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Online trailer launch delayed April 30th, 2009

The Trans­form­ers 2 offi­cial HD online release was meant to occur at 12:00pm PST today, it looks like this time has slightly slipped to 4:30pm PST — maybe to coin­cide with that Enter­tain­ment Tonight fea­ture. ET have also pro­vided a video inter­view with Shia, Michael Bay and Tyrese at the first show­ing of the new trailer. Videos included after the break
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New Official Megan Fox Image from ROTF April 30th, 2009

Yahoo have posted a new offi­cial image of Mikaela (Megan Fox) from Trans­form­ers Revenge of the Fallen:

Megan Fox has also been speak­ing to USA Weekend:

Before land­ing high-profile movies and mag­a­zine cov­ers, you were [a] TV sit­com side­kick. Did you ever doubt you’d wind up where you are now?
Megan: …I started act­ing as a way to make money and avoid col­lege. I sort of fell into it hav­ing no idea what I was doing … in “Trans­form­ers” as well.

Is it true that you didn’t know you were the female lead in “Trans­form­ers” until the end of film­ing?
Megan: Yes. Every­thing was on lock­down. The script wasn’t released to any­one. The direc­tor, Michael Bay, was the only one who’d seen it.

Megan, you and “Trans­form­ers” co-star Shia LaBeouf are good friends. Were your make-out scenes uncom­fort­able?
Megan: It’s always weird. That’s not some­thing that’s ever roman­tic or sexy. Doing an on-set kiss is just strange, and know­ing Shia so well makes it even more strange.

OK, but the ladies want to know: How is he?
Megan: [Laughs.] Very good.

In “Revenge,” you flee evil Decep­ti­cons for just about the entire movie. At least your male co-stars hauled butt in comfy sneak­ers — you were in heels!
Megan: Stilet­tos — and for the last part of the film, motor­cy­cle boots. I had major shin­splints and threw out my back a cou­ple times. Beyond that, Michael likes every­one freak­ishly tan, so we were painted maroon, like in the old West­erns when they hired Cau­casians to play Native Amer­i­cans. I had on fake eye­lashes, run­ning through the desert with sand stuck in them, and I’m sweat­ing off all the makeup. It looked like we were mak­ing a tragedy.

For many young actors, Megan, being in “Revenge” would be like the pin­na­cle of their career. But you’ve hinted that, in the end, movies about shape-shifting robots are noth­ing to write home about. How do you define suc­cess?
Megan: I’d like to develop my skills to where I can be rec­og­nized as a good actress. That’s my end goal. It has noth­ing to do with the box office. It’s about peer recog­ni­tion and crit­i­cal acclaim, even on a small level. I mean, I’m not try­ing to take Cate Blanchett down. I just want to improve.

Michael Bay talks to TV Guide April 26th, 2009

The fea­ture, clearly strapped for footage as it shows the same scenes twice in under thirty sec­onds (and up to three times in two min­utes), gives an overview of the sequel whilst giv­ing Bay some time to explain how the robots have evolved. He also throws a dig at Cameron’s Avatar, sug­gest­ing that 3D is a gimmick.

Isabel Lucas and Ramon Rodriguez talk ROTF April 21st, 2009

MTV are really lap­ping up the Trans­form­ers Revenge of the Fallen buzz, giv­ing us a lot of great inter­view snip­pets and movie clues. This time around it’s the turn of Isabel Lucas and Ramon Rodriguez.

- Ramon Rodriguez plays “Leo Spitz”, Sam’s room­mate and owner of a para­noid con­spir­a­cies web­site about aliens and robots:

“I end up get­ting sucked into [Sam’s] crazy world with real robots and find­ing out he’s involved in the real thing,” Rodriguez said. “My com­plete world is flipped.”

- Isabel Lucas plays “Alice”,

“The char­ac­ter of Alice is more the seduc­tress,” Lucas said. “She’s got mys­te­ri­ous inten­tions that we don’t really know about.”

As for Bay’s film­ing techniques:

Bay brought a cou­ple of industrial-size fans to the Egypt­ian desert that blew 100-mile-per-hour, sand-filled winds at Rodriguez’s face. He ended up dis­lo­cat­ing his shoul­der and needed to have his eyes flushed out for 45 min­utes. Another time he had to sit per­fectly still as a huge metal spike pierced the roof of his car, per­ilously close to his head. In those moments, he was not so much act­ing as react­ing to a very real sense of fear.

Could that 100 MPH fan per­haps be sim­u­lat­ing Devastator’s mas­sive vor­tex? We’ve seen him being pulled about before:

Michael Bay discusses his favorite robots April 16th, 2009

MTV have released the next part of their ongo­ing Michael bay inter­view, this one sees the Trans­form­ers direc­tor talk­ing about his favorite robots, call­ing The Fallen an ulti­mate bad boy and claim­ing that the Dev­as­ta­tor spe­cial effects are ten-fold more com­pli­cated than any­thing Lucas’ com­pany has ever done. I’m still not sold on the Skids/Mudflaps twins.

