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Transformers & Robot modes

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The Twins robot modes revealed January 30th, 2009

Update 2: Trans­form­ers trailer released– down­load, screen­shots and analysis

Update 1: More images

From the offi­cial Trans­form­ers Game web­site these are the robot modes of the Chevy Beat and Chevy Trax. They look play­ful and hyper:

Official Toy Pictures of Bumblebee and Soundwave January 28th, 2009

Empire have the scoop on the first Offi­cial Revenge of the Fallen toy pic­tures to be released. The arti­cle men­tions that Sound­wave trans­forms into a super­sonic jet rather than the tra­di­tional cas­sette player — how­ever this alt-mode could also be the ‘Cybertron­ian Satel­lite’ as pre­vi­ously rumored.



Possible Arcee toy January 21st, 2009

Yizhi521 over at TF08 has posted pic­tures of a trans­form­ing motor­cy­cle toy in the style of the movie, rumored to be part of Arcee. How­ever there are equal chances that this is an extra char­ac­ter thrown in for toy-selling pur­poses. The trans­formed vehi­cle in its robot mode has no appar­ent hands or arms, sug­gest­ing it may be part of a big­ger com­bined form:

More Audi R8 deluxe toy and robot mode pics January 19th, 2009

The folks over at ACToys have posted more excel­lent shots of the Audi R8 deluxe toy, clearly dis­play­ing the character’s robot mode in the style of the movie whilst match­ing the pre­vi­ously leaked but incred­i­bly blurry con­cept art . (View first batch of images). What’s more, this toy looks awesome!

Those back pan­els look like they fold and unfold very much like bee­tle wings do.

Source: ACToys Forums

EDIT: More shots thanks to Gen­Zhao over at TFW2005:

Video review of toy

Audi R8 Deluxe Toy images January 18th, 2009

The-Arker are show­ing off a num­ber of pic­tures show­ing both the alt mode and robot mode of the Audi R8 Deluxe toy, as seen at the Beth­le­hem and Philly film shoots. It bears the Decep­ti­con logo and matches the leaked robot-mode of the still unnamed character:

Chevy Volt is Transformer named “Jolt” December 20th, 2008

TF08 have snagged a back of packet image show­ing the Chey Volt’s robot mode and char­ac­ter name which is “Jolt”, appro­pri­ate con­sid­er­ing the elec­tric nature of the vehicle.

The robot comes with ‘elec­tro whips’ which make him an ‘almost unstop­pable whirl­wind of crack­ling energy’. The detail on the robot image falls inline with the con­cept art and style of the Trans­form­ers movie franchise.

This is nigh on con­fir­ma­tion that the Volt is in fact a Trans­former, as recently speculated.

He is chaotic and impul­sive, always out for the next big adventure.

TF2’s Ravage and Megatron Revealed December 7th, 2008

TLAMB have posted the first look at Trans­form­ers: Revenge of The Fallen’s Mega­tron and Rav­age, sent into them via Sylar. Illus­trat­ing a pos­si­ble beat mode design for Rav­age and a robot mode for Megatron.

Note the tracks on Megatron’s feet, lin­ing up with the Tank mode we have already seen.

Proposed Devastator structure, parts with robot modes November 7th, 2008

Seibertron’s s250 has posted some more rumors, again con­cern­ing the pos­si­ble Dev­as­ta­tor toy made up of con­struc­ti­cons, pre­vi­ously reported in early Sep­tem­ber to have seven dis­tinct pieces.

S250 now sug­gests that each of the con­stituent parts will also have their own robot modes:

In the Gestalt ver­sion, most con­struc­tion vehi­cles [are] just trans­formable drones as a part of Dev­as­ta­tor, [with] no robot mode. These vehi­cles will get Deluxe ver­sions [that] can trans­form to robots, but I think Deluxe ver­sion [won’t] combine.

Mean­while TFW have pro­vided a struc­ture for this beast:

Dump Truck — Right Leg, Bull­dozer — Left Leg, Wheel Loader — Right Arm, Truss Crane — Left Arm [no robot mode on this one], Exca­va­tor — Right Shoul­der, Artic­u­lated Dump Truck — Left Shoul­der, Cement Mixer — Head

The struc­ture is said to be sim­i­lar to that of the Ener­gon Opti­mus Prime’s com­bined form:

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