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‘Choose your side’ Transformers 2 site launches June 1st, 2009

As the inter­na­tional Trans­form­ers Revenge of the Fallen mar­ket­ing ramps up, many new pro­mo­tional sites, games, et al shall be appear­ing. One of the first of these is ‘Choose your side’ from Pic­ture Pro­duc­tion Company:

To pro­mote the release of TRANSFORMERS: REVENGE OF THE FALLEN, Para­mount Pic­tures Inter­na­tional and The Pic­ture Pro­duc­tion Com­pany have launched a new Trans­form­ers web­site ‘Choose Your Side’ – a fan site where any­one can grab a wealth of Trans­form­ers con­tent to share across their own social web.

The fan site invites vis­i­tors to express their alle­giance to either Auto­bots or Decep­ti­cons, through a vari­ety of cre­ative and com­pelling con­tent includ­ing site skins for Twit­ter, Myspace and bebo, desk­top down­loads and a pro­file pic cre­ator. The ‘trans­mit­ter’ and ‘ban­ner builder’ are two per­son­alised appli­ca­tions that you can embed on your social net­work, blog or site to deliver the lat­est news about the movie direct to you and your sub­scribers.

Thanks Marc!

The offi­cial web­site has also updated to include new fan made images:

Transfomers 2 IMAX poster, June 10th for IMAX pre-orders May 28th, 2009

Bum­ble­bee and the pyra­mids fea­ture in a new IMAX poster for Revenge of the Fallen. It is sim­i­lar to pre­vi­ous posters but puts Bum­ble­bee in a dif­fer­ent pose with even greater detail.

Addi­tion­ally, pre-order tick­ets for Trans­form­ers 2 at IMAX will be avail­able from June 10th! Be sure to snap them up quickly to grab the best IMAX seats — noth­ing worse than a cramped neck from watch­ing the movie in the bot­tom cor­ner of the theater!

New Trailer cut with Museum 2 and Terminator 4 May 28th, 2009

As pre­vi­ously rumored, a slightly dif­fer­ent cut of the lat­est Trans­form­ers 2 trailer is air­ing with Night at the Museum 2 and Ter­mi­na­tor Sal­va­tion. A cou­ple of descrip­tions have come through about this alter­nate cut:

The trailer con­tains: a longer cut of BB in the garage (shorter than show­est though), side­swipe doing his thing, a new shot of Arcee, both of the twins talk­ing (some­thing about not being able to read), extended shot in the school library, and more that I can’t remem­ber. Just a heads up for you to be look­ing around for it!

- Trent

At my local the­ater, I had the oppor­tu­nity to pre­screeen a copy of Night at the Museum 2 and the new cut trailer was on there. Some of the footage was old, but more than half was new. Here’s what I remem­ber see­ing that was of note:

–Bum­ble­bee cry­ing (Show­est footage)
–Twins actu­ally speak­ing (Sam shows them a tat­too on his arm and they say they can’t read. If you lis­ten VERY closely, one of them sounds like Sponge­bob. XD )
–Gal­loway and Epps hav­ing a con­ver­sa­tion that goes like this
“It looks like a nor­mal truck“
*Opti­mus trans­forms* (this is a bet­ter, fuller ver­sion than the T.V. spot)
Epps: “Freaky, right?“
–Bet­ter images of Arcee, but I didn’t see her fully combined.

Don’t remem­ber if there was any­thing else note­wor­thy, but I’ll make a sec­ond look just in case. Please remem­ber that trail­ers are only selec­tive to cer­tain the­aters and it may or may not be on the Night At the Musuem 2 that you watch.

Transformers 2 released June 20th in Japan May 28th, 2009

We recently saw the UK release date for Trans­form­ers 2 moved to June 19th, to coin­cide with the June 15th pre­mière. Japan’s Revenge of the Fallen release date has also changed, it has been updated to June 20th, prob­a­bly to coin­cide with the June 8th world pre­mière of the movie.

No update on the US release date which still sits on June 24th. And no word on the US pre­mière either yet.

Bumblebee Transformers 2 Camaro available to order May 28th, 2009

GM are tak­ing orders for a lim­ited spe­cial edi­tion 2010 ‘Bum­ble­bee’ ver­sion of the Camaro from June 1st. Includ­ing the famous yel­low with black stripes and Trans­form­ers badg­ing on the wheels and plates and embroi­dered on the con­sole lid. No pric­ing avail­able yet.

MTV Movie awards presented by Bay and Fox May 28th, 2009

The next MTV movie awards shall air on May 31st at 9pm/8pm CST, with Michael Bay and Megan Fox set to present. The award cer­e­mony shall fea­ture an exclu­sive Trans­form­ers Revenge of the Fallen clip that shall be pre­sented by Megan Fox and then aired. It’ll prob­a­bly turn up online shortly thereafter.

UK Première June 15th, release date June 19th May 17th, 2009

The UK pre­mier of Trans­form­ers: Revenge of the Fallen has been dated at June 15th (world pre­mière is in Tokyo, June 8th), tak­ing place in the usual loca­tion, Leices­ter Square. More inter­est­ingly, the UK release date has been brought for­ward from 24th June to 19th June, now being the ear­li­est of all inter­na­tional release dates.

HMV are offer­ing two tick­ets to the UK Pre­mière of Trans­form­ers 2 via their rewards scheme:

Trans­form­ers 2 — Pair of tick­ets to Pre­mière
100000 Points

We have a pair of tick­ets for this much antic­i­pated Pre­mière. If you redeem this you will walk the red car­pet amongst the stars!

Not yet avail­able. You will need to visit the site on 08/06/2009 [June 8th] to get this reward.

Transformers 2 Poster Giveaway May 14th, 2009

Michael​Bay​.com is hold­ing a Revenge of the Fallen poster giveaway:

05/13/2009 08:38 AM

Nel­son here… In the next few weeks I will be giv­ing out some Revenge of the Fallen posters.
To enter, send your name, and email to webmaster@​revengeiscoming.​com. Con­test is open to US res­i­dents only and ends on end of day May 20, 2009. Good luck!

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