Movie Chronicles » Transformers 3

Transformers 2 viral sites, “RealEffingDeal” and “GiantEffingRobots” June 11th, 2009

In the trail­ers for Trans­form­ers 2 two web­sites were revealed on t-shirts, the​re​al​eff​in​gdeal​.com and giant​eff​in​gro​bots​.com/. Each of them relates to alien con­spir­a­cies and are peri­od­i­cally updated with new sto­ries, some made up and some link­ing to real news items.

The­Re­al­Eff­in­gDeal (TRED) is run by Sam Witwicky’s new flat mate Leo. Giant­Eff­in­gRo­bots (GER) is report­edly the voice of Agent Sim­mons, coun­ter­ing the child­ish giant robot claims. Recent updates on each of the sites has spurred me to make this post, espe­cially as the ROTF mar­ket­ing builds up.

Click the ever excit­ing more link to read the rest of this entry if the TF2 viral cam­paign holds your inter­est. I’ve cov­ered some of the best bits. A lot of the UFO non­sense on Leo’s site isn’t overly inter­est­ing, but hid­den within are some good Trans­form­ers gems.

PDF file of Pen­ta­gon report on Mis­sion City

Down­load PDF

The Mis­sion

We’re sur­rounded by giant alien robots. That’s right: giant eff­ing alien eff­ing robots! ‘Cept the gov­ern­ment wants to keep it all a secret — and they’re doing a damn good job, ’cause right now you’re all like, “What? Giant eff­ing alien robots? Huh? Where?”

Okay, chillax, dudes. The​Re​al​Eff​in​gDeal​.com is here to do the dirty work to expose the truth so you can hang at your pad and stream all the lat­est dope on every­thing giant-alien-robot-conspiracy (and as a side-dish, we bring you hot geekos­phere ladies, too — you’re wel­come). Yeah, we know, right now you’re think­ing we’re totally wack — but check it:

It all goes back to the government’s one big mis­take. Remem­ber the Mis­sion City “inci­dent” and how they told us it was just a “test of new robo-technology” by Mendel­son Robot­ics that went hay­wire? Well, I went to the com­pany site to check into their pub­lic ele­ments, but as soon as I started inves­ti­gat­ing, the whole web site sud­denly went down. Now their main (and only) page shows just their cor­po­rate logo. Um, hello? Could that BE any more suspicious???

So, who’s behind this con­spir­acy? Does it go all the way to the top? Are some of our gov­ern­ment lead­ers actu­ally alien robots in dis­guise? And more impor­tantly, what does this all mean for human­ity? Are we going to wake up tomor­row and find out we’re the slaves of giant alien robot masters?

Don’t worry. Our mis­sion here at TRED is to find out all these answers and more. So keep your home page locked on The​Re​al​Eff​in​gDeal​.com for all the lat­est evi­dence on the Mis­sion City cover-up and the inter­na­tional alien-robot conspiracy.

And THAT’s the Real Eff­ing truth, bitches.

Reports on Mis­sion City


EXCLUSIVE!!!!! This was just sent into the TRED home base and we are pro­claim­ing it AUTHENTIC!!!!

This image was sent to me to today (with­out the writ­ing on it [Thanks Sharsky]) with very lit­tle infor­ma­tion or explanation.

Sim­p­ley stated:

“Mis­sion City, July 2007.

This is the Real Deal,


I assert this to be a cred­i­ble tip and have cho­sen to run with it! Does that look like a mal­func­tion­ing gov­ern­ment robot? Ok…maybe it does — but FLAMES??? That’s not gov­ern­ment man, thats ALIEN — yeah, I said it — who the eff would put flames on a robot??? Not the gov­ern­ment, that’s for damn sure.

The posi­tion and/or motion imply thought and com­pre­hen­sion. They’re intel­li­gent. I say again — THEY ARE SUPER EFFING SMART!!!

That ball-like thing on top of its head is look­ing RIGHT AT THE CAMERA PERSON.

Robot sight­ings

rud­dmar­garet has posted a pic­ture of her friend Johnny stand­ing next to a “giant mov­ing sculp­ture” which as since van­ished. (view post)

A cou­ple of Ital­ians also caught the glimpse of a robot whilst film­ing (view post):

Starscream caught on camera

Holy eff­ing crap! Check out these pho­tos that arrived in my inbox this morn­ing from the same “X” that sent me that first pic of what looks to me like a giant eff­ing robots. The Fassi­na­tor (SO glad I hired him) hacked the file and found a GPS time/date stamp that PROVES it was shot on the same eff­ing day as the Mis­sion City “Inci­dent” just a few miles from the epi­cen­ter of the event. This is NOT a hoax, peo­ple. We just cracked this bs wide open! Looks like this giant alien robot sucka got mega-hurt in the bat­tle and had to stop off for some recharg­ing at some kind of power plant.

Kit­ten Calendars

Think this is just for a bit of fun, as linked from the blog, real​eff​in​gkit​ten​cal​en​dars​.com/.