At long last the name of the Transformer with an alt mode in the shape of a Chevy Beat has been revealed, “Skids”. Te discovery was made via Jalopnik and the pictures they received showing Bumblebee the Beat and the Trax at the Boneyard, the name is on the registration plate.
TLAMB’s Anonymous source that provided a set report has returned with the promised pictures of Bumblebee, Ratchet, Optimus Prime and Ironhide. None of the new autobots were on show however.
The set report:
– The core cast is at the location, Shia LaBeouf, Megan Fox, Josh Duhamel and Tyrese Gibson
– Today they shot a fight scene at a desert set similar to one from the first movie.
– Extras on set comprised of various needs including a “Strike Force” and Jordanian soldiers.
– Heard rumor that Julie White and Kevin Dunn (Sam’s parents) where also on the White Sands set.
– Additionally heard that TF2 may film in Ruidoso which is about 30 minutes from Alamogordo. Ruidoso is in the mountains surrounded by a dense forest.
This anonymous set report from Alamogordo comes via TLAMB and reveals details of the filming and details of the scenes shot.
Don’t know if you are concerned, but they are in fact filming here in Alamogordo, NM. They’ve been here for sometime now.
September 12th — They were filming on base from 12:00pm — 10:30pm. They used a large military plane, like a C17. It was parked and they had many of the military extras walking to and from the plane. Sometimes loading onto the back of the plane and then deplaning afterwards.
Josh and Tyrese were there as well. I saw them standing at the end of the stairwell, the landing of the C-17. The military extras were walking and in some takes they were running.
Tyrese was trying to keep the mood light as I witnessed him doing some kind of “chicken dance”. I hear through the grapevine that he was pretty silly that day. I honestly think it’s to prevent himself from going crazy from boredom. As you probably know, there are many, many, many takes just for one shot! And then they want to do the same shot from another angle. So you’re talking, 10 takes each at least! Needless to say, that could take all night, and sometimes it does! There were a few times while everyone waited as they set up the shots, Tyrese would say out loud, “Are we ready yet? What’s the hold up? C’mon lets go!” They were outside doing this scene all night! The walking scene was done at least 20 times. Riding humvees around the plane was shot in the day and later in the night.
The humvees had gunners on top, about 4 of those riding around and around the plane. They were definitely filming a fight scene.
I really don’t want to go into too much detail for fear someone I know that is working with DreamWorks will get into a lot of trouble. I would love to tell you the story line of which I’m sure you’d be surprise, but I truly do not want to spoil it for any true Transformer fan.
They start shooting tomorrow (22nd Sept) at White Sands for the entire week. Unfortunately I won’t be able to watch any filming while they are out there. Only the extras and crew are allowed. I hear they will be shooting here in Alamogordo, whether it be on base or at White Sands, they will be here till early October.
Here is what I’ve observed so far at Holloman. They had men and women and very few children dressed in Muslim costumes. The people looked very authentic I saw them early one morning walking to the trailers. Bumblebee was on base; however he was shielded from prying eyes as they covered him up with a car cover. Not a great job because his rear and sides were poking out of the cover and one could tell it was Bumblebee.
Some of the extras are Air Force guys portraying Army guys and some extra Army guys are portraying Air Force guys. I hear “some” of the Air Force guys were looking “tighter” in dress and haircut. The casting dept. thought they looked more of what someone in Army would look like? I know some Army guys won’t like to hear that, but it’s true.
Some where on base in a hangar, holds Ironhide, Optimus Prime, some of the “pimped” out humvees the primary cast will be driving. (Most likely Tyrese and Josh) The Corvette was there as well, it is silver in color. The people who were there at the time didn’t want any photos taken of the Corvette, they were adamant about that. Apparently GM would have a cow if that photo got out. Now I hear they are going to let [us] take photos of these vehicles tomorrow.
Also, the Can Am Spyder will be in the film too, but they’ve got it all decked out with a more futuristic look to it.
