TF08 return with pictures of Jetfire, Skids, Rampage, Long Haul, Bumblebee and Ratcher Deluxe toys — including a shot of Long Haul matching Josh Nizzi’s concept art pose.

TF08 return with pictures of Jetfire, Skids, Rampage, Long Haul, Bumblebee and Ratcher Deluxe toys — including a shot of Long Haul matching Josh Nizzi’s concept art pose.
TF08 have come up with the goods again, this time it is images of the Ratchet, Jetfire and Long Haul FAB toy packages illustrating both vehicle and robot modes:
Long Haul never talks, unless he’s going to complain about something. The other Decepticons expect him to carry all their stuff, but he’d rather be fighting than transporting a bunch of missiles and laser cannons. He likes to let other robots’ gear bounce out of his truck bed, and then tell them it got “lost” on the way.
Note the similarities with the Long Haul concept art from Josh Nizzi.
After learning from Ironhide that more Decepticons had been detected on Earth, Autobot Ratchet immediately began research into how best to upgrade his weapons. After two months in his workshop, he developed a new particle beam blaster. Now he needs to find a Decepticon to test it on.
After remaining hidden for years, Jetfire is ready to rejoin the fight! He realized the error of the Decepticon way a long time ago. Now, he fights alongside the Autobots, hoping to use his ancient strength to bring his former comrades to justice!
“Megatron returns… keep it quiet”, quipped Roberto Orci on the TFW forums. This is our first official word that Megatron will in fact return in the sequel, although we have had an abundance of news, rumors and toys to suggest this is the case.
And just to back this up, here are some images of the Leader class Megatron Revenge of the Fallen toy, which come via Seibertron and The Arker.
The bio reads:
Rebuilt with parts cannibalized from other Decepticons, Megatron rises once again to lead his army. Though the AllSpark destroyed him once, he can now feel its power coursing through his circuitry. It calls him to seize his rightful place as ruler over the puny planet on which he was imprisoned and destroyed, and from which he will launch his conquest of the universe. Optimus Prime is all that stands between him and victory, and the Autobot leader has done a poor job of hiding himself. At long last, Megatron knows exactly where his enemy is, and he has power enough to destroy him.
eBay is currently playing host to our first look at a lot of new Transformers Revenge of the Fallen toys, this time it’s given us a look at the Megatron, Ratchet, Starscream and Sideswipe Legends class toys.
View the original Auction | Search for more Megatron legends auctions
View the original Auction | Search for more Ratchet legends auctions
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View the original Auction | Search for more Sideswipe legends auctions
A Fallen toy is on sale over on eBay at the moment, complete with images of the transformed Cybertronian Jet alt mode.
This comes via TF08 and their abundant source of unreleased toys. Some more galleries of toys are also floating about of Deluxe Sideswipe, Deluxe Breakaway and Voyager class Optimus Prime.
GM have released a website dedicated to the new Autobots, “Autobots Rollout” — it comes with Bios that do not reveal anything, some new images of the vehicles in the sand, each of the released trailers and a video showing a team putting together the Bumblebee model.
An eBay auction has been spotted selling the Demolisher toy boxed, complete with an image of the packet and the character’s description. View the original auction, view another live auction to purchase Demolisher.
Demolishor isn’t very bright, but he knows when to fight, and when to run and hide. Arriving on Earth to find Megatron destroyed, hiding seemed like the best option. Since then, he’s taken a few smaller Decepticons under his protection, and built quite a little community. It hasn’t been easy hiding among the humans that creep like a disease over this planet, but he and his companions are content until a new Decepticon leader emerges to guide them back to glory.
Via Seibertron