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A toy entitled ‘The Fallen’ has surfaced via Transformers in China, TF08. Its head matches the face seen on the Revenge of the Fallen poster and now confirms that ‘The Fallen’ is indeed a character, rather than a reference to a downed Megatron or Optimus Prime.
The third image shows a transformation sheet, with an alt mode that looks like a strange jet. The character himself looks spiky, evil and ancient.

Wheels, or in this case ‘Wheelie’, spotted on set at the Smithsonian Aerospace museum has long been rumored as a remote control truck — this toy packaging proves it whilst showing us his robot mode. (Wall-E anyone?)
The back of pack character description reveals him to be a Decepticon spy, although only because he is incredibly timid and afraid of them, suggesting a cute and persuadable side to him and an inevitable changeover to the Autobots (not an uncommon theme); the packing states ‘Changes from Decepticon to Autobot’

Via TF08
Activision have today officially released the first teaser trailer for the new Revenge of the Fallen video game, the specific one shown in the video is for PS3. Note how the Decepticon logo transforms into the Revenge of the Fallen poster at the end, it’s pretty cheesy, but confirming the links between the poster and the Decepticon icon that were highlighted when the image was first released. There is no focus on any recognizable new characters in the trailer, however we do see a speeding Audi R8 jump and transform from the rear into a shape that matches the toy, and we very briefly see Starscream shoot towards a skinny blue character (possibly Arcee?) as the Autobot logo obscures the view. There is also a lovely Optimus Prime/Peter Cullen voice over.
View a higher quality version at IGN.

Starscream firing at blue character

Official Screenshots Gallery
via IGN
TLAMB also point out that the stray Decepticon that Bumblebee is fighting with appears to be an anti aircraft launch rocket system — very similar to one seen on set at White Sands, New Mexico (images since removed).
Transformers Game Website
After a brief hiatus the Transformers Game website is back up with a new design:

Update 3: Final Transformers 2 Trailer released in HD (30th April 2009)
See also our in depth analysis of the trailer with high quality screenshots of all the key scenes, robots and Megan Fox.
Update 2: New Transformers 2 trailer leaked early (29th April 2009)
Update: A lot of people are reaching this page looking for the high definition version of the Transformers 2 trailer, thus I present to you two handy links:
(or 720p)
Original Post
The Superbowl Transformers 2 teaser trailer, a little early:
Summary of the trailer
- Ravage is the beast like creature, matching leaked concept designs
–A very large transformer emerging through a bridge as Optimus Prime jumps on his head, matching the leaked Terex RH400 toy’s head and arms, rolling along on one giant wheel (EDIT: Two wheels, thanks Jeffrey). Looks like ONE of the constructicons that makes up the even bigger Devastator. He is also the character destroying the helicopters at Bethlehem Steel works.
View the toy images, View Bethlehem Filming Report and Images. The exploding bridge scenes were filmed in Long Beach — View video footage (and more footage, including an aerial angle).
- Optimus Prime gets smacked in the face by an unknown entity
- The Audi R8 robot comes crashing through a window before turning into its vehicle alt mode and driving away
- As the Audi R8 drives away you can see more Transformers coming into the screen in the top right, there is a hint of pink on the first one and it seems to be almost skating, I am guessing this is Arcee, a third character is also seen briefly behind her. Screenshots further down. The R8 has previously been seen with Arcee following in the Walmart footage, this is probably an extension of that scene.
- Shia gets confronted by what appears to be Starscream and then is held down by a large claw — the trailer implies this is also Starscream but the claw is very similar to the one on the redesigned Megatron (Seen here). The claw also bears some strange markings, similar to those on the Voyager class toy packages.
Key Screenshots

Audi R8 Robot Mode

Audi R8 Toy pictures
See the character in the top right? Click the image for a bigger view.

Optimus Prime

More likely to be just one of the constructicons that make up the even bigger Devastator.

Toy Images | More Toy Images | Toy Details
Shia Confronted by Starscream

Looks like this was also filmed in Bethlehem, matches this scenery.
Shia pinned down by a large claw, possibly Megatron’s
Note the symbols in the background:

The front packaging of the Deluxe Soundwave toy has been released via Action Figure, complete with a CG rendering of Soundwave’s face and a note that the toy will be a ‘triple changer’, basically having two alt modes. This falls in line with the rumors of a Cybertronian Satellite alt-mode, the other being a jet:

More images of the Twins (Skids and Mudflap) in their robot form as well as Megatron with new spiky hands and ‘track’ features as well as a shot of an altered Ironhide robot mode. The game website has now been taken down and instead redirects to Activision.
The Twins



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