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Vehicles & Altmodes

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The Autobots at the Chicago Auto Show February 13th, 2009

A short video inter­view with GM Vice Pres­i­dent of Global Design, Ed Wel­burn show­ing some quick-zooming fade-in fade-out footage of the sta­tion­ary Auto­bots at the Chicago Auto show:

Transformers Autobots Roll Out! February 11th, 2009

As part of the Trans­form­ers 2 Chevy pro­mo­tion a video show­cas­ing the Chevy Trax, Chevy Beat, Chevy Volt, Corvette Cen­ten­nial, Bum­ble­bee, Opti­mus Prime and Iron­hide has been released. It shows the vehi­cles rolling in for­ma­tion around the roads of Long Beach and in front of the pyra­mids in Egypt:

Via Jalop­nik
YouTube ver­sion after break.

Read the rest of this entry »

Megatron Tank Toy February 10th, 2009

This is the alt mode for the redesigned Mega­tron, a tank mode (as pre­vi­ously seen), which comes via TFW2005. The par­tic­u­lar class of this toy is up for debate, some believe it to be a Fast Action Bat­tler whilst oth­ers pre­fer to think it’s a deluxe model.

Tons of images (Skids, Ice Cream Truck, Jolt) and Set report from White Sands February 3rd, 2009

EDIT: Images removed at the request of Para­mount Pictures

In a post to the LS2 forums, mem­ber -=boM=- spoke about his expe­ri­ences as an extra at White Sands, New Mex­ico in Trans­form­ers 2. To prove he was there he has also pro­vided a large col­lec­tion of set images that show Side­swipe, Skids, Bum­ble­bee, Iron­hide, Opti­mus, Jolt, Ratchet, Shia and Megan Fox on set, tanks, sol­diers, build­ing ruins, a camel, anti air­craft mis­sile vehi­cles, etc. — I have included these after the break and they come via TForm­ers, the report comes via TLAMB.

The fol­low­ing report con­tains spoil­ers, be warned:

“Can’t wait…i’m in it as an extra. I am a Navy Seal doing a bat­tle scene against the Decep­ti­cons. I filmed out at White Sands and on Hol­lo­mans flight line. Filmed for 4 days and had a blast. Tons of pics on my Facebook.”


I had to chase a bunch of vil­lagers out of the area because the Decep­ti­cons were attack­ing, then had to pro­tect Opti­mus Prime’s body. There were a shit­load of us out there.

The food and cater­ing was awe­some. A lot of down­time. Just like a deployment.

I did an inter­view for the DVD. We will see if that is on it too. The asked me a bunch of ques­tions about the mil­i­tary. The auto­bots are behind me on top of a sand dune. I did a GM plug. They liked that.

Micheal Bay loves the mil­i­tary. I got to speak with him very briefly. He gets so angry on set at the actors but doesn’t dare yell or demean the mil­i­tary. It was a trip. He said some­thing to me like do you want a job as a DA (Direc­tors Assis­tant), I said hell yeah. He was get­ting pissed at his DA. His DA was like trust me you dont want this job.

I have two closeup shots if they do decide to put them in the movie. One was walk­ing with the cam­era on the tracks going along with me but at a slower pace. The cam­era was right on the side of my face fol­low­ing me but at a slower rate. There were two oth­ers behind me. The other close up was while I was defend­ing from a cor­ner of a build­ing on one knee. The boom cam­era went from the ground to over head of us all. I was up front in the scene. The cam­era came up to my face then began to ascend over the area. It was pretty cool.

Another scene was Opti­mus get­ting dropped off by a chi­nook. I had to run up to the area then stop as Opti­mus was get­ting dropped.

Another was with Josh and Tyrese when they argue with The Pres­i­dent on the flight­line. I am in the background.

As much time as I spent film­ing (9–10 hours a day for 4 days) I hope I am seen at least once. Hell I’ll be happy to be on teh DVD.

One of the images also reveals Megan Fox and pos­si­bly Josh Duhamel sit­ting next to a fallen man in a pool of blood, he’s not in mil­i­tary dress and in other images looks like Shia.
TLAMB enter­tain the idea that Revenge of ‘The Fallen’ may per­tain to the fallen Opti­mus Prime, Re: ‘pro­tect Opti­mus Prime’s body’, although they con­clude that this is unlikely, ‘Revenge’ is not very Opti­mus like.

Possible Arcee toy January 21st, 2009

Yizhi521 over at TF08 has posted pic­tures of a trans­form­ing motor­cy­cle toy in the style of the movie, rumored to be part of Arcee. How­ever there are equal chances that this is an extra char­ac­ter thrown in for toy-selling pur­poses. The trans­formed vehi­cle in its robot mode has no appar­ent hands or arms, sug­gest­ing it may be part of a big­ger com­bined form:

More Audi R8 deluxe toy and robot mode pics January 19th, 2009

The folks over at ACToys have posted more excel­lent shots of the Audi R8 deluxe toy, clearly dis­play­ing the character’s robot mode in the style of the movie whilst match­ing the pre­vi­ously leaked but incred­i­bly blurry con­cept art . (View first batch of images). What’s more, this toy looks awesome!

Those back pan­els look like they fold and unfold very much like bee­tle wings do.

Source: ACToys Forums

EDIT: More shots thanks to Gen­Zhao over at TFW2005:

Video review of toy

Audi R8 Deluxe Toy images January 18th, 2009

The-Arker are show­ing off a num­ber of pic­tures show­ing both the alt mode and robot mode of the Audi R8 Deluxe toy, as seen at the Beth­le­hem and Philly film shoots. It bears the Decep­ti­con logo and matches the leaked robot-mode of the still unnamed character:

Chevy Beat heading to Detroit auto show January 8th, 2009

Just had a heads up from Jalop­nik that the new Chevy Beat, fea­tured in Trans­form­ers: Revenge of the Fallen, will be mak­ing its way to the Detroit auto show after a sneak pre­view on the Today Show with Matt Lauer. Watch Video clip.

Jalop­nik also spec­u­late that the car on view will be a pro­duc­tion model rather than a con­cept as pre­vi­ously seen in New York.

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