Movie Chronicles » Transformers 3

Shia flips car with Isabel Lucas, arrested for a DUI July 29th, 2008

Shia LaBoeuf is an idiot. Any­one that dri­ves drunk deserves to be called an idiot and made a pub­lic mock­ery of. Below is the best tele­vi­sion report I can find on YouTube that cov­ers the inci­dent — well, the least sen­sa­tion­al­ist and the most infor­ma­tive. It con­cludes that Shia expects to return to work within the month. Shia man­aged to flip his green Ford when he made a left-turn too fast, crush­ing his left hand in the process and requir­ing exten­sive surgery. Celebri­ty­Fix reports that the female pas­sen­ger involved in the acci­dent was none other than Isabel Lucas, unin­jured she has returned to the set for filming.

Comments 2 Responses to “Shia flips car with Isabel Lucas, arrested for a DUI”

Trip August 2nd, 2008

Actu­ally, he wasn’t drunk and it was another car that hit him. He was actu­ally fol­low­ing the traf­fic laws and some­one else ran a red light and hit him. I think it’s amuz­ing that they are going to write his injury into the script though.

Shia’s ‘crushed hand’ worked into movie (Trans­form­ers 2 — Movie Chronicles) August 3rd, 2008

[…] Shia LaBoeuf’s acci­dent has led to quick resched­ul­ing whilst the crew await Shia’s recov­ery. How­ever, as time now ticks on it seems appar­ent that pro­duc­tion can­not wait for a full recov­ery — either because they will be put behind or LaBoeuf’s injuries will take too long to heal. Michael Bay will be work­ing these injuries into the sto­ry­line, to facil­i­tate the movie mak­ing process. […]