Movie Chronicles » Transformers 3

Steve Jablonsky and Linkin Park April 26th, 2009

Michael Bay recently noted that Steve Jablon­sky and Linkin Park were work­ing on the Trans­form­ers 2 score. Jablon­sky scored the first movie and Linkin Park also appeared on that film’s offi­cial soundtrack.

BREAKING NEWS: Linkin Park will be work­ing on the score for Trans­form­ers 2: Revenge Of The Fallen.

Although I wasn’t at lib­erty to say it before, the song I’ve been ref­er­enc­ing here on mikeshin​oda​.com in the past few weeks…is actu­ally being done for Michael Bay’s new Trans­form­ers film, due out June 24th.

In addition–and prob­a­bly ever cooler–we have been offered the unique oppor­tu­nity to help score the film. The song we wrote is being used as one of the themes, and we will be writ­ing var­i­ous inter­po­la­tions on that theme, and try­ing out some other the­matic ideas as part of the (very large) team scor­ing the film.
My band­mates and I are work­ing with award-winning film com­poser (and res­i­dent ass-kicker) Hans Zim­mer. We met with Hans last week, and heard some of the incred­i­ble things he and his guys have done with our new song. In the next few days, we’ll be doing some work with Hans’ amaz­ing writ­ing and record­ing crew.

Michael Bay has shown us select scenes from the film, and it looks incred­i­ble. I can’t wait for you to see it.