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Transformers & Robot modes

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Megatron Robot Replica March 17th, 2009

TF08 have posted pic­tures of the Mega­tron Robot Replica fig­ure with extra large right claw and tracks for feet:

Autobot Aircraft toy spotted, carries Optimus Prime March 17th, 2009

Yayabee at The Arker has posted images of a new Trans­form­ers 2 toy. It is an auto­bot that appears to have an alt mode of a Antonov An-225 air­craft — inside it car­ries a very small Opti­mus Prime. The AN-225 is a Russ­ian craft that matches the rear wing and under­side design of the toy as well as car­ry­ing a space­craft on top, though it has two addi­tional engines and the nose cone appears dif­fer­ent. It also has sim­i­lar­i­ties with the C-130 Hercules.

Whether this char­ac­ter shall appear in ROTF is debat­able — it is plau­si­ble that the Auto­bots board the craft (maybe at the Bone­yard) to travel to Egypt, but it doesn’t make sense for a Russ­ian plane to be there. Another angle is the craft is orig­i­nally sup­plied by the com­bined UN force in a bid to help fight the Decepticons.

Deluxe Soundwave and Bumblebee Packaging, auction and bios March 8th, 2009

Via TFW2005 and eBay we have more images of the Bum­ble­bee and Sound­wave toy pack­ag­ing, this time giv­ing us their char­ac­ter descrip­tions, and another oppor­tu­nity to pur­chase the toys. It also reveals that Soundwave’s pro­jec­tile is the Decep­ti­con Ravage.


eBay Auc­tion

Sta­tioned in orbit above Earth, Sound­wave swiftly taps into every satel­lite in range. Within min­utes, com­mu­ni­ca­tions, data traf­fic, weather infor­ma­tion, and high-resolution spy pho­tog­ra­phy flood his sen­sor net. The spill of data fills him with plea­sure, and one by one, the humans’ sys­tems come under his com­plete con­trol. From his seat on high, he is in a posi­tion to con­trol the des­tiny of mankind with­out their knowledge…or to run their civ­i­liza­tion into the ground.

The pack­ag­ing also reveals that the pro­jec­tile that Sound­wave can launch is in fact Rav­age! Note the text above the bot­tom right configuration:


eBay Auc­tion

Hav­ing cho­sen to stay with Sam after the end of the bat­tle for the AllSpark, Bum­ble­bee made arrange­ments to stay close to hm at all times. It’s been a pretty good deal. He gets reg­u­lar detail­ing, and as much high-grade fuel as he needs. Plus, he gets to spend time with Sam and Mikaela. His vocal proces­sors still aren’t fully up to snuff, but he and his friends com­mu­ni­cate just fine. IF he ever misses the action of bat­tle, he can always give Iron­hide a call and go Decep­ti­con hunting.

Deluxe Wheelie toy in robot mode March 3rd, 2009

TF08 have posted some more image of their unpacked Wheelie toy, show­ing the fully trans­formed robot mode, close up details of his limbs and every­thing else — right down to the Decep­ti­con and Auto­bot logos on his chest and back.

His robot design looks very sim­i­lar to Frenzy’s, with spindly arms, legs and claws for qui­etly creep­ing around.

Leader class Megatron toy video review March 1st, 2009

An indepth look at Megatron’s trans­for­ma­tion from Tank into robot,

I am Megatron!

Mean­while TFW2005 have posted a gallery of shots com­par­ing the first movie’s Mega­tron with the updated design, the toy appears to be far supe­rior. View full gallery.

Skids, Longhaul, Rampage, Bumblebee and Jetfire toy video reviews February 28th, 2009

TF08 have pro­vided a set of 5 videos illus­trat­ing how each of the toys trans­forms from its alt mode to robot mode:

Long Haul Video Review

Bum­ble­bee Video Review

Skids video review

Ram­page video review

Jet­fire video review

There is also a Voy­ager Opti­mus Prime video review from Peaugh:

Megatron and Optimus Prime leader class toys February 28th, 2009

eBay has pro­vided us with another early gem, the Leader class Mega­tron and Opti­mus Prime toys.

Mega­tron fig­ure on eBay — still over a day left on this auction,current bid is $132.

Opti­mus Prime fig­ure on eBay

Via Seib­ertron, The Arker also has more images of the toys.

Rampage, Long Haul, Skids, Jetfire and Bumblebee Deluxe toys February 24th, 2009

TF08 return with pic­tures of Jet­fire, Skids, Ram­page, Long Haul, Bum­ble­bee and Ratcher Deluxe toys — includ­ing a shot of Long Haul match­ing Josh Nizzi’s con­cept art pose.

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