Movie Chronicles » Transformers 3

Bay reveals character death April 4th, 2009

This story has spoil­ers, if you hadn’t already guessed. Michael Bay has been speak­ing to MTV about Trans­form­ers 2 and reveals a character’s death. Spoiler after the break…

In a rather cal­lous tone Michael Bay reveals that Arcee dies, “I didn’t like Arcee […] so I kill her later”. He goes on to explain that Arcee’s char­ac­ter didn’t fit in with the movie and dis­cred­its the rumors that Megan Fox rides Arcee (as reported in USA Today)

“You know what? It’s like actors,” he explained, com­par­ing his Trans­form­ers to flesh-and-blood stars Shia LaBeouf and Megan Fox. “There are cer­tain actors that blos­som on screen, and there are cer­tain oth­ers where you’re like, ‘Yuck, I’m cut­ting them out of the movie.’”

“This isn’t sad,” he grinned, dis­cussing Arcee’s sud­den death. “This is just ‘get it out and get it over with.’ ”

Bay also shot down the long-simmering rumor that Fox will be seen rid­ing Arcee and doing some female bond­ing with the char­ac­ter. “No,” he insisted. “She has noth­ing to do with Megan.”

Comments 15 Responses to “Bay reveals character death”

dro411 April 4th, 2009

He’s lying…I bet ya any money he’s lying. Of course he’s not gonna reveal any info about the movie as far as story wise goes, why would he? Remem­ber how he came out and said that Mega­tron WASN’T going to be in this movie…yeah, well…he lied about that too. Of course all of us want to know every­thing there is to know about the movie…but he’s the direc­tor, and he’s gonna keep as much info as pos­si­ble away from us. I’d do the exact same thing… make peo­ple won­der, and then lie to throw them off track…it just helps to add to the sus­pense. Anyways…can’t wait to see it!

orphan008 April 4th, 2009

If any­one dies, I hope Jet­fire and Opti­mus die. :-D

Leroy April 4th, 2009

Yup, he is lying, he said it so quick and non­cha­lant. Besides there are pho­tos of Megan Fox on a pink motor­cy­cle a few months back and that can’t just be a coin­ci­dence. And let’s think of all the other times Bay has lied, or blurred the truth, like with Mega­tron, said to be dead but here we see a full line of Trans­form­ers toys and Bay even chang­ing his story about him being in there. I think the main rea­son he is say­ing all this is because Arcee is a major aspect of the plot, Megan Fox with her own per­sonal trans­former, that’s big.

BetaS­word April 8th, 2009

If any­one dies, let those twins(or at least one of them) die.
How­ever, let­ting Arcee die is a dras­tic act, that would actu­ally dis­ap­point me(and maybe many oth­ers).
So far, it’s said, that there are some­thing like 60 Trans­form­ers in there, so it’s quite pos­si­ble, to let many of the still unknown Bots die?

How­ever, Bay said, that he’ll spread more Dis­in­for­ma­tion, so I can’t really believe him about this.
How­ever, what I believe is, that there will be IMAX used in sev­eral Scenes, and I think it’s quite fit­ting the scene, if Dev­as­ta­tor got a, IMAX-Scene, due to his over­whelm­ing size.

nothanks April 10th, 2009

Yep, it’s prob­a­bly a lie. Oh well, can’t wait to see this :) !

lol April 13th, 2009

I hope Chro­mia dies from inter­course with Ironhide.

amy May 12th, 2009

how long ago was this posted? its bull­shit hes so lying. ok think about this.….….the only girl dies.….all dudes.…oh shit.….yea we all knew micheal is gay but comon man!

michael bay hater May 15th, 2009

the crap is bay talk­ing about? just because he doesn’t like the char­ac­ter that per­mits him to cut them off? dammit, it reminds me of jazz death in trans­form­ers 1, which made me react ” what? they just killed jazz in an ugly way!”…

Hahaha June 10th, 2009

He is soo lying.… lol

socram­nalon June 28th, 2009

sorry guys i saw the movie today n unfor­tu­nately he is not lying arcee does not have a big part in this movie, u can only see fast glimpses of her face, which is cool, n later on in the movie when she finally talks (pur­ple one) she gets blown up n later the hot pink one, i was pissed for a moment…

arcee September 27th, 2009

she had bet­ter not have died cause if she did i would if been pist i hope he is lying cause he changed the first movie to a com­plitely new one how can he do that they are sup­pose to com­bien i hopeshe lives cause alot of peo­ple like and by cut­ting none charecter he loses mil­lions of fan

alexvuong5 January 9th, 2010

i hope michael bay is is lying

Conar January 24th, 2010

It is sad if arcee died cause mikaela should get her own per­sonal auto bot like sam did

con­nor March 8th, 2010

I think this is cos cro­mia is tak­ing cover. arcee is seen hurt on the ground and pur­ple one is still alive because how can she screem if she is dead. he has alot of explain­ing to do with them not being there wen the explo­sion hap­pens. if he reads this made arcee be repared

con­nor April 22nd, 2010

i hope hes lying cos if he’s not then jazz and arcee be dead and they are by top two bots includ­ing sidesswipe