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Mysterious key chains February 19th, 2009

Of the new Trans­form­ers mer­chan­dise at Toy Fair 09 were a set of key chains, with their front designs pix­e­lated out to pre­vent reveal­ing the details of the char­ac­ters. Action Figs have posted a gallery of these with the notice­able Bum­ble­bee, Starscream etc — there are two notable odd­i­ties how­ever, one mys­te­ri­ous unnamed ‘New Char­ac­ter’ and a fig­ure labeled as Opti­mus Prime that doesn’t match his usual robot form. TFW also have a pair of sil­hou­ettes that match these two designs.

The source of these sil­hou­ettes states that the robot form of Opti­mus Prime is in com­bi­na­tion with Jet­fire, look­ing closely you can see the wing out­line, boost­ers and a canon — this com­bi­na­tion has pre­vi­ously been seen on the Leg­ends class toys, although that arrange­ment looks very different.

The unnamed char­ac­ter has claws and is grey, I’d hes­i­tate a guess at Megatron.

Opti­mus Prime

The toys

New char­ac­ter

New Transformers 2 Poster February 18th, 2009

TLAMB reader Nige spot­ted a new Revenge of the Fallen poster. This one is slightly less mys­te­ri­ous and a lot more cheesy, show­ing Shia and Megan run­ning through explo­sions against a pyra­mids back­drop, with Opti­mus Prime stand­ing behind it all. The most inter­est­ing aspect of the poster is the fig­ure of a Trans­former stand­ing atop of the cen­tral pyra­mid, chan­nel­ing a beam of light upwards, pre­sumed to be The Fallen.

Skids Bio February 18th, 2009

With images via TF08, we have a lit­tle descrip­tion about the Skids char­ac­ter (Green Chevy Beat/Spark):

Because he is slightly less hyper­ac­tive than his brother MUDFLAP, AUTOBOT SKIDS has always thought of him­self as “the smart one.” He likes to point this out at every oppor­tu­nity. While MUDFLAP zips around like a maniac, AUTOBOT SKIDS prefers to impress his supe­ri­ors among the AUTOBOT high com­mand by behav­ing in a way he thinks of as mature, which usu­ally involves talk­ing non­stop about any­thing that occurs to him.

Audi R8 named Sideways February 16th, 2009

More pic­tures from the Toy Fair this week have revealed the pack­ag­ing for the Audi R8 toy, a CG face and a name… “Side­ways”, not Sideswipe — not at all confusing.

Source: TForm­ers

High Resolution Trailer #2 Screenshots, The Fallen & Arcee February 16th, 2009

Now that our 1080p high res­o­lu­tion trailer is out on Yahoo, it’s time for 70 odd high res­o­lu­tion screen­shots that pick out the key parts of the trailer:

The Fallen



Devastator toys, All constructicons revealed, Skids and Mudflaps Robot modes February 14th, 2009

With the 2009 toy fair comes images of new Revenge of the Fallen toys. So far we have two ver­sions of the Dev­as­ta­tor toy (one being a sim­pli­fied FAB ver­sion), all SIX alt modes of the con­struc­ti­cons, names for each of them (Ram­page, Scav­enger, Scrap­per, High­tower, Long Haul, and Mix Mas­ter) and images of Rampage’s robot mode, Skids and Mud­flap robot modes and toys (these are the Chevy Beat and Chevy Trax). The gallery fur­ther down also includes boxes for some of the toys, show­ing CG ren­der­ings of their heads (e.g. Demol­isher, Ram­page Bull­dozer, Side­swipe, Skids, Mud­flaps). There is also a rac­ing game enti­tled ‘Dev­as­ta­tor Show­down’ which shows a ren­dered ver­sion of Dev­as­ta­tor try­ing to eat Skids.

Dev­as­ta­tor, Constructicons

Com­pare with con­cept rendering

High­tower (the crane), Long Haul (dump truck), Mix­mas­ter (cement mixer), Ram­page (bull­dozer), Demol­isher or Scav­enger (exca­va­tor, names seem to con­flict), Scrap­per (loader)

Skids and Mudflaps

Other toys


Trans­form­ers Club, TForm­ers, TFW2005, TheAllSpark

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Galleries from the Chicago Auto Show February 14th, 2009

Jalop­nik have posted a gallery of Bumblebee’s Camaro, Sideswipe’s Stingray and Skid’s Trax con­cept car all in a glo­ri­ous res­o­lu­tion. No close­ups of the Beat (to be renamed Spark for production).

The names were offi­cially con­firmed by GM ear­lier this week:

SIDESWIPE – a styl­ized Corvette vision con­cept vehi­cle
SKIDS and MUDFLAP – twin AUTOBOTS® based on Chevy’s Beat (a con­cept that will go into pro­duc­tion as the Chevy Spark in 2011) and Trax con­cepts
JOLT – an AUTOBOT-based on Chevy’s upcom­ing Volt extended-range elec­tric vehi­cle
BUMBLEBEE™, the heroic AUTOBOT based on Chevrolet’s Camaro con­cept from the first “Trans­form­ers” movie, returns with a high-performance atti­tude. Join­ing the vehi­cles on stage will be BUMBLEBEE in his AUTOBOT form, stand­ing almost 17 feet (5.2 meters) tall and 13 feet (4 meters) wide.

Stingray at the Auto Show

GM’s pre­sen­ta­tion at Auto Show

And the offi­cial unveil­ing of the Stingray con­cept car

The Autobots at the Chicago Auto Show February 13th, 2009

A short video inter­view with GM Vice Pres­i­dent of Global Design, Ed Wel­burn show­ing some quick-zooming fade-in fade-out footage of the sta­tion­ary Auto­bots at the Chicago Auto show:

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