Movie Chronicles » Transformers 3

Notes from Michael Bay on Transformers 2 June 23rd, 2009

Trans­form­ers 2 sell­ing out

Hun­dreds of tomor­row night’s mid­night show times for Trans­form­ers: Revenge of the Fallen (debut­ing June 24 at 12:01 a.m.) are already sold out across the coun­try. A few facts from Fan­dango below:

* Sold-out mid­night show times (on Tues­day night/Wednesday morn­ing) can be found all across the U.S.A., in cities such as New York, San Fran­cisco, Wash­ing­ton, D.C., Chicago, Los Ange­les, Philadel­phia, Albu­querque, Den­ver, Hous­ton, Nashville, Orlando, Col­orado Springs, Tulsa, Fresno and Buford, Geor­gia.
* Exhibitors are con­tin­u­ing to add 3:45 a.m. or 4:00 a.m. show times on Wednes­day morn­ing to meet the fan demand.
* Cur­rently, the film is sell­ing twice as many tick­ets on Fan­dango as the orig­i­nal Trans­form­ers sold at the same point in that film’s sales cycle (two days before release date).
* The movie cur­rently rep­re­sents 87% of today’s ticket sales
* And as we noted yes­ter­day, TF 2 show­ings at 500+ the­aters in China are sold out 1.5 weeks in advanced.

Time in Moscow

Back from Moscow. Fresh from a visit to the for­mer KGB, with sec­ond in com­mand. He told me in his office I’m one of 10 American’s, one being a Pres­i­dent, to ever be allowed inside what is now called the FSB. The only rea­son was he heard I was in town and he is a fan of my films.

Last night with my crew I saw the IMAX ver­sion. Once you get used to the giant for­mat and your eyes adjust, it’s an awe­some expe­ri­ence. I have been wait­ing until the film was final to judge, and I’m really pleased. You have to make a point to see it this way — It could be the very best way to see Transformers.

C’mon guys crit­ics? Give me a break. Do you all have short term mem­ory? They killed the first one, and it still became a world-wide smash. I made this for the you, the audience!


Using Obama