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Transformers trailer in Feb, poster and stills soon December 20th, 2008

Looks like I for­got to post this one when it first came out, sorry folks. Michael Bay updated his Shoot For The Edit blog with some news about Trans­form­ers: Revenge of the Fallen,

Hey every­one. Back from Egypt and Jor­dan — we had a won­der­ful shoot over there. I will miss the crew they were an amaz­ing bunch of peo­ple and a lot of fun.

I’m stuck in the edit room up to my eye balls — also fin­ished pro­duc­ing Fri­day the 13th and The Unborn — com­ing out the after the new year. Our Trailer for Trans­former you have been ask­ing about — First there will be a teaser poster soon after the new year, and the teaser trailer will be out either in the the­aters early Feb. or on the Super­bowl. Can­not decide yet. I’m going to release some set stills on this site in a few weeks. I’ll keep you informed. Going back to do more selects now from my portable avid that I take home from work. It’s late, see you.

Transformers 3 release date speculated December 20th, 2008

Dark Hori­zons have pointed out that on the upcom­ing release sched­ule for Ger­many a sec­ond Trans­form­ers sequel, which would be Trans­form­ers 3, has been sched­uled for a June 29th 2011 release date.

Alice (Isabel Lucas) rumored to be a Pretender November 7th, 2008

The TFW insider has returned with another rumor ‘scoop’, propos­ing that Isabel Lucas’ char­ac­ter, Alice, will be a Pretender.

The TFW TF2 Insider has con­firmed that the char­ac­ter of Alice, as played by Isabel Lucas, in Trans­form­ers: Revenge of the Fallen, is a Pre­tender. For those not famil­iar with Trans­form­ers sub-lines from the 1980s, Pre­tenders are Trans­form­ers that are hid­den inside a shell that acts as their dis­guise. In the case of Alice, the shell will be an attrac­tive human woman while the inner robot is best described as a hybrid of the Frenzy robot design from the first movie. The Pre­tender Trans­former will have an arm that trans­forms into an energy weapon, a long tongue, and a scan­ning tentacle.

This block of text explains what a Pre­tender is; prin­ci­pally a robot sur­rounded by an organic shell — in this case Isabel Lucas. Wikipedia reveals more details about the fic­tion behind them, their intro­duc­tion in 1988 and so on. We’ve already seen Alice involved with some messy green goo and an angry bum­ble­bee, what does that now sug­gest? Another scene also shows Alice walk­ing calmly away from some sort of panic or destruc­tion sug­gest­ing some­thing sinister.

Thanks for the heads up Miguel!

Transformers 2 Wraps November 7th, 2008

The Gos­sip Girls ear­lier reported that Shia LaBoeuf had flown back to LA after wrap­ping the film­ing of Trans­form­ers 2 and his role as Sam Witwicky.

Now Michael Bay’s blog has been updated, con­firm­ing that prin­ci­pal pho­tog­ra­phy on Trans­form­ers: Revenge of the Fallen has wrapped:

Nel­son here..

As of this week, prin­ci­pal pho­tog­ra­phy for Trans­form­ers: Revenge of the Fallen has ended.

Con­grats to Michael and his team.

Now the edit­ing and final­iz­ing of the FX can begin; most impor­tantly we should begin to see some shots of the com­puter gen­er­ated robots. Still no date on the teaser trailer.

Chevy Beat is named “Skids” October 15th, 2008

At long last the name of the Trans­former with an alt mode in the shape of a Chevy Beat has been revealed, “Skids”. Te dis­cov­ery was made via Jalop­nik and the pic­tures they received show­ing Bum­ble­bee the Beat and the Trax at the Bone­yard, the name is on the reg­is­tra­tion plate.

Skids Details in the Trans­form­ers Wiki

Shia LaBoeuf straight back to work after injury October 2nd, 2008

Ok so it wasn’t that bad an injury, a gash just above the eye, but still, sewn back up by the medics and straight back on set.

TMZ first reported this, but fur­ther details have emerg­ered that is was inflicted by one of the robots dur­ing film­ing, at Hol­lo­man Air Force Base in New Mex­ico.  Here’s what one guy on set had to say about it:

One troop on the set tells WENN, “He was treated at the clinic at the air­force base by Colonel Tor­res and then a local oph­thal­mol­o­gist came by to check on his eye. He was in the clinic for about four hours and then he returned to the set once the swelling had gone down.

“We were all pretty impressed. Shia’s mak­ing a lot of friends on the set of this film — he’s a real guy who smokes like a fiend. To get up from a movie explo­sion, which leaves you injured, and get back in there is cool.

“He’s got bro­ken fin­gers from his car crash this sum­mer (08) and now his eye­lid has been slashed open. I guess he’s lucky he still has his sight.

Action scenes in IMAX! October 1st, 2008

At least 3 scenes will be recorded in IMAX for­mat, and thus the film will be released to IMAX cin­e­mas at the same time as the wide release on June 26th 2009.  This news has now been con­firmed by the IMAX cor­por­taion fol­low­ing a recent report in Vari­ety, for the full offi­cial news release see below.

Read the rest of this entry »

Hasbro Summit: Corvette is Sideswipe September 23rd, 2008

In Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, Has­bro recently held their licens­ing sum­mit and with it a num­ber of key Trans­form­ers 2 char­ac­ter details emerged.


The real name for the Chevy Corvette Cen­ten­nial is in fact “Sideswipe”.


The Rav­age char­ac­ter was con­firmed as hav­ing a “very raw beast mode”. Rumors sug­gest that the mech­a­nized crea­ture seen in one of PhillyFilmGirl’s videos is this char­ac­ter, rather than Frenzy. Although I do have some doubts.


“Merg­ing toys” con­firmed the appear­ance of a “super-sized” trans­former that com­bines mul­ti­ple toys, likely to retail for +$50. Is this the rumored Dev­as­ta­tor?

Source: TFW2005

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