Movie Chronicles » Transformers 3


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Shooting “never stopped”; Filming “all week and last week” July 21st, 2008

In a post on Don Murphy’s mes­sage board, writer Roberto Orci stated that Trans­form­ers 2 shoot­ing has been tak­ing place “all week and last week”. It was pre­vi­ously thought that TF2 had ceased film­ing in antic­i­pa­tion of the SAG strikes.

Michael Bay has con­firmed this in an inter­view with Enter­tain­ment Weekly, where they spoke to Michael Bay at a remote air force base.

Chevy Volt in Revenge of the Fallen July 10th, 2008

Auto­mo­bile blog, Motortrend, are report­ing that Gen­eral Motor’s elec­tric pow­ered “Chevy Volt” will be mak­ing an appear­ance in the Trans­form­ers sequel, “Revenge of the Fallen”. What role the vehi­cle shall have in the movie is unknown.

No Transformers 2 footage at Comic Con 08 July 10th, 2008

Whilst Trans­form­ers 2 has no offi­cial involve­ment in the San Diego Comic Con this year, the IESB reported that Has­bro, with per­mis­sion from Paramount/Dreamworks, would be show­ing a small snip­pet of the Trans­form­ers sequel. How­ever, since that arti­cle was posted and the slew of inter­net movie sites posted the news about the web, Para­mount has issued a brief state­ment that there will in fact be no Trans­form­ers 2 footage shown at Comic Con.

The six custom built Arcee motorcycles June 17th, 2008

The prob­lem with Arcee is quite sim­ply — how do you cre­ate a believ­able Trans­former that fits into the space of a fully func­tion­ing motor­cy­cle. The answer is to get 6 cus­tom built bikes from Ret­roSBK, after Dream­works con­tacted owner Will Kenefick, so Ven­tura County Star report.

Kenefick has since worked ridicu­lous man hours to get these six bikes (the turn­around for one usu­ally being 6 months), ready in time for film­ing. The 3 “hero” bikes and 3 “stunt” bikes were ready in time and some were in action at the start of June in Penn­syl­va­nia — Kenefick was on hand to fix and main­tain the vehi­cles, some­times get­ting only 2 hours of sleep. My guess is that the bikes we have seen were the 3 stunt bikes (this fits in with the call sheet), the 3 hero bikes being used for close up non-action shots, which is prob­a­bly where most of the paint has gone!

He esti­mates that 1273 hours were put in and that each bike cost $40,000, with $10,000 on paint alone (which added a fur­ther 1036 hours of work). Because the bikes are small it is expected that they will be show­cased at the movie’s première.

One of RetroSBK’s awe­some cus­tom built bike’s:

Arcee Predecessor

Transformers 2 Video Game details June 17th, 2008

Trans­former Toys got the scoop on a small descrip­tion of the Trans­form­ers 2 game adap­ta­tion, “Trans­form­ers 2: The Ulti­mate Bat­tle” — not sure if that is a work­ing title or not. The arti­cle sug­gests that Starscream is the ulti­mate bad­die, whilst giv­ing some weight to the rumors of Trans­form­ers that can trans­form into weapons:

“Make every sec­ond count Trans­form­ers 2: The Ulti­mate Bat­tle, as you choose to seek revenge as the Decep­ti­cons or defend Earth as the Auto­bots. Go beyond the movie and drop into pressure-packed mis­sions where sec­onds can make the dif­fer­ence between sur­vival and destruc­tion. Play as a vari­ety of Trans­form­ers, such as the evil Starscream or heroic Opti­mus Prime, to either demol­ish or pro­tect fully destruc­tible envi­ron­ments around the globe. A new Trans­for­ma­tion sys­tem gives you more detailed con­trol as you instantly switch between Robot, Weapon, and Vehi­cle modes at any time to drive, fly, fight and shoot your way through grip­ping lev­els. Then make your choice online as you go head to head against friends in mul­ti­player bat­tle zones. Your alliance will decide whether Earth’s great­est cities stand or fall in ruin as you expe­ri­ence the ulti­mate level of inten­sity in this race against time.”

Production moves to Philly June 9th, 2008

Philly​.com have pointed out that the Trans­form­ers II pro­duc­tion team will very soon be start­ing their work in and around Philadelphia,

Keep an eye out for Shia LaBeouf, Josh Duhamel, Megan Fox and John Tur­turro over the next two weeks as Michael Bay puts Trans­form­ers 2: Revenge of the Fallen before the cam­eras in Philly, start­ing tomor­row. Among loca­tions: Peco [Philadel­phia Elec­tric Com­pany] plants along the Delaware, the Uni­ver­sity of Penn­syl­va­nia (because LaBeouf plays a col­lege stu­dent), and East­ern State Pen­i­ten­tiary. Last week’s shoot­ing in Beth­le­hem, Pa., was a blast, as the old U.S. Steel plant hosted explo­sions and whirring Black Hawk helicopters.

Bethlehem, Day 2 June 5th, 2008

Machine­gun­death was on loca­tion at the Beth­le­hem Steel site to cap­ture both images and video of Day 2’s shoot­ing. Many thanks go out to him! You can find his set report here.


Transformers 2 — Revenge of the Fallen June 5th, 2008

Trans­form­ers 2 has a sub­ti­tle! In a post­ing made by pro­ducer Don Mur­phy on his forums, he linked to a blog post, reveal­ing the full title to the sequel:

Dream­Works — Para­mount Pic­tures have release the new title — Trans­form­ers 2: Revenge of the Fallen — for Trans­former sequel directed by Michael Bay. The Office’s Rainn Wil­son joins the orig­i­nal cast of Shia LaBeouf, Megan Fox, Josh Duhamel, John Tur­turro and Tyrese Gib­son in Trans­form­ers 2: Revenge of the Fallen.

Trans­form­ers 2: Revenge of the Fallen is writ­ten by Ehren Kruger, Alex Kurtz­man and Roberto Orci and pro­duced by Tom De Santo, Don Mur­phy and Lorenzo Di Bonaventura.

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