From the vehicle based on the GM Centennial, this is the first full picture of ‘Sideswipe’ via TF08:
Sideswipe toy in full January 10th, 2009
Revenge of the Fallen Teaser poster revealed January 10th, 2009
This poster originally showed up on eBay and has since been confirmed as the official teaser poster for Transformers 2, released by Dreamworks pictures for Yahoo Movies to use.
Michael Bay has posted a comment about the poster on his forums under the title ‘Revenge is Coming’:
Okay it’s time to turn up the heat on Transformers — Revenge of the Fallen. We’ve waited low in the weeds letting all the summer movies get their stuff out. We’ve seen the great year end movies, and watched the upcoming clips of the upcoming summer fare. We’ve seen certain movies coming out even try to duplicate Transformer size robots in their ads. Please, come on.
Well, I promise you we will rock your world with Transformers 2. The fans wanted ROBOTS KICKING ASS — well we got it. Today we are releasing the teaser poster and soon the onslaught will continue with a steady drum beat until June 26th.
I’ll keep you informed.
Enhanced Poster
This comes via Bilal and TLAMB and shows the finer details of the poster:
The predominant theory is that this is Jetfire, judging by the face’s comparisons with the Jetfire toy — note red eyes and the same ridged sides. Another theory, that I believe is equally valid, is that this is actually The Fallen, the face also very closely matches the shape of the Decepticon logo:
Official Site Updated
The official site has updated to include the poster image, in higher detail than available elsewhere, I’ve grabbed this and enhanced it:
Chevy Beat heading to Detroit auto show January 8th, 2009
Just had a heads up from Jalopnik that the new Chevy Beat, featured in Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen, will be making its way to the Detroit auto show after a sneak preview on the Today Show with Matt Lauer. Watch Video clip.
Jalopnik also speculate that the car on view will be a production model rather than a concept as previously seen in New York.
First Official TF2 Pics ‘n’ scoops, Devastator confirmed January 4th, 2009
As hinted by Nelson on Michael Bay’s Shoot for the Edit blog, Empire and USA Today do indeed have the first official pictures from Transformers 2 along with some juicy scoops and rumor confirmations — SPOILERS herein: Devastator confirmed. Devastator made up of multiple robots confirmed. Soundwave confirmed. Jetfire crossover confirmed.
USA Today
Article 1: LaBoeuf, Fox Really under fire in Transformers 2
Juicy spoilers and plot synopsis…
This time, the story finds Sam and Mikaela under attack by the evil Decepticons because of something Sam has learned about the origins of the Transformers and their ancient history on Earth.
To acquire this knowledge, the invading Decepticons need to capture Sam instead of kill him. Meanwhile, the U.S. military and an international coalition has united with the good-guy Autobots to fight back the villains’ attack.
Some of the most important newcomers are in the robot cast: Decepticons Soundwave, a fearsome communications expert, and Devastator, whose arms and legs are built out of other Transformers. And on the Autobots’ side is Jetfire, a villain whose age and broken-down physicality leads him to help the Autobots [see scratched out decepticon logo on Jetfire].
Article 2: ‘Transformers’ breaks out the big guns for sequel
The U.S. Department of Defense gave its official stamp of approval to the Michael Bay-directed film, not only allowing production amid the pristine dunes of the Army’s New Mexico missile range, but also letting filmmakers follow jets and fighter planes through the sky from nearby Holloman Air Force Base. More scenes were shot on the Navy’s aircraft carrier USS John C. Stennis, and Marines fill the ranks of the strike team battling the invading Transformers.
Among the equipment the movie is using in this desert sequence alone: two A-10 Thunderbolt II “Warthog” tank-killing jets; six F-16 Fighting Falcons; 10 armored Humvees; the Army’s Golden Knights parachute team; two Abrams tanks; two Bradley tanks; two missile-launcher vehicles; two armored personnel carriers; and a quarter-mile of the missile testing range, cleared of unexploded ordnance and built into an Egyptian town and temple. (Signs warn not to cross a perimeter just over the gypsum dunes, because live bombs could be hidden in the sand.)
The final battle the military is helping Bay create is supposed to be an enormous firefight in Egypt, but much of it is being shot in the White Sands dunes in a town built over the roughly quarter-mile cleared span.
Spoilers from the Empire article provided courtesy of Alienbot:
- Bay and LaBeouf confirm the Fallen is a separate character.
– Egyptian hieroglyphics …turn out to be depictions of Transformers who visited Earth.
– Bay claims Megatron is not coming back and the tank is just a new toy.
– Around 40 robots.
– Budget is $200 million.
– Ramon Rodriguez is the one holding on for dear life to a pole while cars are flung.
– Devastator appears at the pyramid, he’s probably 50 feet tall because that’s the height of the camera crane they used on location.
Note the hand injury in this image — proving it has been worked into the movie.
Possible Fallen images
With Fallen now cited as a separate character in ‘Revenge of the Fallen’, it’s a good time to point out some mysterious shots found on Lining up TV, which claims to have on set images of The Fallen. Behind an old picture? Doesn’t seem to fit inline with the Egyptian plot arc we are seeing, I’ll classify as fake for now.