A reliable source that has proved correct in the past has provided some information concerning the G1 combiner Devastator robot to TFW2005:
Devastator details
- Seven construction vehicles merge to form Devastator
– Devastator has lots of upper body strength, like a gorilla
– Not just green, some of the vehicles are red and yellow
– The previously Long Haul concept art by Josh Nizzi is legit
Quite frankly, something of this size and complexity would be both awesome and epic.
TLAMB raise some very valid points which put this news into doubt, and why I cannot report this as a confirmation. Specifically — we have not seen any construction vehicles during filming, a toy that is created from more than 5 parts presents a difficult engineering task for Hasbro — something that will be more expensive “than the $25 sweet point”. They also stipulate that given Prime’s height of 35 feet, the size of an average construction vehicle, this robot could reach up to 80 feet in height.
As part of the promotion for the new Transformers DVD releases, Walmart has a new flash section on their site that is promising to release new, official, behind the scenes footage from Transformers 2. A new video will be added each week.“Have fun, keep it safe”. The first video is set at the Bethlehem Steel works and is titled “On the set: Day 1″. This is our first look at the motorbikes and their crazy color schemes — bright pink, purple and blue — we see them speeding past us as an Audi R8 skids out of the way. We also see a large group of soldiers with an assortment of weapons, some carrying Mini guns and of course, there is another big explosion!
Mini gun…
More explosions:
To access the videos on Walmart you need to insert the code AllSpark62609 in the box.
Here’s a reference image of some Arcee concept art:
In an interview with MTV concerning the Transformers 2 prequel comic, publisher IDW confirmed that they would be providing a wealth of background information on the new main villain, The Fallen.
“[We’re going to] explore the background of The Fallen — the main villain of the movie — as well as expand on the ‘Reign of Starscream’ story that we’re doing and tie everything in to what this next movie is going to be,” explained writer Chris Mowry, who partners on the book with artist Alex Milne. “The next movie starts out with just tons of action and there’s obviously going to be a lot of questions, so we’re hoping to answer some of those beforehand.”
“Destiny” will establish much of the second before fans are introduced to an increasingly complex storyline with multiple new robots. “We’re definitely taking every character that we can from the sequel,” said Mowry. “So you’ll see some Sector 7 involvement and how they developed into a new group that will be introduced. The same thing with some of the new characters, we’ll explain how they get to Earth. Because like I said, [the sequel] starts out with this giant battle so people will be wondering ‘Hey, where did that guy come from?’”
This is reiterated in an interview with Simon Furman at CBR,
“I’ve never really had the chance to lay down the definitive story around [the 13] and what role they played in what came after them. Over the years for various publishers in various publications, I’ve laid seeds of this group called The 13 and hinted about who some of them might be and how they play into the bigger mythos. I think this is where we’re finding answers to all the big questions. We’re working very closely with Hasbro in this series so that whatever we do in ‘The 13′ is very much tied in to the whole Transformers Universe. They want to get all of their irons in the fire ready and in the right order for 2009, which is the 25th anniversary. We’re all working hopefully to get a definitive, cohesive Transformers Universe in terms of the back story.”
The writer added that the threads introduced in “The 13″ will eventually payoff in current series and plots and possibly elsewhere within the Transformers family of media. “It’s interesting that the second movie is using this character called the Fallen, which is a character that we created back in the Dreamwave days for this big series called ‘The Dark Ages’ which tapped into what had gone before. So these names and institutions like The 13 are rolling on into different incarnations.”
Although the Fallen’s origins are only suggested in his comic book appearance, they would be fully explained in Dorling Kindersley’s Transformers: The Ultimate Guide. One of the original thirteen Transformers created by Primus, the robot who would become the Fallen betrayed his creator by siding with Primus’s dark twin, the malevolent planet-eater, Unicron. In the final battle between Primus and Unicron, the Fallen fell victim to the same fate as his master, sucked through a black hole into another dimension. However, while Unicron emerged into another universe, the Fallen was not so fortunate, finding himself trapped in the “underspace” between dimensions.
