Yesterday filming began at Princeton. Scott has provided this set report:
I work in Princeton and just watched the TF2 crew crash a silver Saturn Astra into the installed lamppost on the corner of Washington Road and William Street around 2 p.m. today. Before the crash itself they ran a few “test crashes,” where the stunt driver screeched to a halt a foot or two before hitting the post, with the camera (on a boom) following the action from above. The actual crash knocked the ground-level cover off the post and ripped off the car’s front bumper. After the crash the driver backed up slightly, then drove forward again for a few feet with the bumper under the front wheels, then stopped, opened the driver’s side door, and fell to the ground. After the shot was over, the driver put the bumper in the car’s backseat and drove the car down Washington Road (headed south), and as it passed me I could see that the front windshield had a hole the size of a baseball in it (with the appropriate spider webbing pattern in the surrounding glass). I’m not sure if that was there before the crash or not (I was about two blocks away from the crash itself). According to one of the PA’s the next shot won’t happen until tonight, though she didn’t say where.
Shia Filming at Princeton:
A barrage of images have also been unloaded onto the internet by BP, JD, JFuller, Cheeseburger and Mike:
Looks like Shia LaBoeuf, Megan Fox, Bumblebee, the Chevy Beat and the Chevy Trax turned up for filming at the Eastern State Penitentiary.
VDG was on hand to get images of the crew and automobiles turning up, even getting close enough to capture a shot of the rims on the Chevy Trax — showing a very nice Autobot logo in the center of the hub cap!
Faded Silver Screen were also on location to capture the vehicles coming and going on Fairmount Avenue:
EnergonKid has also given an account of the preparations for filming which include large blast shields:
I couldn’t get inside the prison, or get any decent pictures but I watched them unload trucks for a while. They were taking in lexan blast shields they put cameras behind when there is an explosion or sparks nearby. It seemed like an awful lot of support trucks. Tons of lighting and rigging. I would bet there will be some effect/pyrotechnics taking place, considering they’ve been prepping this for three days and the scope of the stuff they are taking in.
Lorenztom has also got a couple more shots of the Paris set at City Hall:
City Hall in Philadelphia is mocked up to look like Ecole Militaire in Paris for filming which took place yesterday. The setting for the scene is a holiday for Sam Witwicky’s parents — Kevin Dunn and Julie White.
Video and pictures from Mia show Bumblebee, the green Chevy Beat and red Chevy Trax in the area as well as a small explosion and panic in the square. If you scroll down you can see what seems to be an extension of this, although taking place at night, of continued mayhem and running — this time by Sam’s parents, who may or may not have been in the square at the time of the explosion:
PhillyFilmGirl also managed to get some candid footage of Sam’s parents in an alleyway running away from an explosion, surely with a robot CG’d in later amidst the flashing blue lights. The other video shows them running down the alley with a teeny “Smart Car” hastily flying past them — most likely fleeing from the same thing, rather than being a robot.
On Wednesday the vehicles of Transformers 2 were out and about in a chase scene on Front Street. Jalopnik were on hand to snap a couple of shots, showing Bumblebee either chasing, being chased by or leading the green Chevy Beat car we’d seen at Bethlehem, PA and under wraps in other locations.
They also got the first picture of a new Autobot, a red Chevy Trax — (possibly the twin of the Chevy Beat?):
It is also rumored that the thrid of the new Chevy trio may turn up — the Chevy Groove:
MTV have been speaking with Transformers star and FHM’s sexiest woman in the world, Megan Fox.
“As big as the first movie was, this is 10 times as big, 10 times as many set pieces, explosions, and acrobatic stunts,” she told us about “Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen. “Shia and I make out a little bit; I don’t know if anyone wants to see that.”
“You know, we’ve been having script meetings, and we’ve been reworking the script, because they wrote it fast because of the writer’s strike,” she explained. “And, we’ve just been going through and trying to do some character stuff for Shia and myself in the middle of this crazy world that they’re in.”
“I can tell you that we’re on locations in some really exotic places,” she added. “It’s just going to be a badass movie. It’s just going to be a popcorn-visual-spectacle, summer film.”
As for Michael Bay’s main directorial input to his lead actress, Megan had this to say: “His main note to me is just to look hot; so I try my best.”
As we can see, she doesn’t find this too difficult:
Viva La France. As reported, the area surrounding City Hall has been donned up to look like a suburb of Paris, complete with signs pointing towards “La Tour Eiffel” and French flags billowing (not that the French actually put up flags all over the place, unlike the patriotic Americans). The PhillyChitChat blog has captured pictures of the set up and the newly added French flavour. Other signs state “Ecole Militaire”, which means Military Academy and is a Paris Metro station. There is also a second report about the French café set.
Whilst at Eastern State Penitentiary, Cheeseburger, via TLAMB, reports that Cell Block 7 is being prepared for filming on Friday.
Following the reports of Bumblebee being spotted at Richmond Power Station yesterday, Energonkid has provided a shot of two Bumblebees (Hero and Stunt), sitting side by site:
The problem with Arcee is quite simply — how do you create a believable Transformer that fits into the space of a fully functioning motorcycle. The answer is to get 6 custom built bikes from RetroSBK, after Dreamworks contacted owner Will Kenefick, so Ventura County Star report.
Kenefick has since worked ridiculous man hours to get these six bikes (the turnaround for one usually being 6 months), ready in time for filming. The 3 “hero” bikes and 3 “stunt” bikes were ready in time and some were in action at the start of June in Pennsylvania — Kenefick was on hand to fix and maintain the vehicles, sometimes getting only 2 hours of sleep. My guess is that the bikes we have seen were the 3 stunt bikes (this fits in with the call sheet), the 3 hero bikes being used for close up non-action shots, which is probably where most of the paint has gone!
He estimates that 1273 hours were put in and that each bike cost $40,000, with $10,000 on paint alone (which added a further 1036 hours of work). Because the bikes are small it is expected that they will be showcased at the movie’s première.
Mia has sent in via TLAMB some shots of Megan Fox and Ramon Rodriguez filming inside and with Bumblebee. Until now Rodriguez has only been mentioned in the call sheet — this is thought to be the first visual proof to confirm the rumors. This was thought to be filmed on Saturday near to the Richmond Power Station.