtrack.

BREAKING NEWS: Linkin Park will be work­ing on the score for Trans­form­ers 2: Revenge Of The Fallen.

Although I wasn’t at lib­erty to say it before, the song I’ve been ref­er­enc­ing here on mikeshin​oda​.com in the past few weeks…is actu­ally being done for Michael Bay’s new Trans­form­ers film, due out June 24th.

In addition–and prob­a­bly ever cooler–we have been offered the unique oppor­tu­nity to help score the film. The song we wrote is being used as one of the themes, and we will be writ­ing var­i­ous inter­po­la­tions on that theme, and try­ing out some other the­matic ideas as part of the (very large) team scor­ing the film.
My band­mates and I are work­ing with award-winning film com­poser (and res­i­dent ass-kicker) Hans Zim­mer. We met with Hans last week, and heard some of the incred­i­ble things he and his guys have done with our new song. In the next few days, we’ll be doing some work with Hans’ amaz­ing writ­ing and record­ing crew.

Michael Bay has shown us select scenes from the film, and it looks incred­i­ble. I can’t wait for you to see it.

New trailer to debut with Transformers 1, 29th April April 24th, 2009

The new Revenge of the Fallen trailer shall pre­mière with a re-release of the first Trans­form­ers movie, across 20 loca­tions (five of those being in IMAX) on April 29th. Ticket details are not yet avail­able, but we should hear about those within the next cou­ple of days.

Los Ange­les: 7pm at The Bridge Cin­ema De Lux, in IMAX
New York: 8pm at AMC Loews Lin­coln Square in IMAX
San Fran­cisco: 7pm at AMC Metreon in IMAX
Chicago: 8pm at Navy Pier in IMAX
Toronto: 7pm at Sco­tia­bank in IMAX
Philadel­phia: 7pm at UA King of Prus­sia in DIGITAL
Wash­ing­ton DC: 7pm at AMC George­town in DIGITAL
Dal­las: 7pm at Cin­e­mark Movies 17 in 35MM
Boston: 7pm at AMC Boston Com­mon in 35MM
Phoenix: 7pm at Harkins Tempe Mar­ket­place in Tempe in DIGITAL
Seat­tle: 7pm at Cin­erama in 35MM
Atlanta: 7pm at Regal Atlantic Sta­tion in 35MM
Miami: 7pm at AMC Sun­set in South Miami in 35MM
Detroit: 7pm ar Emag­ine Novi in Novi, MI in DIGITAL
San Diego: 7pm at Regal Edwards Mira Mesa in 35MM
Den­ver: 7pm at UA Col­orado Cen­ter in 35MM
Sacra­mento: 7pm at UA Mar­ket Square in 35MM
Orlando: 7pm at Pre­mière Fash­ion Sq Mall in DIGITAL
Min­neapo­lis: 7pm at AMC South­dale in Edina in 35MM
Bal­ti­more: 7pm at AMC White Marsh in 35MM

Revenge of the Fallen novelization available for pre-order April 21st, 2009

Ama­zon have listed the Trans­form­ers 2 movie nov­el­iza­tion for pre-order, it comes with a small excerpt:


This cryp­tic warn­ing is ignored by the national secu­rity adviser who feels the ruth­less Decep­ti­con threat is no more. The allies are vic­to­ri­ous, the enemy has been defeated, and the world is safe. Small attacks around the world have been con­tained, and the remain­ing pieces of the cov­eted Allspark are locked in an elec­tro­mag­netic vault on one of the most secure Naval bases in the world. But noth­ing is at it seems, and there is a shift in the shad­ows. Things can change in an instant–and frag­ile peace will become all-out war.

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