Movie Chronicles » Transformers 3

Shia LaBoeuf straight back to work after injury October 2nd, 2008

Ok so it wasn’t that bad an injury, a gash just above the eye, but still, sewn back up by the medics and straight back on set.

TMZ first reported this, but fur­ther details have emerg­ered that is was inflicted by one of the robots dur­ing film­ing, at Hol­lo­man Air Force Base in New Mex­ico.  Here’s what one guy on set had to say about it:

One troop on the set tells WENN, “He was treated at the clinic at the air­force base by Colonel Tor­res and then a local oph­thal­mol­o­gist came by to check on his eye. He was in the clinic for about four hours and then he returned to the set once the swelling had gone down.

“We were all pretty impressed. Shia’s mak­ing a lot of friends on the set of this film — he’s a real guy who smokes like a fiend. To get up from a movie explo­sion, which leaves you injured, and get back in there is cool.

“He’s got bro­ken fin­gers from his car crash this sum­mer (08) and now his eye­lid has been slashed open. I guess he’s lucky he still has his sight.

Comments One Response to “Shia LaBoeuf straight back to work after injury”

Michele Bar­nett November 12th, 2008
