Movie Chronicles » Transformers 3

Transformers 2 almost finished, IMAX cut is longer June 8th, 2009

From the words of Michael Bay:

Hey every­one,

In Japan today. After a month and half seven days a week most days going till mid­night me and my crew have just about fin­ished Trans­form­ers. I have never seen such a level of ded­i­ca­tion from every crew mem­ber in a movie before.

Even today after the press in Japan and right before the pre­mière tonight, I have to sneak out to a dig­i­tal house to approve the last few effect shots.

It has been a long hard road, but really fun one to travel. What you will notice that is strik­ingly dif­fer­ent than Trans­form­ers 1, is the level of ani­ma­tion detail. The robot char­ac­ters (42 in all), you really can feel empa­thy for them. What is also very dif­fer­ent is the sheer scale of the movie. We have been very tight hold­ing back much of the best imagery in com­mer­cials and trailers.

The way to see this movie is on IMAX. Never before has there been 4k ren­dered char­ac­ter ani­ma­tion shot on full IMAX 70 mm film. This is a first and the results are stun­ning. You will see Opti­mus Prime in a few shots where he is actu­ally per­fectly to scale on the IMAX 50 foot tall screens.

For IMAX, I cre­ated a slightly longer cut with more robot fight­ing. Four scenes were shot on IMAX cam­eras so the screen will fill the full IMAX screen for these scenes.

Haters beware.
