Movie Chronicles » Transformers 3


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LG Transformers 2 campaign kicks off — wallpapers, etc. June 3rd, 2009

LG are using Revenge of the Fallen to pro­mote a num­ber of new prod­ucts, includ­ing their ‘Versa’ phone. The ad, fea­tur­ing Opti­mus Prime and a trans­form­ing phone is embed­ded below:

LG have also launched their tie-in web­site that focuses on NEST with var­i­ous mis­sions, wall­pa­pers and ringtones.


Some of the shots in their images sec­tion are new:


Exam­ples of LG’s Trans­form­ers wall­pa­pers (1280x1024 resolution)

The Fallen concept art June 2nd, 2009

We’ve just seen the Trans­form­ers 2 movie ren­der­ing, and we’ve also seen the toys and CG mod­els, now for some­thing slightly dif­fer­ent, one of the orig­i­nal con­cept designs for The Fallen:

High Resolution Fallen pic from Transformers 2 June 2nd, 2009

The exclu­sive Fallen image that MTV released recently is now avail­able at a higher res­o­lu­tion. Click the image for the full version:

Download the MTV Awards Transformers 2 footage June 1st, 2009

The exclu­sive new Trans­form­ers Revenge of the Fallen clip from the MTV movie awards is now online.

The clip shows us:
– Sam and Megan hid­ing from Decep­ti­cons
– Starscream, Long­haul (first proper look), Rav­age and oth­ers tear apart the city search­ing for them
– An insec­ti­con flies in through a whole, Sam catches it and squishes it but it’s already too late
– Starscream tears the roof off and Sam and Megan run

Down­load the MTV footage — 1280x res­o­lu­tion, MP4, 25mb


Ultra High Quality Transformers 2 promo shots June 1st, 2009

Here are nine ultra high res­o­lu­tion (~2,000 x 3,000 res) pro­mo­tional shots from Revenge of the Fallen — show­ing the auto­bots, Megan Fox, Shia and sol­diers; clock­ing in at just shy of 45mb in total.

Megan Fox

Megan Fox


The Fallen revealed in detail, Shia talks Transformers 2 June 1st, 2009

MTV have the exclu­sive on a new Fallen image, show­ing the char­ac­ter, for the first time, in detail. They’ve also posted a video inter­view with Shia which I have embed­ded below. Said video also includes a look at the Fallen.

Shia explains Trans­form­ers Revenge of the Fallen

Concepts of Jetfire & Optimus Prime combined & Mixmaster May 28th, 2009

From those that brought us the Scrap­per con­cept are, we get the most excel­lent con­cept images of Jet­fire and Opti­mus Prime com­bined and a Mix­mas­ter bonus!

And for a lit­tle bit more of Power-up Opti­mus Prime, the pre­quel cover fea­tures a great artis­tic shot stand­ing over a fallen Megatron:

Many new Transformers 2 movie stills now online May 28th, 2009

Sets of new movie stills from Trans­form­ers Revenge of the Fallen have been pop­ping up all over the shop. I’m includ­ing the newest ones below (includ­ing an awe­some Opti­mus Prime shot), the oth­ers we have seen before in var­i­ous incarnations:

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