Movie Chronicles » Transformers 3

Orci reveals more Revenge of the Fallen details August 26th, 2008

Roberto Orci took some time out to answer fan’s ques­tions over at TFW2005, with com­ments on Shia LaBoeuf’s hand injury as well as the inspi­ra­tion behind TF2, ani­mal modes and the mar­ket­ing push which is set to begin in Novem­ber (per­haps a trailer released with Quan­tum of Solace?)

The Injury

“Luck­ily noth­ing has to be reshot. Yes, we were on set last week to write it into the movie, not because it’s absolutely nec­es­sary, but more because we want to make sure Shia’s hand is pro­tected for the remain­der of the shoot…”


“Back to the Future, Juras­sic Park, Close Encoun­ters and Ter­mi­na­tor 2.” “We were emu­lat­ing the style of movie from the old Amblin days, like Back to the Future and Grem­lins, which if you watch today are still very funny. Also, the car­toon itself was quite funny. Also, com­edy makes things more acces­si­ble to a larger audience.”

Ani­mal Modes

Will the Sequel have any Trans­form­ers with Ani­mal Modes like Scor­ponok? “All signs point to ‘probably.’”

Via FSR. You can also find a con­cise break­down of the ques­tions and their responses at /Film.