Movie Chronicles » Transformers 3

Hasbro confirms Devastator, 6 constructicons February 14th, 2009

In antic­i­pa­tion of the 2009 Toy Fair the lat­est Has­bro Press Release out­lines the Trans­form­ers 2 toy line, due for release along­side the movie. This includes con­fir­ma­tion that Dev­as­ta­tor will be in the movie and is made up of 6 constructicons.

Inter­est­ingly, this con­flicts with the con­cept design we have seen, which clearly shows 7 or even 8 robots com­bin­ing to form Dev­as­ta­tor. It is pos­si­ble that this is an early con­cept and that the design of Dev­as­ta­tor has since changed, some sug­gest the body now has a cen­tral cement mixer ‘drum’ which acts like a suck­ing vor­tex. It’s also entirely pos­si­ble that the toy has just been sim­pli­fied to ease con­struc­tion and lower costs.

..And, long-time fans will be thrilled with one the most pow­er­ful DECEPTICONS, the new TRANSFORMERS MOVIE CONSTRUCTICON DEVASTATOR fig­ure, a mon­strous robot that com­bines six vehi­cles into one giant robot.

(Approx­i­mate retail price: $99.99; Ages 5 & up; Avail­able: August 2009)
The largest and most pow­er­ful foe the AUTOBOTS will encounter in this summer’s TRANSFORMERS: REVENGE OF THE FALLEN is sure to be DEVASTATOR, a mon­strous DECEPTICON robot made up of six sep­a­rate con­struc­tion vehi­cles known as the CONSTRUCTICONS. The TRANSFORMERS MOVIE CONSTRUCTICON DEVASTATOR allows kids to re-create the film’s awe­some action sequences.

(Approx­i­mate retail price: $22.99; Ages 4 & up; Avail­able: May 30, 2009) Designed to enable easy play for younger fans, TRANSFORMERS MOVIE POWER BOTS are 10-inch robot-only ver­sions of favorite TRANSFORMERS char­ac­ters. These large-scale, chunky action fig­ures include lights, sounds and bat­tle fea­tures. Two new POWER BOTS fig­ures fea­tur­ing robots from TRANSFORMERS: REVENGE OF THE FALLEN will be released in 2009. TRANSFORMERS MOVIE MEGA POWER BOTS (Approx­i­mate retail price: $34.99; Ages 4 & up; Avail­able: August 2009)
Tak­ing POWER BOTS to the next level with a sec­ond mode for “mega” action! Robots include OPTIMUS PRIME and DEVASTATOR. When the DEVASTATOR POWER BOT fig­ure is face down, he appears to be six dif­fer­ent vehi­cles, but when stand­ing upright, he is the mon­strous DECEPTICON, DEVASTATOR.

(Approx­i­mate retail price: $39.99; Ages 5 & up; Avail­able: August 2009)
Cre­ated specif­i­cally for the new TRANSFORMERS R.P.M.’s line of mini-vehicles, the TRANSFORMERS RPMs DEVASTATOR TRACK SET pro­vides fast, mini-vehicle play within a dynamic track set by lever­ag­ing the iconic bat­tle and high stakes drama found in the new movie. The track will bring DEVASTATOR to life and enable fans to re-enact the cli­mac­tic movie bat­tle between the AUTOBOTS and DEVASTATOR