Isabel Lucas’ management agency, Meissner Management, has listed Isabel as a cast member of the Transformers sequel:
NEW — Feature Film “TRANSFORMERS 2” DreamWorks US Production. Role of ALICE.

Alice is not listed in the cast breakdown we saw leaked a short while back.
The IESB have thrown out their Transformers 2 robot roll call, and with it they state that the Decepticons shall have the help of the Constructicons in the second movie.
In the cartoons, their names were Scrapper, Bonecrusher, Scavenger, Mixmaster, Hook and Long Haul. And what do we get when they all combine and form one huge ass robot? That’s right boys and girls, we are going to see DEVASTATOR on the big screen!
… I’ll re-iterate that. Devastator is big.
Here’s a pretty awesome fan mock-up of what Devastator may look like in the movie, created by Rise Studios. A cinematic adaptation of this character shall probably appear a lot more complex than this, to fit in with the style already set out by the first movie.

As for the human side of the argument, IESB have posted up a prospective character list which is now waiting to be cast:
[CHUCK] 19–25 yrs., Sam’s roommate at Princeton. He runs a conspiracy theory website. Funny in an irreverent, edgy way, he is shocked to see his conspiracy theories come to life. (2nd Lead)
[U.S. MILITARY LEADER] Late 20s/early 30s, African American with a great sense of humor and a tough military presence. (Supporting lead)
[UK SPECIAL FORCES LEADER] British, in his early to mid 30s, smart and capable. Can be Caucasian, Black, East Indian. (Supporting lead)
[GALLOWAY] Early 40s-early 50s, male, National Security Advisor and presidential liaison. A curt man who is tightly wound. (Supporting Lead)
[PROFESSOR COLAN] 40s, Sam’s physics professor at Princeton. He’s a self-satisfied intellectual who compares himself to Einstein, and is arrogant enough to wear leather pants to look cool. (1 Scene)
[THERESA] Early 30s; she’s Sgt. Epps’ wife, has 4 kids, sassy and sexy, good with comedy. Submit African American actresses only
[MOMMA SIMMONS] This NY Momma is in her late 60s / early 70s. She runs a deli/ butcher shop with her son in Brooklyn. Tough and sarcastic. (1 Scene)
[MASSIVE DYNAMICS CEO] 50s, male, this Corporate CEO appears in front of congress to testify. (1 speech/scene)
[TEXAS CONGRESSMAN] 55–65 yrs., on a Congressional Committee investigating the purpose of the “Automated Defensive Initiative” developed by Massive Dynamics.
[FBI DIRECTOR] Mid 50s, male, giving a press release assuring the public they will be safe against attacks. (1 speech/scene)
[CNN REPORTER] Reporting on missile strikes and bombings in various cities. Submit male / female, all ethnicities (1 speech)
Another of our vehicular friends has turned up on the streets, this time it is the ever recognisable Optimus Prime. These were taken on the 405 Freeway in Los Angeles. The bots are on the move — perhaps they are being collected together for the beginning of a Transformers 2 shoot?
Pictures thanks to SHH:
Film School Rejects have posted some highway pictures of Barricade being transported through Culver City. They are Saleen Mustangs with the Decepticon logo on the side panels. Note that multiple cars are used for filming. Rumors suggest that Transformers 2 filming may be in preparation, though I’d hesitate — we’ll probably have to wait a little longer.