Movie Chronicles » Transformers 3

Vehicles & Altmodes

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Holloman Base & White Sands Missile Range in Alamogordo, NM September 8th, 2008

The next rumored stop for the Trans­form­ers 2 film­ing crew is the Hol­lo­man Air Force Base and White Sands Mis­sile Range in Alam­ogordo, New Mex­ico. These rumors have been rein­forced atfter Opti­mus Prime and a hum­mer were spot­ted near to White Sands.

One report states:

” I did see Opti­mus Prime and that Hum­mer this after­noon around 12:15 pm going past White Sands Mis­sile Range, NM head­ing towards Hol­lo­man AFB. I didnt get any pics I was dri­ving in the oppo­site direction.”

Whilst these pic­tures were taken in Arizona:

News comes via TLAMB

Corvette Centennial Images September 8th, 2008

Jalop­nik have posted some new images of the Corvette Cen­ten­nial that we have spot­ted out and about on the Trans­form­ers 2 set:


Official Transformers 2 Videos at Walmart September 3rd, 2008

As part of the pro­mo­tion for the new Trans­form­ers DVD releases, Wal­mart has a new flash sec­tion on their site that is promis­ing to release new, offi­cial, behind the scenes footage from Trans­form­ers 2. A new video will be added each week.“Have fun, keep it safe”. The first video is set at the Beth­le­hem Steel works and is titled “On the set: Day 1″. This is our first look at the motor­bikes and their crazy color schemes — bright pink, pur­ple and blue — we see them speed­ing past us as an Audi R8 skids out of the way. We also see a large group of sol­diers with an assort­ment of weapons, some car­ry­ing Mini guns and of course, there is another big explosion!

Mini gun…

More explo­sions:

To access the videos on Wal­mart you need to insert the code AllSpark62609 in the box.

Here’s a ref­er­ence image of some Arcee con­cept art:

More Long Beach images, explosion footage August 28th, 2008

We knew that bet­ter footage of the explo­sion would be com­ing, and here it is, com­ing from fmd805 are three videos, the first shows the explo­sion from side on, the sec­ond shows the film­ing of the after­math and the third is more of the auto­bot fleet:

The next video is by the ever reli­able Get­todeath, via TLAMB, it warms up with some shots of Opti­mus Prime and down the road shots show­ing cars pulling away. It then cuts to a side angle which pre­cedes an almighty blast:

These next images come via Slash Film’s Ricky C and TLAMB’s Get­todeath again — show­ing the fleet of auto­bots and some close­ups of the explo­sion aftermath.

Second picture set from Long Beach filming August 28th, 2008

fq9 and Flickr user djlak­itu have posted new images from the Long Beach Trans­form­ers set, this time show­ing more Chi­nese sym­bols, ori­en­tal police cars, dirty auto­mo­biles with fur­ni­ture atop the roof, a crunched up taxi, the pre­vi­ously men­tioned flatbeds (set report), assorted auto­bots (albeit under­cover) and a tanker with two wholes cut out of the front and rear.

First pictures from Long Beach Set, Optimus Prime August 27th, 2008

Flickr user mylordsin­uhe was on hand at the Queensway bridge in Long Beach last night to cap­ture a shot of Opti­mus Prime:

Whilst fq9 vis­ited the park­ing lot to grab images of Opti­mus cov­ered up, also note the vehi­cle in the lorry on the right, click the image for a larger version:

The area is cov­ered with E7 boards, the code­name for Revenge of the Fallen, whilst Chi­nese sign posts have been put up in prepa­ra­tion for the movie shoot:

Thanks again to Brux­hina

Ice Cream truck, Optimus Prime at Air Base August 26th, 2008

nbetwo at Stop Sec­tor Seven has posted images of the Ice Cream Truck, Opti­mus Prime and oth­ers at an unknown Cal­i­forn­ian Air Base. This gives us one of the best Ice Cream truck images so far, it’s in focus at least:

Audi R8 at Long Beach docks July 30th, 2008

An anony­mous source has sent in pic­tures from the lat­est film shoot at the Long Beach docks in Cal­i­for­nia to Seib­ertron. Once again, the set and deco match those seen in the Beth­le­hem shoot — imply­ing that these scenes will all be merged together somehow.

The images show us Opti­mus Prime in action, the new Audi R8 and what looks like the rumored Chevy Stingray. Mil­i­tary trucks and the ice cream truck are also on-hand and it all ends with a tasty explo­sion amongst some bar­rels — cue CG.

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