Movie Chronicles » Transformers 3


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Sideways and Bumblebee CG, new TF2 on set shots May 28th, 2009

Michael Bay’s offi­cial site has posted some new CG shots, includ­ing our first look at Side­ways (the Audi R8). The ren­ders are slightly dif­fer­ent to the ones seen pre­vi­ously, these are more likely to be from the video game:

Side­ways CG Renders

Bum­ble­bee CG Renders

New on set images

Bay’s site have also posted new shots from the set of Trans­form­ers 2, show­ing Shia and Bay work­ing together:

Transformers Movie Universe and Comic Previews May 18th, 2009

Two book pre­views for you, offer­ing more insight into the Revenge of the Fallen plot. First up is DK’s ‘Trans­form­ers: The Movie Uni­verse’, a kids book with all the facts and fig­ures about each of the robots. Sec­ond comes the comic adap­ta­tion of the movie, released this Wednesday.

Trans­form­ers: The Movie Uni­verse Preview

Buy from Amazon

Find out every­thing you ever wanted to know about the Trans­form­ers includ­ing footage from the films Revenge of the Fallen and Trans­form­ers, with this explo­sive guide.

Read behind-the-scenes sto­ries from the Trans­former movies, secret dossiers, mis­sion objec­tives, stats, top 10s, amaz­ing facts and more. Get access to the data files of your favorite heroes from Opti­mus Prime and Mega­tron to Bum­ble­bee and Sam Witwicky.

Step into dra­matic bat­tle scenes and learn every­thing you ever wanted to know; from an insid­ers guide to Cyber­ton­ian his­tory to the secrets behind the Trans­form­ers mil­i­tary hard­ware. Plus, fan­tas­tic cross-sections will take you deep inside their incred­i­ble world

Movie to Comic Adap­ta­tion Preview

More official Transformers 2 images; Isabel Lucas, Megan Fox May 18th, 2009

Another batch of six offi­cial Revenge of the Fallen snaps have been released, this time show­ing us Megan Fox hid­ing behind a wall, Isabel Lucas look­ing scary with an astron­omy book (kind of like that girl in Men in Black), Shia run­ning from tanks and smoke, Ramon Rodriguez sit­ting in Bum­ble­bee and Shia and Agent Sim­mons in the Smith­son­ian — pre­sum­ably with Wheelie in the bag.

Megan Fox

Megan Fox

Isabel Lucas

This shot of Isabel Lucas is at a whop­ping 3888 x 2592 pix­els, at 8mb.

Ramon Rodriguez


Josh Duhamel

Sam Witwicky and Agent Simmons

Five new Official Photos; Megan Fox, Optimus Prime May 18th, 2009

Five new Offi­cial Trans­form­ers 2 pho­tos show Megan Fox in a leather jacket, Sam Witwicky in front of Bum­ble­bee, Opti­mus Prime dri­ving off an air­craft, the Auto­bots and Tyrese Gibson.

Opti­mus Prime dri­ving off a large air­craft is par­tic­u­larly inter­est­ing — notably the plane could be the as of yet unnamed (but sim­i­lar to ‘Sil­ver­bot’) air­craft auto­bot that we have seen in toy form.

View more Sil­ver­bot images

Megan Fox

Megan Fox




Thanks for the heads up Jason!

Jetfire and Optimus Prime combined May 17th, 2009

We’ve seen key chains and small grainy images of Jet­fire com­bin­ing with Opti­mus Prime, now we have our first detailed look at the com­bined leader class toys:

Voyager class Long Haul gallery May 14th, 2009

After see­ing his alt mode, TF08 have now posted a full gallery show­ing Long Haul’s most excel­lent robot form:

Devastator Combiner (Legends), seventh Constructicon, Ravage review May 12th, 2009

Dev­as­ta­tor Combiner

Here’s a toy we’ve been wait­ing for for some time, the seven (Scav­enger, Scrap­per, High­tower, Long­haul, Ram­page, Over­load and Mix­mas­ter) leg­ends class Con­struc­ti­cons (each with an alt mode and robot mode) com­bine to form Dev­as­ta­tor. This is our first look at the sev­enth Con­struc­ti­con ‘Over­load’, part of Devastator’s back­bone. We also see a scor­pion like robot mode for the crane, Devastator’s left arm.

Rav­age Review

Peaugh shows off his Rav­age toy, call­ing the rather point­less re-entry mode a “folded up cat with wings”.

9 New Transformers 2 Wallpapers May 11th, 2009

Has­bro have updated their site with nine new Revenge of the Fallen wall­pa­pers at 1280x1024, 1024x768 and 800x600 resolutions.


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