Movie Chronicles » Transformers 3

Hugo Weaving returns to voice Megatron! March 5th, 2009

Andrew Fen­ton of Aus­tralian pub­li­ca­tion, The Adver­tiser reveals in an inter­view with Hugo Weav­ing that Weav­ing shall return to voice the part of Mega­tron and that Bay asked him to keep it hush hush. He goes on to sug­gest that Mega­tron may be res­ur­rected from shards of the cube.

“Mega Secret
By Andrew Fen­ton
Film Writer, The Advertiser

In town to pro­mote his rather excel­lent new Aussie film, “Last Ride”, Hugo Weav­ing let slip he’ll be return­ing as the voice of Mega­tron in “Trans­form­ers: Revenge of the Fallen”.

Fans no doubt will recall that when we last saw Mega­tron, Sam (Shia LaBeouf) had rammed the All Spark cube into his chest, thereby destroy­ing him. Despite this cer­tain death, rumours have been cir­cu­lat­ing the vil­lain was going to make a come­back. Direc­tor Michael Bay went so far as to flatly deny the rumour, telling Empire: “He’s not in the movie”.

Turns out Bay was fib­bing. “I’ve already done it,” Weav­ing says, adding Bay had told him to keep the news hush-hush. “He’s over in LA and we were work­ing on the video split sort of thing and I had this strange con­ver­sa­tion where he seemed to imply it was all a big secret. So there you go — I’ve given you the secret scoop.”

So how is Mega­tron res­ur­rected? Weav­ing is coy about revealling too much, but does give a tiny hint.

“I think in the last one, doesn’t Opti­mus Prime pick up a lit­tle bit of, a shard of the cube, or the thing that’s left, and he takes it with him. Maybe there’s some­thing there… but I don’t know,” he laughs.

We’ll find out on June 25, the film’s Aus­tralian release.”

Via Seib­ertron

Comments 2 Responses to “Hugo Weaving returns to voice Megatron!”

marc March 5th, 2009

i knew it i said to my cousin that mega­tron is going to to be in the sec­ond movie because opti­mus prime picked up a shard of the cube if he would have not taken it out megtron would stay dead and im happy he took out the shard cause mega­tron rule EVIL RULES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Scor­pio March 5th, 2009

So accord­ing to hugo weaving …

Opti­mus removed a piece of spark in the other film which was hurt­ing mega­tron after he had gone into a tem­po­rary coma from absorb­ing the ener­gys of the allspark. Mega­tron is then put in the lau­ren­sion obyse and when he wakes he scav­enges parts from the fallen robots around him includ­ing Jazz (Buried there in the comics), Black­out and Brawl. The other piece of spark known as the splin­ter appar­ently can be reused to regrow the allspark and save cybertron how­ever the decep­ti­cons steal it and release The Fallen from the alter­nate dimen­sion which he is trapped in!