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Transformers Revenge of the Fallen Game Teaser February 5th, 2009

Activi­sion have today offi­cially released the first teaser trailer for the new Revenge of the Fallen video game, the spe­cific one shown in the video is for PS3. Note how the Decep­ti­con logo trans­forms into the Revenge of the Fallen poster at the end, it’s pretty cheesy, but con­firm­ing the links between the poster and the Decep­ti­con icon that were high­lighted when the image was first released. There is no focus on any rec­og­niz­able new char­ac­ters in the trailer, how­ever we do see a speed­ing Audi R8 jump and trans­form from the rear into a shape that matches the toy, and we very briefly see Starscream shoot towards a skinny blue char­ac­ter (pos­si­bly Arcee?) as the Auto­bot logo obscures the view. There is also a lovely Opti­mus Prime/Peter Cullen voice over.

View a higher qual­ity ver­sion at IGN.



Starscream fir­ing at blue character

Offi­cial Screen­shots Gallery

via IGN

TLAMB also point out that the stray Decep­ti­con that Bum­ble­bee is fight­ing with appears to be an anti air­craft launch rocket sys­tem — very sim­i­lar to one seen on set at White Sands, New Mex­ico (images since removed).

Trans­form­ers Game Website

After a brief hia­tus the Trans­form­ers Game web­site is back up with a new design:

New Arcee and Constructicon toy images February 3rd, 2009

52toys (via his post at TFW2005) have posted new images of the blue motor­bike toy — pre­sumed to be Arcee, show­ing how it trans­forms step by step, with some images designed to match the sil­hou­ette seen in the trailer (behind the Audi). He also com­ments that the toy, once trans­formed, can­not eas­ily stand upright by itself.

Mean­while TFW2005 forum mem­ber Gen­Zhao has done a sim­i­lar thing with the Con­struc­ti­con, cre­at­ing poses that match those seen in the trailer. He is sell­ing this toy on ebay.

Con­struc­ti­con Toy Images

Arcee Toy Images

Tons of images (Skids, Ice Cream Truck, Jolt) and Set report from White Sands February 3rd, 2009

EDIT: Images removed at the request of Para­mount Pictures

In a post to the LS2 forums, mem­ber -=boM=- spoke about his expe­ri­ences as an extra at White Sands, New Mex­ico in Trans­form­ers 2. To prove he was there he has also pro­vided a large col­lec­tion of set images that show Side­swipe, Skids, Bum­ble­bee, Iron­hide, Opti­mus, Jolt, Ratchet, Shia and Megan Fox on set, tanks, sol­diers, build­ing ruins, a camel, anti air­craft mis­sile vehi­cles, etc. — I have included these after the break and they come via TForm­ers, the report comes via TLAMB.

The fol­low­ing report con­tains spoil­ers, be warned:

“Can’t wait…i’m in it as an extra. I am a Navy Seal doing a bat­tle scene against the Decep­ti­cons. I filmed out at White Sands and on Hol­lo­mans flight line. Filmed for 4 days and had a blast. Tons of pics on my Facebook.”


I had to chase a bunch of vil­lagers out of the area because the Decep­ti­cons were attack­ing, then had to pro­tect Opti­mus Prime’s body. There were a shit­load of us out there.

The food and cater­ing was awe­some. A lot of down­time. Just like a deployment.

I did an inter­view for the DVD. We will see if that is on it too. The asked me a bunch of ques­tions about the mil­i­tary. The auto­bots are behind me on top of a sand dune. I did a GM plug. They liked that.

Micheal Bay loves the mil­i­tary. I got to speak with him very briefly. He gets so angry on set at the actors but doesn’t dare yell or demean the mil­i­tary. It was a trip. He said some­thing to me like do you want a job as a DA (Direc­tors Assis­tant), I said hell yeah. He was get­ting pissed at his DA. His DA was like trust me you dont want this job.

I have two closeup shots if they do decide to put them in the movie. One was walk­ing with the cam­era on the tracks going along with me but at a slower pace. The cam­era was right on the side of my face fol­low­ing me but at a slower rate. There were two oth­ers behind me. The other close up was while I was defend­ing from a cor­ner of a build­ing on one knee. The boom cam­era went from the ground to over head of us all. I was up front in the scene. The cam­era came up to my face then began to ascend over the area. It was pretty cool.

Another scene was Opti­mus get­ting dropped off by a chi­nook. I had to run up to the area then stop as Opti­mus was get­ting dropped.

Another was with Josh and Tyrese when they argue with The Pres­i­dent on the flight­line. I am in the background.

As much time as I spent film­ing (9–10 hours a day for 4 days) I hope I am seen at least once. Hell I’ll be happy to be on teh DVD.

One of the images also reveals Megan Fox and pos­si­bly Josh Duhamel sit­ting next to a fallen man in a pool of blood, he’s not in mil­i­tary dress and in other images looks like Shia.
TLAMB enter­tain the idea that Revenge of ‘The Fallen’ may per­tain to the fallen Opti­mus Prime, Re: ‘pro­tect Opti­mus Prime’s body’, although they con­clude that this is unlikely, ‘Revenge’ is not very Opti­mus like.

Transformers 2 Trailer, Download in HD February 1st, 2009

Update 3: Final Trans­form­ers 2 Trailer released in HD (30th April 2009)
See also our in depth analy­sis of the trailer with high qual­ity screen­shots of all the key scenes, robots and Megan Fox.

Update 2: New Trans­form­ers 2 trailer leaked early (29th April 2009)

Update: A lot of peo­ple are reach­ing this page look­ing for the high def­i­n­i­tion ver­sion of the Trans­form­ers 2 trailer, thus I present to you two handy links:

Watch full Trans­form­ers 2 trailer in 1080p

(or 720p)

Orig­i­nal Post

The Super­bowl Trans­form­ers 2 teaser trailer, a lit­tle early:

Down­load the Super­bowl Trans­form­ers 2 Teaser Trailer

Sum­mary of the trailer

- Rav­age is the beast like crea­ture, match­ing leaked con­cept designs

–A very large trans­former emerg­ing through a bridge as Opti­mus Prime jumps on his head, match­ing the leaked Terex RH400 toy’s head and arms, rolling along on one giant wheel (EDIT: Two wheels, thanks Jef­frey). Looks like ONE of the con­struc­ti­cons that makes up the even big­ger Dev­as­ta­tor. He is also the char­ac­ter destroy­ing the heli­copters at Beth­le­hem Steel works.

View the toy images, View Beth­le­hem Film­ing Report and Images. The explod­ing bridge scenes were filmed in Long Beach — View video footage (and more footage, includ­ing an aer­ial angle).

- Opti­mus Prime gets smacked in the face by an unknown entity

- The Audi R8 robot comes crash­ing through a win­dow before turn­ing into its vehi­cle alt mode and dri­ving away

- As the Audi R8 dri­ves away you can see more Trans­form­ers com­ing into the screen in the top right, there is a hint of pink on the first one and it seems to be almost skat­ing, I am guess­ing this is Arcee, a third char­ac­ter is also seen briefly behind her. Screen­shots fur­ther down. The R8 has pre­vi­ously been seen with Arcee fol­low­ing in the Wal­mart footage, this is prob­a­bly an exten­sion of that scene.

- Shia gets con­fronted by what appears to be Starscream and then is held down by a large claw — the trailer implies this is also Starscream but the claw is very sim­i­lar to the one on the redesigned Mega­tron (Seen here). The claw also bears some strange mark­ings, sim­i­lar to those on the Voy­ager class toy pack­ages.


Key Screen­shots


Audi R8 Robot Mode

Audi R8 Toy pictures


See the char­ac­ter in the top right? Click the image for a big­ger view.

Opti­mus Prime


More likely to be just one of the con­struc­ti­cons that make up the even big­ger Devastator.

Toy Images | More Toy Images | Toy Details

Shia Con­fronted by Starscream

Looks like this was also filmed in Beth­le­hem, matches this scenery.

Shia pinned down by a large claw, pos­si­bly Megatron’s

Note the sym­bols in the background:

Triple Changer Soundwave January 31st, 2009

The front pack­ag­ing of the Deluxe Sound­wave toy has been released via Action Fig­ure, com­plete with a CG ren­der­ing of Soundwave’s face and a note that the toy will be a ‘triple changer’, basi­cally hav­ing two alt modes. This falls in line with the rumors of a Cybertron­ian Satel­lite alt-mode, the other being a jet:

More Twins shots, Megatron and Ironhide robot modes from the Game January 30th, 2009

More images of the Twins (Skids and Mud­flap) in their robot form as well as Mega­tron with new spiky hands and ‘track’ fea­tures as well as a shot of an altered Iron­hide robot mode. The game web­site has now been taken down and instead redi­rects to Activision.

The Twins



The Twins robot modes revealed January 30th, 2009

Update 2: Trans­form­ers trailer released– down­load, screen­shots and analysis

Update 1: More images

From the offi­cial Trans­form­ers Game web­site these are the robot modes of the Chevy Beat and Chevy Trax. They look play­ful and hyper:

Official Toy Pictures of Bumblebee and Soundwave January 28th, 2009

Empire have the scoop on the first Offi­cial Revenge of the Fallen toy pic­tures to be released. The arti­cle men­tions that Sound­wave trans­forms into a super­sonic jet rather than the tra­di­tional cas­sette player — how­ever this alt-mode could also be the ‘Cybertron­ian Satel­lite’ as pre­vi­ously rumored.



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