Movie Chronicles » Transformers 3

The six custom built Arcee motorcycles June 17th, 2008

The prob­lem with Arcee is quite sim­ply — how do you cre­ate a believ­able Trans­former that fits into the space of a fully func­tion­ing motor­cy­cle. The answer is to get 6 cus­tom built bikes from Ret­roSBK, after Dream­works con­tacted owner Will Kenefick, so Ven­tura County Star report.

Kenefick has since worked ridicu­lous man hours to get these six bikes (the turn­around for one usu­ally being 6 months), ready in time for film­ing. The 3 “hero” bikes and 3 “stunt” bikes were ready in time and some were in action at the start of June in Penn­syl­va­nia — Kenefick was on hand to fix and main­tain the vehi­cles, some­times get­ting only 2 hours of sleep. My guess is that the bikes we have seen were the 3 stunt bikes (this fits in with the call sheet), the 3 hero bikes being used for close up non-action shots, which is prob­a­bly where most of the paint has gone!

He esti­mates that 1273 hours were put in and that each bike cost $40,000, with $10,000 on paint alone (which added a fur­ther 1036 hours of work). Because the bikes are small it is expected that they will be show­cased at the movie’s première.

One of RetroSBK’s awe­some cus­tom built bike’s:

Arcee Predecessor

Comments 16 Responses to “The six custom built Arcee motorcycles”

thomas June 18th, 2008

From the call sheet leaked a while ago:

“GO KART, Arcee & Stinger chase R8 Along street with stacks. R8, Arcee, Stinger, Hum­mers, Trikes all race past Ice Cream Truc. Ice Cream truck chases R8 thru alleys. Crashes. Splits in two. Twins fight. Low Camer R8 in bushes. Over­lap explo­sion R8 races away toward Backside.”

it sounds to me like the con­cept of mul­ti­ple robots cre­at­ing sin­gle vehi­cles — and vice versa — is a big fac­tor in the new movie — and with that — couldn’t one sur­mise that the ‘mul­ti­ple Arcee’s could form a sin­gle robot, thus elim­i­nate the con­cern you intro­duced that a ‘believ­able Trans­former that fits into the space of a fully func­tion­ing motor­cy­cle’ is possible.

That said, is it pos­si­ble to believe that Arcee, Stinger (which is that the ‘motorcycle-snowmobile’ we saw ear­lier), Trikes (prob­a­bly 3-wheelers) and this R8? all form to make a BIG, constructacon-type robot?

Looks like we’ll have to see.


iH8Shia June 18th, 2008

That doesn’t look very fem­i­nine to me! Get Pink or Get Lost!

db June 18th, 2008

$10k in paint? someone’s pay­ing WAYYYYYYY too much !!


Garner_The Groover June 18th, 2008

Wow, I think it looks great. This time, how­ever, I wont get my hopes so high they will inevitably be crushed. I will reserve judge­ment until I see the movie. I hope there’s more Trans­former screen time this time. I swear if I have to sit through stu­pid fake mil­i­tary con­ver­sa­tions with some ran­dom Gen­eral, a guy who plays video games all day and eats donuts and dori­tos and is sup­pos­edly the great­est com­puter genius, and an Eng­lish girl who was more annoy­ing than cute, I will be done with Bay­form­ers. Done.

DJB June 18th, 2008

CONSTRUCT-A-%#(@!-CONS, B!%#@$$#$!!!!
You guys have NO idea how badass that is!!!

I can’t wait, i’m gonna pee myself when they pull it off, fo’ real!

hmm­m­m­m­m­mmm June 18th, 2008

Stinger is sup­pos­edly a small (think Frenzy) RC vehi­cle. A robot the humans can carry with them.

As soon as I heard about the mul­ti­ple Arcee dri­vers, I’ve thought Arcee would be mul­ti­ple bikes that “merged.”

gate­wave June 19th, 2008

I’d like to HOPE that’s not Arcee as it doesn’t in any way rep­re­sent her,

but then again I’ve never liked the idea of her being a motor­cy­cle in the first place. NEVER.

Eugene July 7th, 2008

I bet Bum­ble­bee will fall in love with Arcee in TF2, wow it will be roman­tic in the movie when they show up lov­ing each other.

Misses the G1 version January 17th, 2009

Inter­est­ing page and ideas. I have to agree with the oth­ers, where’s the pink? That bike does not look /feminine/.

I like the com­biner the­ory you have. But here’s another one:

Hav­ing 3 each of the prop bikes may just be typ­i­cal Hol­ly­wood. Espe­cially if they expect the stunt bikes to crash and break (or at least be pre­pared for that). Now, any­one famil­iar with Robot­ech / Macross? They have a ‘trans­form­ing’ mecha / pow­er­suit that can be either a bike, or wraps around its dri­ver to form a power armor. Pro­tec­tive and enhances strength, so on. They were called Cyclones.

And since a motor­cy­cle needs a dri­ver for the shift­ing of weight that is needed for it to be bal­anced when mov­ing and turn­ing, and so forth. Why can’t Arcee be a Human — Cybertron­ian hybrid? Some­one dri­ves it (at least in a spe­cial suit), and it can trans­form to wrap around that per­son. Sort of an exten­sion of the head-master and target-master series of Trans­form­ers from back when. Just an idle fantasy.

Dave Sto­pher February 5th, 2009

This looks mint can­not wait for the film!!

Danto February 13th, 2009

Finally the Moto­bots come into the movie

Jonathan Pawlowski March 8th, 2009

Ok, first things first Bay is mak­ing a huge break­through in his movies. In the teaser trailer if you lis­ten closely you were hear loud thumps of machines fus­ing together, that’s Dev­as­ta­tor! And who is the TF with the rolled up cater­pil­lar wheels is it Scav­enger or Demol­isher, idk. Huh, wish Bay would’ve used the orig­i­nal Con­struc­ta­cons though by bring­ing Bonecrusher back, he was still left on the high­way. And the Fallen isn’t really that big, he’s a bit shorter then Mega­tron but faster, cooler, stronger, and wiser, so you have to give him credit. And there is a rumor thats going around that Brawl might be back, huh, thats cool. And Jazz is not going to be in the movie, thats ganna suck big time. Oh, here is some good news Cos­mos, Motor­Mas­ter, Trail­breaker, and oth­ers might be in the movie, too. Well thats all for now, this is Jonathan Pawlowski (Paw-low-ski, not low as in low rider, low, like I’m allow­ing you to do this).

Nic­hole March 16th, 2009

I don’t think so but I think it will be for real that Bum­ble­bee and Arcee will be on date in TF2?????????????????????

I’m girl and I don’t ever wait for find out that w@$5%TREFVKfDT%g that movie!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Nic­hole March 16th, 2009

I don’t think so but I think it will be for real that Bum­ble­bee and Arcee will be on date in TF2?????????????????????

I’m girl and I don’t ever wait for find out about that movie!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Pega­sus June 23rd, 2009

Arcee char­ac­ter is in pink color, since Arcee is a female.

andy June 29th, 2009

arcee rocks she and her twins rock she is the first girl atoubot!