“The Fallen is the ulti­mate bad boy,” Bay explained of the mys­te­ri­ous evil­doer glimpsed briefly in the trailer for the June 24 film, whose venge­ful mis­sion gives the film’s title its dou­ble mean­ing. “He goes way back in the Trans­former world. He’s one of the first Transformers.”

“The twins are quite fun,” Bay said of the comedy-relief duo, remem­ber­ing his inspi­ra­tion for includ­ing them. “I just kept think­ing, ‘What if we have two dumb Trans­form­ers that are young and dumb?’ … They are just irrev­er­ent, dumb Transformers.”

“[Dev­as­ta­tor is] the most com­pli­cated model that George Lucas’ com­pany has done in 30 years,” Bay mar­veled. “In all the 30 years of [Indus­trial Light and Magic] mak­ing movies, it’s the most com­pli­cated dig­i­tal model — and it’s ten­fold in terms of the most com­pli­cated. It’s taken a long time to do.

“There’s a lot of great new char­ac­ters in this movie — some funny ones, some devi­ous ones, there are some lit­tle teeny ones that are a lit­tle irrev­er­ent,” Bay said of a robot group that includes such new­bies as the four-legged Rav­age, sleek Side­swipe and oth­ers. “You know what is bet­ter in this movie? The act­ing of the robots. It’s just evolved from the last one, and in terms of the ani­ma­tion we are able to put these robots’ [emo­tions] in.”

Such act­ing inno­va­tions have also helped a big break­out robot from the orig­i­nal “Trans­form­ers” film, who Bay insisted remains his favorite Trans­former of the group. “Bum­ble­bee is great in this movie,” he promised.

Orci and Kurtzman video interview April 9th, 2009

The Hol­ly­wood reporter have posted a video inter­view with Trans­form­ers 2 writ­ers Roberto Orci and Alex Kurtz­man. Within they dis­cuss their aims for the project and their deci­sion to return.

Michael Bay reveals more — No car chases, Devastator in IMAX April 7th, 2009

Speak­ing with MTV once again, Michael Bay has revealed fur­ther Trans­form­ers 2 details — this time focus­ing on the action scenes,

“There’s no car chase in this movie, […] There’s a lot of dif­fer­ent types of action. In some movies, it’s the same action through­out the entire movie. There’s a lot of dif­fer­ent types of action in this one, and that makes it interesting.”

He went on to con­firm that we would see Dev­as­ta­tor in full IMAX glory before claiming:

“[Sev­eral scenes] are going to be on IMAX, which is awe­some. […] Some of our main scenes were shot with IMAX cam­eras, so the screen will pop wide [if you see the film in an IMAX the­ater]. It’s the first movie to do seri­ous dig­i­tal effects in IMAX quality.”

The open­ing shot of the movie, which should also be in IMAX, will fea­ture Megan Fox and shall beat that ‘flir­ta­tious hood open­ing scene’ from the first movie:

“It’s bet­ter. […] [While film­ing] I was at a gas sta­tion buy­ing ice cream bars, and these 15-year-old boys were look­ing at me. They were like, ‘You’re that dude that directed “Trans­form­ers”!’ And I’m like, ‘Yeah. Do you want to see “Trans­form­ers 2″? They were like, ‘Yeah!’ ” “I said, ‘Why do you want to see it?’ And together, in uni­son, they said, ‘The hot chick!’ […] It will be a good shot for them.”

Orci and Kurtzman discuss Transformers 2 March 31st, 2009

Trans­form­ers and ROTF writ­ers Orci and Kurtz­man have spo­ken with Scifi Wire about their work on Trans­form­ers 2. I have taken the lib­erty of sum­ma­riz­ing the inter­view with some bul­let points below:

- Both Sam and Opti­mus Prime are “tested in a very fun­da­men­tal way”.
– The theme is based on Sam leav­ing home two years later and his new respon­si­bil­i­ties.
– In search­ing for vil­lains they went back to the source mate­r­ial; comics and car­toons — “and just started look­ing for kind of the most ele­men­tal bad guy that kind of jumped off the mate­r­ial, and we found one in the Fallen.“
– Some char­ac­ters were cho­sen by Has­bro and Bay dur­ing writer’s strikes as dis­cus­sion between the film mak­ers and the film writ­ers was pro­hib­ited. Oth­ers were taken from a brief 20 page treat­ment. This was nec­es­sary to get the designs rolling.
– Orci says “Jolt” (as seen on the toy) should be named “Volt”.
– Jet­fire was in the treat­ment, whilst the goofy sure to be annoy­ing Mud­flap (Chevy Trax) was added later.
– “You’re not going to get to know them all”, with respect to pil­ing new char­ac­ters into the sec­ond movie.
– Some dis­cus­sion about Nimoy and Frank Welker voic­ing characters.

Read the full inter­view at Scifi Wire

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