New Transformer Toys, do any reveal movie secrets? January 4th, 2009
Hello all, hope everyone had a great Christmas and New Years, sorry for the lack of updates during the festive season, things got a little bit hectic. In the mean time it seems that the world of Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen has exploded with rumors, names and pictures — officially and unofficially, best to start with the upcoming toys, amongst other news, which will be along shortly in the next post.
Jolt & Megatron
Jolt, the recently revealed name of the Chevy Volt, is back with new close up shots of the ‘Fast Action Battler’ via The Arker, along with some close up shots of the Megatron/Tank.
Jetfire merged with Optimus Prime
Pictures of the Legends Optimus Prime and Jetfire toys merged together have been posted on TF08 and more recently TFW2005.
Interestingly the close up shots of the Jetfire toy show a Decepticon logo that has been scratched out. The toy has already been confirmed as a Decepticon, but this loosely suggests some sort of team changeover in the movie.
TF08 have posted shots of the ‘Rollbar’ toy, now with a confirmed name. It is unlikely that this vehicle shall appear in the movie though.
Knock Out
Seibertron posted the scoop on this one, a motorcycle shaped toy with the name Knock Out — could this be a constituent part of Arcee? It’s green coloring suggests otherwise, it’s unlikely Knock Out will appear in the movie.
“Though he is an incredibly flashy and skilled fighter, KNOCK OUT is also desperately insecure. He practices awesome combat maneuvers constantly in private to be sure that the other AUTOBOTS will notice him on the battlefield. His highest ambition is to be the leader of a special combat team, and to get the combination retrofit everyone has been talking about.”
Dead End
Pictures of a red supercar autobot have been posted at ACToys, the name Dead End comes from a shot of the instruction booklet that accompanies it. Another unlikely movie hopeful — if this was X-men 3 I’m sure all these guys would get thrown into the mix at some point.
Leader Class Optimus Prime
TLAMB have also posted a picture of the new Legends Class Optimus Prime toy.
The pictures…

Chevy Volt is Transformer named “Jolt” December 20th, 2008
TF08 have snagged a back of packet image showing the Chey Volt’s robot mode and character name which is “Jolt”, appropriate considering the electric nature of the vehicle.
The robot comes with ‘electro whips’ which make him an ‘almost unstoppable whirlwind of crackling energy’. The detail on the robot image falls inline with the concept art and style of the Transformers movie franchise.
This is nigh on confirmation that the Volt is in fact a Transformer, as recently speculated.
He is chaotic and impulsive, always out for the next big adventure.
TF2’s Ravage and Megatron Revealed December 7th, 2008
TLAMB have posted the first look at Transformers: Revenge of The Fallen’s Megatron and Ravage, sent into them via Sylar. Illustrating a possible beat mode design for Ravage and a robot mode for Megatron.
Note the tracks on Megatron’s feet, lining up with the Tank mode we have already seen.
Transformers 2 On the US Navy carrier Stennis November 7th, 2008
Seibertron are reporting, despite the statement on Michael Bay’s blog that filming had wrapped, that TF2 has been filming aboard the USS John C. Stennis aircraft carrier over November 1st and 2nd.
Pictures from the set
These images show Shia LaBoeuf with ‘battle damage’, Michael Bay filming shooting a catapult launch, Josh Duhamel and Tyrese.

Set Report
Skalor’s Postcard
Greetings from San Diego! Just got back today from deployment at sea on board the U.S. Navy carrier Stennis and thought I’d fill everyone in on what I experienced this past week with the ROTF cast and crew. It’s true, filming did take place this past week, all shooting was completed in a two day span, Saturday the 1st with the IMAX folks filming flight operations, and Sunday the 2nd with Michael Bay in action around the ship. Rumors flew around for weeks about what exactly was going to happen with the movie so it was really cool to see it all go down.Saturday afternoon two transport planes arrived, the first carrying Shia Labeouf on the first and on the second were Michael Bay, Tyrese Gibson, Megan Fox and Josh Duhamel. They arrived in costume (at least Tyrese and Josh did) and began working almost immediately. From what I saw, all of the filming with the cast was done in “closed” sets. The rest of the filming on the flight deck seemed to be flight operations, of which I was there and will hopefully make the final cut. We were told to just act natural and continue our jobs as normal, which is easy to do when you’ve actually got work to do. I did however try really hard to get into one shot in which I just walked back and forth for about 20 minutes.
The whole experience was a lot of fun and everyone in the cast and crew were really cool. Shia Labeouf and Megan Fox were really hard to find on the ship, I think they were working just about their whole time there. I’m not sure which part of the movie was filmed there but it is probably somewhere toward the end, (Shia had “beat-up” make up on, and Duhamel and Tyrese were in dress uniforms). Overall it was an awesome time.
Sorry if I didn’t give you any good spoilers or anything like that, but I think the suspense is more fun anyway. By the way, the crew working on this movie have been busting their asses to make a good film, that much I can attest to.
This should put to rest any of the rumors that they’ve completed filming for now, although this may have been the last of the filming (I didn’t ask). […]