Movie Chronicles » Transformers 3

‘Choose your side’ Transformers 2 site launches June 1st, 2009

As the inter­na­tional Trans­form­ers Revenge of the Fallen mar­ket­ing ramps up, many new pro­mo­tional sites, games, et al shall be appear­ing. One of the first of these is ‘Choose your side’ from Pic­ture Pro­duc­tion Company:

To pro­mote the release of TRANSFORMERS: REVENGE OF THE FALLEN, Para­mount Pic­tures Inter­na­tional and The Pic­ture Pro­duc­tion Com­pany have launched a new Trans­form­ers web­site ‘Choose Your Side’ – a fan site where any­one can grab a wealth of Trans­form­ers con­tent to share across their own social web.

The fan site invites vis­i­tors to express their alle­giance to either Auto­bots or Decep­ti­cons, through a vari­ety of cre­ative and com­pelling con­tent includ­ing site skins for Twit­ter, Myspace and bebo, desk­top down­loads and a pro­file pic cre­ator. The ‘trans­mit­ter’ and ‘ban­ner builder’ are two per­son­alised appli­ca­tions that you can embed on your social net­work, blog or site to deliver the lat­est news about the movie direct to you and your sub­scribers.

Thanks Marc!

The offi­cial web­site has also updated to include new fan made images: