As part of the Transformers 2 Chevy promotion a video showcasing the Chevy Trax, Chevy Beat, Chevy Volt, Corvette Centennial, Bumblebee, Optimus Prime and Ironhide has been released. It shows the vehicles rolling in formation around the roads of Long Beach and in front of the pyramids in Egypt:
Via Jalopnik
YouTube version after break.
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Oh wow, wasn’t expecting this to land on the doorstep today! Here we have it the FULLY combined Devastator. Click the image for a higher resolution more detailed version. From the text that surrounds the image we can see what makes up the constituent parts of this beast, and it’s face is incredibly beast-like:
Right Leg: Dump Truck
Left Arm: Crane
Left Leg: Bulldozer
Torso: Excavator (this is the Terex Rh400 we’ve seen in the trailer)
Right Arm: The name isn’t visible but guessing from the picture I’d say a Loading vehicle (see details further down)
There’s also a ‘Mixer’ in there somewhere and another vehicle forming the rear, with possibly another vehicle on the sheet that has been obscured by the character. The body combines to end up very Gorilla like, with hands that reach the floor and a head that sticks out the front, almost like King Kong.
This matches earlier reports:
Right Leg: Dump Truck
Left Leg: Bulldozer
Right Arm: Wheel Loader
Left Arm: Truss Crane [no robot mode on this one],
Right Shoulder: Excavator
Left Shoulder: Articulated Dump Truck
Head: Cement Mixer
For comparison: Constructicon Terex RH400 Toy Review | Trailer and Images

The Fallen’s concept builds on the character we’ve seen in the toy galleries. This is much more skinny, evil and alien looking. No flames on this one, maybe he ‘sparks up’ — he looks like he can do a whole lot of damage!
Comparison: Toy Images | Poster

Individual Constructicon Alt Modes
The world’s largest excavator (Terex RH400) which forms the Torso and most likely as its right leg, the world’s largest truck the Caterpillar 797B:

Although as the leg is green it may also be the Hitachi Euclid R280:

To match this, the left leg probably needs to be the world’s largest bulldozer, I originally thought this would be the Komatsu D575 (image) which is the largest production bulldozer but the tracks on that are not triangular like they are in the concept image. This led me to the Acco Custom built bulldozer, the tracks on this perfectly match the left foot:

The name of the right arm is obscured from vision, but given the raised bucket it looks a lot like a Loading vehicle, the largest of which is the Caterpillar 994D. It could be any one of the large Loading vehicles, here is another, the Le Tourneau L-2350:

The left arm, the crane, looks like the Dragline excavator variety — for all that machinery we can see in the concept it needs to be more than just a standard crane. I haven’t managed to find a yellow one:

The head looks like a drill but I cannot find a vehicle to match it.
This is the alt mode for the redesigned Megatron, a tank mode (as previously seen), which comes via TFW2005. The particular class of this toy is up for debate, some believe it to be a Fast Action Battler whilst others prefer to think it’s a deluxe model.

A toy entitled ‘The Fallen’ has surfaced via Transformers in China, TF08. Its head matches the face seen on the Revenge of the Fallen poster and now confirms that ‘The Fallen’ is indeed a character, rather than a reference to a downed Megatron or Optimus Prime.
The third image shows a transformation sheet, with an alt mode that looks like a strange jet. The character himself looks spiky, evil and ancient.

Wheels, or in this case ‘Wheelie’, spotted on set at the Smithsonian Aerospace museum has long been rumored as a remote control truck — this toy packaging proves it whilst showing us his robot mode. (Wall-E anyone?)
The back of pack character description reveals him to be a Decepticon spy, although only because he is incredibly timid and afraid of them, suggesting a cute and persuadable side to him and an inevitable changeover to the Autobots (not an uncommon theme); the packing states ‘Changes from Decepticon to Autobot’

Via TF08