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Official Transformers 2 site updates — Wallpapers, Screensavers, Robotize Me June 17th, 2009

The offi­cial Trans­form­ers web­site has updated with links to all the assorted games, ban­ner cre­ators, fan art etc. Also included are new wall­pa­pers, buddy icons, screen­savers and the Sound­wave satel­lite mode nav­i­ga­tion we saw on the UK TF2 site.

Offi­cial Site

Trans­form­ers and Megan Fox Wallpapers


Bum­ble­bee (Mac)
Bum­ble­bee (PC)
Opti­mus Prime (Mac)
Opti­mus Prime (PC)
Starscream (Mac)
Starscream (PC)

Robo­t­ize Me

How­ever you make these robots, they always come out look­ing über geeky.

Visit Robo­t­ize me

Three more Transformers 2 TV Spots — HD Kitchen Bots June 16th, 2009

Space Moms

This is a high qual­ity HD ver­sion of the TV Spot we put up ear­lier today. Being in HD we can get a good look at some of the kitchen-bots that come alive when there’s an acci­dent with the AllSpark.


Evolved shows a bit more of the small ball bear­ing bots and Ravage.

Save the world

“They’re search­ing for Sam!”

Purple Arcee bike concept art June 16th, 2009

TFG2 have released another con­cept image, this time of the pur­ple Arcee motor­cy­cle in a great pose. The text on the left arm reads ‘Agusta’ along with a brand image — aka its based on an Agusta motorcycle.

Transformers 2 worldwide premieres; London, Berlin, Madrid June 16th, 2009

Tokyo, Seoul, Berlin, Madrid and Lon­don. Trans­form­ers 2 is trav­el­ing the world and cre­at­ing tons of press in the process. Here are some videos and pho­tos from the big events, each one reveal­ing a dif­fer­ent Megan Fox out­fit, the Berlin one being par­tic­u­larly odd.

Playlist of Pre­mière videos

A small selec­tion of pro­fes­sional and fan filmed shots from a selec­tion of pre­mieres, for those that couldn’t be there:

Lon­don Première

Berlin Pre­mière

Madrid Pre­mière

Rampage and Sideways concept art June 14th, 2009

TFG2 have released another set of Trans­form­ers 2 con­cept art, this time we have the Audi R8, “Side­ways” and the bull­dozer “Rampage”.



Transformers 2 Photocall in Paris June 14th, 2009

Com­ing Soon have posted some shots from a pho­tog­ra­phy ses­sion in Paris, wherein Shia and Megan Fox stand against Trans­form­ers 2 standees for round after round of pho­tos, prob­a­bly ren­der­ing a flash induced headache. Now for some high res­o­lu­tion Megan Fox images!

Making a hotter Megan Fox June 14th, 2009

An enjoy­able spoof video; the spe­cial effects behind Megan Fox and intro­duc­ing Megan Fox vision!

Three more Transformers 2 TV Spots, some Arcee & Ironhide. June 12th, 2009

The two videos we showed you just now are named “Drums” and “Stomp”. Next up are three new Revenge of the Fallen TV spots, pre­sum­ably aimed at kids given their titles and nature.

Let’s roll kids

Team Kids

Lots of new snip­pets in this one:

I’ve also noticed that the pyra­mids are start­ing to look a bit more weird, more arti­facts rotat­ing around them and a gap­ing hole at the top:

Adven­ture Kids

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