Movie Chronicles » Transformers 3

Concepts of Jetfire & Optimus Prime combined & Mixmaster May 28th, 2009

From those that brought us the Scrap­per con­cept are, we get the most excel­lent con­cept images of Jet­fire and Opti­mus Prime com­bined and a Mix­mas­ter bonus!

And for a lit­tle bit more of Power-up Opti­mus Prime, the pre­quel cover fea­tures a great artis­tic shot stand­ing over a fallen Megatron:

Comments 12 Responses to “Concepts of Jetfire & Optimus Prime combined & Mixmaster”

MUSTANG750R May 28th, 2009

Sorry if I sound like an a** but in the last pic that’s Starscream not Megatron.

god May 29th, 2009

thats obvi­ously mega­tron. Look at his face. Thats mega­trons tank form. starscream looks uglier

Mr8shot May 30th, 2009

It’s starscream because he has a Gatling gun on his arm.

Jid June 9th, 2009

It’s starscream…if you don’t believe me, tilt your head and look at him then google up another image of starscream.

Mas­ter July 4th, 2009

I think it´s Starscream.

marshy July 26th, 2009

i think this is starscream
but i kind think it is megatron

Fatso15 August 12th, 2009

Hey idiots!!! That is totally STARSCREAM!!!!!!!!!!

javier January 20th, 2010

you dicks that’s starscream

javier o contron January 20th, 2010

you dicks, that’s starscream

opti­mus prime April 4th, 2010

estan chi­das las ima­genes
wow estan cooooooooooooooool

iii­i­iii April 8th, 2010


Ala-Carte-Trans February 28th, 2011

That is very surely starscream, I just checked a Starscream head pic…