The Fallen made his only appearance in the second volume of Transformers: The War Within — the Dark Ages. Around 6.5 million years ago, a test of the experimental “space bridge” matter-transport system on Cybertron liberated the Fallen from his prison, and he materialised on Cybertron, where he quickly recruited the Chaos Trinity, three mystically-inclined Decepticons — Bludgeon, Mindwipe and Bugly — into his employ. Abducting Transformers that he identified as possessing “genetic potential” within their sparks — Grimlock, Blitzwing, Jetfire and Hot Spot — the Fallen planned to use their energies to awaken Primus from his self-imposed slumber, thereby alerting Unicron to his location, allowing the world-eater to renew hostilities with his old enemy. An attack from combined Autobot and Decepticon forces led by Shockwave and Prowl disrupted his plans, and Primus himself reached out and promptly destroyed the Fallen.
These great videos come from PhillyFilmGirl, the first shows Megan Fox and Ramon Rodriguez stretching on the pavement, nothing too fancy. However the second video is really interesting — here we see a puppet like creature attacking the windscreen of a car, which also has a whole punched through it. This is clearly a small Transformer, most likely the return of the frenetic Frenzy.
The IESB have thrown out their Transformers 2 robot roll call, and with it they state that the Decepticons shall have the help of the Constructicons in the second movie.
In the cartoons, their names were Scrapper, Bonecrusher, Scavenger, Mixmaster, Hook and Long Haul. And what do we get when they all combine and form one huge ass robot? That’s right boys and girls, we are going to see DEVASTATOR on the big screen!
… I’ll re-iterate that. Devastator is big.
Here’s a pretty awesome fan mock-up of what Devastator may look like in the movie, created by Rise Studios. A cinematic adaptation of this character shall probably appear a lot more complex than this, to fit in with the style already set out by the first movie.
As for the human side of the argument, IESB have posted up a prospective character list which is now waiting to be cast:
[CHUCK] 19–25 yrs., Sam’s roommate at Princeton. He runs a conspiracy theory website. Funny in an irreverent, edgy way, he is shocked to see his conspiracy theories come to life. (2nd Lead)
[U.S. MILITARY LEADER] Late 20s/early 30s, African American with a great sense of humor and a tough military presence. (Supporting lead)
[UK SPECIAL FORCES LEADER] British, in his early to mid 30s, smart and capable. Can be Caucasian, Black, East Indian. (Supporting lead)
[GALLOWAY] Early 40s-early 50s, male, National Security Advisor and presidential liaison. A curt man who is tightly wound. (Supporting Lead)
[PROFESSOR COLAN] 40s, Sam’s physics professor at Princeton. He’s a self-satisfied intellectual who compares himself to Einstein, and is arrogant enough to wear leather pants to look cool. (1 Scene)
[THERESA] Early 30s; she’s Sgt. Epps’ wife, has 4 kids, sassy and sexy, good with comedy. Submit African American actresses only
[MOMMA SIMMONS] This NY Momma is in her late 60s / early 70s. She runs a deli/ butcher shop with her son in Brooklyn. Tough and sarcastic. (1 Scene)
[MASSIVE DYNAMICS CEO] 50s, male, this Corporate CEO appears in front of congress to testify. (1 speech/scene)
[TEXAS CONGRESSMAN] 55–65 yrs., on a Congressional Committee investigating the purpose of the “Automated Defensive Initiative” developed by Massive Dynamics.
[FBI DIRECTOR] Mid 50s, male, giving a press release assuring the public they will be safe against attacks. (1 speech/scene)
[CNN REPORTER] Reporting on missile strikes and bombings in various cities. Submit male / female, all ethnicities (1 speech)